If you were hoping for a pure head-high then you don't want amber. If you're okay with a bit of body stone then you should wait for about 10% amber on the calyxes. If you want sleepy time meds then wait for closer to 25% amber.

You can always take a bit off one cola, quick dry it in the toaster, and give it a try. It will be harsh and green for want of curing, but the high should give you an idea of where it is now.

You can also do a staggered harvest, where you cut down each cola as it ripens if they aren't all close to the same ripeness.
If you were hoping for a pure head-high then you don't want amber. If you're okay with a bit of body stone then you should wait for about 10% amber on the calyxes. If you want sleepy time meds then wait for closer to 25% amber.

You can always take a bit off one cola, quick dry it in the toaster, and give it a try. It will be harsh and green for want of curing, but the high should give you an idea of where it is now.

You can also do a staggered harvest, where you cut down each cola as it ripens if they aren't all close to the same ripeness.
Ahh ok on second thought I'll have to do the drying all at once since it will be in my grow tent. Can't do that with the lights running still
It looks like she's still pushing a few pistils too..
If she's having another wave of pistils pushing you could get more weight out of her if you give her another week. All depends what kinda high you're looking for! :yummy::passitleft:
Glad I waited to harvest. Seems I had crap luck and previously found the only calyxes with Amber :rofl:
Nearly all are clear on majority of colas




Also looking like a good pull, would love 2 ounces out of this, can only hope for now though
good call... but you are getting very close. Keep an eye on those few top pistils that are still white... oftentimes amber trichomes are right after the very last pistils pull back or change color. Not all strains are that exact, but enough are that if you know what you are looking for, you can get a naked eye evaluation that the end is near and then you can confirm it by looking closely at the trichomes.
Boveda packs are good for long term jar storage, but should not be used to try to get the harvest down to the correct RH level. They are not designed to and won't lower the RH fast enough to prevent mold in your jars.

Most folks go with 62s but some like they're buds a bit dryer out of the jars.

Either way, you harvest, dry, jar around 70%, and burp down to your desired RH over the following two weeks or so. Then the jars get sealed with the Boveda packs to keep the humidity stable in the jars while they're sealed for the cure.

No one gets to mine for at least a month after they're sealed, but no one is going hungry in the meantime either ;).
good call... but you are getting very close. Keep an eye on those few top pistils that are still white... oftentimes amber trichomes are right after the very last pistils pull back or change color. Not all strains are that exact, but enough are that if you know what you are looking for, you can get a naked eye evaluation that the end is near and then you can confirm it by looking closely at the trichomes.
Perfect, I'll be using this method for sure, thanks em
Boveda packs are good for long term jar storage, but should not be used to try to get the harvest down to the correct RH level. They are not designed to and won't lower the RH fast enough to prevent mold in your jars.

Most folks go with 62s but some like they're buds a bit dryer out of the jars.

Either way, you harvest, dry, jar around 70%, and burp down to your desired RH over the following two weeks or so. Then the jars get sealed with the Boveda packs to keep the humidity stable in the jars while they're sealed for the cure.

No one gets to mine for at least a month after they're sealed, but no one is going hungry in the meantime either ;).
Got it, with your previous post about the bud washing I think I have a grasp on the process now, thanks shed. When the stems pop but don't snap is when I should jar right? That's around the 70% rh mark?
Looking so good Barillaro! :bravo: You're gonna have some great smoke bro.
Also looking like a good pull, would love 2 ounces out of this, can only hope for now though
You'll get 2oz without a doubt. Maybe double that :goof:
Waking up early so just a short post tonight. Slowly clouding up some trichomes with more and more weight packing on! Lots of fruity tones coming from her now as well

As my garage isn't air conditioned and it's been 95+ here lately I've been leaving the tent open like this. Humidity is almost at a constant 50%. When I hang them to dry, would this work if the lights were off and my fan was still running? If they try too quickly I could seal the tent to preserve a bit more humidity
during the drying period I would keep my fan mostly off... maybe turn it on a couple of times a day for a few minutes to pull out all the humidity... but let it dry slowly.
My temps are going to be pretty high, most likely above 83°f. If I dry slowly what are the chances of mold? I also have no way to drop temps at the moment
You'll want to get a lot of the moisture out in the first two days or so, then slow it down. That will lower the chance of molding. It would probably mean a bit more airflow to begin with and then a lot less. Monitor the RH in the tent as you go.

After I wash, I trim while they hang with a big box fan blowing on them to drive off the wash water. Then they hang to dry.
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