re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience
I am currently on my 4th grow with LED's, 2 Kessil h350 magenta and 2 Full Spectrum LED Spots for side lighting, in a 4x4x8 home made box, with average temps at 75 and humidity at 50 to 60 percent, with a space heater. My findings show that because of the of led's and the lack of heat produced, the plants perspiration is lower causing it to use less water making over watering easily accomplished. To remedy this issue, First I had to change my pots to fabric allowing a lot more air flow to the roots. Second, I had to cut back my watering schedule to once a week if I was lucky, but my nutrients were lacking because of this. Third, I had to bring in the heater to keep temps up and to dry out the air a bit (mini office space heater with a fan works GREAT!). Because the plant perspire less and use less water, the humidity in my box became an issue, the Heater and the fabric pots solved that problem and also caused the soil to dry out faster allowing me to get on a more regular 2 to 3 day feeding schedule. I know the heater and Fabric pots are added Cost ($75.00) but it has helped me regain a balanced environment and has also increased my yields because of the added nutrients.
Green & Peace
Thanks man.. now you're making me think a little here. Or maybe it's just the Sativa and I'm over thinking it...
But is there a difference between the heat the plant receives from the ambient air temperature, and the heat the plant receives from the light source?
But you're kind of reinforcing what I was thinking, about giving slightly less water, with a slightly stronger nutrient concentration, so thank you. I think I'm headed on the right path now!
The first arrow is for the mars 700. which is just one picture.
the second arrow is for the two p300 pics.
and yeah a couple years is a different story =p (unless you put it up on craigslist/ebay, or sell to a new growing friend, get maybe 50-75% of your investment back and trade up.)
all that aside, I hope your grow continues to head in the right direction!!!
Ok I gotcha now, thanks for clarifying!
As for now, I'm going to keep the light, and do my best. Sara at TopLED is really awesome to deal with, and honestly for what I paid, regardless of efficiency, I'm saving a lot on my power bill (cut wattage used from CFLs over 50%), so I'm happy right now.
Not to try and change your nutes or anything like that Antics but have you ever looked at Mykos extreme gardening, I'm using it this grow for better root development and to combat rot it's a beneficial bacteria as for soil they say to put some in your dirt and it does the rest on it's own helps with the nute uptake. Might help you out if your getting a lock out somewhere, it was like 20 bucks so I thought I'd give it a try and it's powder form so it lasts a while. these guys were almost dead a couple time made a world of difference for me glad I didn't toss them out.
I've already considered it a few times, but I've been reading mixed reviews on using Mycorrhizae with synthetic/chemical nutes. Some say it's fine, and others say as soon as you add the synthetics, it kills the mycorrhizae. So I'm not sure what to believe... but I did read a bit about the mycorrhizae, and they help just as you've said, and I also read they act as almost like a surface area enhancer on the roots, helping the plant absorb more, as well as breaking down some nutes to let the plant absorb them easier.
It's DEFINITELY something I'd jump into using, but not if synthetic/chemical nutes harm them. I don't like tossing money away.
Anyone have any ideas on this?
Antics your baby is so inspiring! She's been through so much, and she just keeps fighting and keeping on growing, thanks to your hard work of course but she's such a strong little cutie :3
Thanks lol. Believe it or not, this Sunday she will be 6 weeks old. I'm going to keep fighting and keeping her going. It would have been easier to start over, but like I tell other growers having problems, there's more to learn by working to solving a problem, than running from a problem.
And plus the shit that one guy said... was just out of line and fucking rude. So my original goal with this plant was 3.15 ounces... I'm still planning to try to hit that goal, but my real focus will be on 4 ounces +. DRY.
Like I said earlier on, I can totally accept mistakes, and failures and move on from them and learn from them, but when people say such negative things, completely unprovoked, and tell me I'm only going to get 1/2 ounce? Hahahahaha Oh man... I'll make sure I exceed that ONLY to spite him for that negativity.
I got over 2 ounces from one plant on 5 weeks Veg time, no problems, and CFLs, I'm sure I can double that, enjoy my smoke, and laugh all the way to the cure jars with my LED.
And while you're all here... if you guys haven't seen it yet, check out Green Kitty's grow. It's their first grow, with an auto, well into flower now, and it has been an amazing grow so far, and GK doesn't have a scope, so they're going to need some more experienced opinions to help pinpoint the exact harvest date! Thanks guys and gals!