Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

I forgot to take a picture of my little cloning experiment.

Yes, I read how to do it correctly :)

These were a few branches I was going to toss, so I wanted to give it a half-assed attempt, since if they root, I have NO IDEA where I'll grow them lol. I also can't find my rooting powder (which I've used for various garden plants through the years), so I'm using a cheaper option.

This was my process:

Lollipopped a few branches with real slow growth, decided, what the hell, lets see if I can root them, and put directly into water while I looked for my rooting powder. Couldn't find it.

Option 2. I have small rodents that like to chew on willow sticks that we purchase at a pet store. They come in a decent sized bundle for like $3 or $4. I took 2 sticks, broke them into 1" long pieces, and put them in the water. Clones had the bottom cut at a 45 degree angle, then I lightly scraped the bottom 1" of the stem with the razor, and I made sure to hold the top of the clone, so the stem absorbed any excess force and didn't allow me to cut too deeply.

Stem was scraped lightly all around, with no significant amount of material being removed during the scraping process. Lid was placed on the glass jar about 24 hours ago, and I see no signs of wilting currently, lid was removed during the picture taking process to allow an exchange of air in the jar for about 3 minutes, then the lid was placed back on. No wilting noted during this time.


The normal process using willow involves boiling the sticks, and allowing the mixture to cool before using. A while back I saw someone successfully root clones in just plain water (distilled I think? and I believe it was Dutty who did it) so I basically wanted to see if I could get any to start rooting. I have a total of 4 cuttings in the jar, so we'll see what happens over the next few weeks.
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

Very interested in seeing how the willow experiment goes. I've never heard of it before. Could the willow have same hormone as rooting powder?
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

It has some sort of natural rooting hormone, and if I remember correctly, it also contains a compound similar to aspirin for pain relief.

I've read this tip on a few other gardening sites, as well as here, in the Everything you need to know to grow link: How do I make my own Rooting hormone?

I'm not going to depend on it working, since I half-assed most of it, but I'm sure doing it properly will yield better results.
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

Antics, have you considered supplementing the LED with some CFL side lighting to beef up those buds? Also, there's growing evidence of the benefit of using the gel inside an aloe vera fillet to clone. I've seen growers successfully clone right into soil using aloe.
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

Willow has amazing rooting properties. Cut a willow branch and jam it in the ground and you have a future willow tree. In the past I planted all kinds of trees for a living and the contract I got planting willows was by far the easiest one I ever had. Yes, aspirin is derived from willow bark, and willow bark, chewed or made into tea, has been used since ancient times as a pain remedy.
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

Hello Antics, if your girls are bleaching, you can move the light a little higher, that will help. :Namaste: Hope all will be going fine and you get a great harvest. :high-five:
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

Antics, have you considered supplementing the LED with some CFL side lighting to beef up those buds? Also, there's growing evidence of the benefit of using the gel inside an aloe vera fillet to clone. I've seen growers successfully clone right into soil using aloe.

Yes, I have, buuut I'm trying not to for this grow, as I wanted to see what this model was capable of on its own. I'm at day 50 of 65-70 now, so I'm just going to wait it out I think... adding CFLs now may not make a huge difference.
Aloe is a good point that I didn't think of. My mother grew it for years, mostly because it was easy to grow, and handy to have around for burns and sunburn. I'll definitely have to give that a try next time around, using aloe as the rooting agent. :thumb:

Willow has amazing rooting properties. Cut a willow branch and jam it in the ground and you have a future willow tree. In the past I planted all kinds of trees for a living and the contract I got planting willows was by far the easiest one I ever had. Yes, aspirin is derived from willow bark, and willow bark, chewed or made into tea, has been used since ancient times as a pain remedy.

Thanks for confirming! It's nice to see my memory is still decent as I'm getting older lol.

Hello Antics, if your girls are bleaching, you can move the light a little higher, that will help. :Namaste: Hope all will be going fine and you get a great harvest. :high-five:

I've already moved it back up, thanks Sara :) And thanks for dropping by!
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

Day 50 of flower for SB.

She's still growing, calyxes aren't swollen yet, tons of trichomes, roots in the drain tray are still nice and white, and she isn't producing much smell yet either. Even with your nose under an inch away, you barely get a hint of anything, and some buds don't produce any detectable smell at all, so I'm wondering if this might mean she's going to take a little longer than the 65-70 day breeder time, or 9 week seed bank time (63 days), and perhaps produce some bigger buds yet..

As for the new babies, Cotton Candy is doing just fine, and I thought Big Bang was dying, since one of her cotelydons had a small damaged spot, and was yellowing and browning, originating from that spot, and I didn't see much growth at all yesterday, but it looks like she's going to open up today, as her one cotelydon looks healthy and perfect.

Cotton Candy:

Big Bang:

This will be an interesting grow, as I just planted another Big Bang yesterday lol.. I had assumed she was dying out, but now I might have a grow with 3 plants, possibly more if the clones work out.

So if we're looking at 3 plants, or more, the next grow will be in slightly smaller containers. Instead of 6 gallons, I'll change to 2.5-3 gallons, and I'll have to train them all a lot like SBG's work here: SBG's Life In A Box - The Ongoing Saga of Producing Bud in a Box
And that's not a bad thing in my opinion, I've been wanting to do a grow where I keep the plants more compact, with a handful of upright colas to maximize space, and yield at the same time.

We shall see what the future holds for the next grow in a few days if that other Big Bang seed sprouts.

Clones from flowering I've read can take several weeks to root, so if any of these clones root, they might very well just go into their own grow after these seedlings.
I see my thread title change was approved :thumb:

I figured since this grow has been mostly Strawberry Blue, and now that I've dropped 3 more seeds, as well as a few clones, I might as well turn this thread into a journal that documents my experiences, and since I have people I need to grow and provide for, I might as well start something perpetual.

And with that being said, I'm currently thinking on this lighting issue, since I'm going to need more light in the flower closet.

I can supplement CFLs, but that will require buying a few more bulbs, and maybe a couple fixtures to do it right...
Or I have the option to purchase another 100x3 Old Model from Mars-Hydro.

I know what SmokeSara's response would be lol

But what do you guys and gals think? With the LED I'm looking at $105 shipped.
If I go CFL supplements, I'm going to need to spend $12 for every 4 bulbs, which would be 23 watt bulbs, and I'd need a couple more splitters which are $1 each, and maybe a couple more fixtures. I'll also have to build a new light hood, make it adjustable, and do all the wiring. CFLs will also add more heat than an LED panel.

The flower closet is roughly 26"x40", with 7' of headroom. Or 66cm x 101.5cm
I'd go for the LED. Then again, I'm stoned and lazy at the moment, and LED sounds easier, lol. I am using that light, and it rocks. Best bud I've grown to date. Like I said, I'm really really stoned right now, hehehe.
Loving the baby pictures of CC and BB. :thumb:
I'd go for the LED. Then again, I'm stoned and lazy at the moment, and LED sounds easier, lol. I am using that light, and it rocks. Best bud I've grown to date. Like I said, I'm really really stoned right now, hehehe.

I've found that stoned thoughts can be just as good, and sometimes better than sober thoughts. My morning meds have pretty much worn off, and I agree with you on the work aspect of things. Building the previous CFL light hoods, and adjustment systems was always a pain in the ass, plus all the wiring. The wiring itself is pretty easy, just not my favorite thing in the world to do.

I didn't know you were using the same panel.. I'm heading to your journal now to compare notes and sub up. I have a feeling there still might be something simple I'm not doing, or am overlooking. I assumed I should be able to get similar results with the 150-200w LED as I did with 361 CFL watts.

Then I was figuring as my technique and training improved, I would exceed previous CFL yields with just this one panel.
I would go with the LED over, Your right less work in wiring them together and heat will be a issue later for you. I only use my cfls for my clones and seed starting now. Went to T-5's in my veg really liking them now just got to fill the veg room. Made that one big 8'x12' so I have quite a bit of space in there. But plan on running autos farther down the road with my photo's so only wanted to do the build once.
Just a little off topic post since my girlfriend is awesome.


My new herbal vape pen. It came with 2 battery sizes (with an extension tube for the longer life battery), 2 different chambers, 2 mouth pieces, a cleaning rod, cleaning brush, and of course the battery charger... and some freebies, which included an herbal sample (my herbs are better, but I'll try it), a small plastic vacuum container which looks like it'll hold about 1/8-1/2 of buds, and a wooden grinder.

It doesn't look like they're a sponsor here, so I won't mention the site where she bought it :(

I have the battery charging now, and will of course post what I think when I try it out, which will be as soon as the battery is done charging. I'm charging the smaller battery now, so it charges faster :)

EDIT: Quick note, the chamber on this vape does not have any exposed coils, so it should be a true vape as it claims, and shouldn't combust at all.
I would go with the LED over, Your right less work in wiring them together and heat will be a issue later for you. I only use my cfls for my clones and seed starting now. Went to T-5's in my veg really liking them now just got to fill the veg room. Made that one big 8'x12' so I have quite a bit of space in there. But plan on running autos farther down the road with my photo's so only wanted to do the build once.

Thanks for the input, I appreciate it. I figured most people would lean towards the LED, but I wanted to ask to see where everyone's opinion really was. I was leaning towards the LED as well, but if someone could explain how CFLs would be better, then I'm all for it :thumb:
I'd forgotten that you wanted to test this light on its own.

When I think of using CFLs it never entails a canopy. Your LED is your canopy light. I was thinking more of using them in adapters plugged into power strips or hung free around the plant for side lighting. The 23 Watt CFL is a very efficient way to get light to the plant. If you keep it within 3" it's hard to beat for usable light efficiency. I know that side lighting made a big difference in my first grow. I'm going to do the same thing with this grow, but with the LED over the canopy.

We can watch to see how that works out for me.

Nice Vape pen. Keep that girl around. She obviously knows you well. :Love:
Now that vape pen is something else.. Holy hell does it hit hard. I used the smaller of the two chambers, with taking an average hit, and it had me coughing. 1 hit had me feeling good, usually with my pipe I'll smoke an entire bowl or so.

If you like big hits, it's a great pen. For me, I'll be taking little hits until I can handle it better. Fantastic pen though!
You have a good girl! I was looking at those pens recently, not that specific one. But a guy in a head shop gave me a good 101 on them. But, I still don't really know jack. Did you use oil? The one I was looking at you could do both. Love the new thread title bro.
You have a good girl! I was looking at those pens recently, not that specific one. But a guy in a head shop gave me a good 101 on them. But, I still don't really know jack. Did you use oil? The one I was looking at you could do both. Love the new thread title bro.

Just dry Cannabis. The chambers are actually designed where you can slide a cigarette into them, at least the bigger one will hold a 100's size cigarette, minus the filter, so it's a decent chamber size. Based on the design alone, I'd say this pen is good for dry herb only, as both ends of the chamber are open, and I'm sure once heated, oil would leak out somewhere. Not a big downfall for us, since smoking herb alone works fine. Any concentrates would knock us on our asses for hours, having lower tolerances.

Thanks man! I felt it was more fitting, since I'm constantly experimenting and changing things around, and now having some new girls started, while Strawberry Blue is still flowering.

I really need to get off my ass and get a Veg cabinet together.
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