re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience
The second picture looks like a bonsai, Bonsai Cannabis
Your new growth looks very promising. Hope all will go smoother from now on brother!!!
Strange, the word Bonsai popped into my head as well when I saw that pic.
Regarding the Myco, I put it in before the seed went in, I'm not sure what kinda results you'd get this far in, since it can take a few weeks to colonise the soil/coir, so i wouldn't really suggest it for this grow unless your transplanting, and in that case I'd say prepare the pot, with the myco, and let it bed in for a week before you transplant (I've never tested this though)
I seem to have that effect on them.. my last plants looked very much like bonsai trees too lol.
Hmm if it's something to add before planting, then I think you're right and the results might not be what I'd want, so I'll probably just wait until the next grow. Thanks man! I figure I can get the mycorrhizae started when I plant the seed in my starter pot, and by the time I transplant the mycorrhizae should be ready in the final pot.
Looking good Antics - nice comeback !
Just checking in, since my first harvest is done and you gave me a LOT of help along the way. I have to say, between the OJT, and all the help, the second grow is not only looking much better from the get-go, but I'm having fun with it also.
Thanks man! I'll head over to your new grow now to check it out
Glad the new growth is continuing mate. I'm currently waiting on my seeds to pop right now, so I can start my grow ^.^ Swing by and check it out mate!
Same here brother! I'll head over to your new journal and sub up so I can follow your progress
Duuude that new growth is looking great!
Thanks man!
Your new leaf growth looks promising Antics. Question: do you always top off the soil as the plants grow? My understanding is that this would interfere with the growth of the plant. Stem is vastly different from root and is meant to be above the ground level. My approach was to gently tip the plant out of the pot, add more soil to the bottom to lift the plant, then gently sift and pack in around the edges to fill the open space. Essentially a modified transplant. It's important to try and time it so you're ahead of the root growth spreading to the sides of the pot, and the better quality the soil the better your results, but I've had great success with it both with rescued house plants and the two cannabis plants I rescued this year. It's always been my practice to try to fill the pot to the top from the beginning.
No, this will be my first time topping off the soil. I've seen several growers say that with younger plants that have stretched, they can bury the stem up to where it needs to be, and the stem will just push out roots, so I'm kind of assuming the case would be the same here.
Tipping the plant out of the pot is probably not an option, this is about a 5.5-6 gallon pot, with 5 gallons of soil in it, I would bet money that attempting that would cause the soil to break apart, and tear my roots to shreds.
I normally fill my pots within 1-2" of the top, allowing that extra space for flushing, but I have room for a few inches of soil that I planned to add later on, so this wasn't accidental lol.
The recovery looks good buddy, the only advice I'd offer would be to remove all the damaged leaves
Thanks, but disagreed! What would the reasoning be for removing damaged leaves, other than aesthetics? It was always my understanding that as long as the leaf was alive, it was beneficial to the plant. The leaves that are damaged now, it's only damage to the tops or edges, and the majority of the leaf is still alive and I assume functioning properly.
And as of this morning I have lowered the light to a height of 22.5" /57cm. I didn't plan this height, that's just where the light ended up lol. TopLED suggests a height of 18-24" for Veg (45.75-61cm)
I saw no curling since removing the 'bag shield' yesterday, so I'm taking another step forward to get everything back on track.