Have you got any space in your fridge @barillaro?
@Mr. Krip pointed me in the direction of this link:
DrZiggy's Low And Slow Drying: Maximizing Your Harvest
Check it out! If you're afraid of high temps & inconsistent RH% i'd suggest going with this method.
Low and slow is great if you have room in the fridge and don't mind the smell. I did just one sandwich bag's worth once, but the whole kitchen smelled like weed every time someone went for food!

Great suggestion irie :thumb:.

Got it, thanks guys. Appreciate that link irie I'll be going over it today. She's still really low odor so I might be able to convince the Mrs :laugh:
So just to make sure I'm understanding this, I keep repeating the step of bring to room temperature, place hygrometer inside and seal, then Place in dark for one hour. Once I do this and the rh after one hour is between 64-72% I seal the jars and burp them while still in the refrigerator? Or am I mistakenly somewhere? Once rh is between 64-72% do I store outside of the refrigerator and burp ?
Add cal-mag!

Here is a summary of the low and slow method that most folks are using now, along with more details below it. Thanks to @MrSauga for putting that all in one place for me!
Thanks shed! Bookmarked that post as well :thumb:
Btw, as my grow us nearly complete should I be changing my feed strength? I've been doing ~6ml calmag, 2 ml micro, 1ml of grow, and 6 ml of bloom. Ppm around 730-770 with varying pH levels
you wouldn't happen to have a journal for your nug of the month plant would you?
Unfortunately I don’t bro sorry, I wish I documented it properly. I’d highly recommend growing it though, the beans are cheap, it’s a quick grower and you’re guaranteed purple flowers :headbanger:
here are some trichome shots
Nice trich shots! Is that with a loupe against your phone camera or is it an attachment?
Is that amber is on the buds and not the leaves? And which plant is further ahead? So much to balance when they need to come down together!

Yea, these are all calyx shots, no sugar leaves. I believe the shorter bushier plant is a bit more developed. I'll be bagging them separately to see how they compare

Unfortunately I don’t bro sorry, I wish I documented it properly. I’d highly recommend growing it though, the beans are cheap, it’s a quick grower and you’re guaranteed purple flowers :headbanger:

Nice trich shots! Is that with a loupe against your phone camera or is it an attachment?
I'll definitely need to pick some up for my next grow, you did photos right? And yea it was a 60x loupe on my phone. Tried the 90x but even my heart beat through the shots off :rofl:
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