Amy Gardner Of Eden v1.1: Outdoor 420 Featuring Star Pupil x WeaponX, PCK, Lilly & Purple Satellite

That’s delectable!

Thanks neiko - did you veg it for very long? It will definitely get 11/13 light cycle from seed.

I could always tie it down a lot. AM thinking of some small 3g pot versions like Gray has done. It’s not standard practice of course but I finished out those very small DDAs in kit 1 gals last grow and they were great! I still have some all these months later, it’s mostly a weekend toke. I’ve worked out my sativa consumption is a lot less than my Indica consumption so I can grow “little” sativas - depending on their behaviour of course. I know with Panama, Gray kept it nice and contained in a 3 gal pot, untopped, and i wonder if the small pot helps to contain them like that. I can sense tho that you’re suggesting the Thai may be very different when it comes to leggy growth structures! LOL! It could be a fun adventure training it around a small pot.

I’m liking the 11/13 or 12/12 from seed thing more and more - it’s going to be fun to see how long each chemovar takes to mature and begin flowering :popcorn:

I’m thinking I’ll have a tiny starting cabinet (eyeing off an unused piece of furniture as I type) for seedlings and (hopefully) clones and the indicas can spend a couple of weeks in there with longer light days before heading to the short light tent. It will be a kind of mini-perpetual with less power use, more variety and more, smaller, plants. It sounds like fun!
Noted! :thumb:

I’ve never had a stretcher before so it will be fun learning curve. I may well top it after hearing that and training it is something i would definitely find fun. Something tells me I’m going to be doing both - that I should plan to top it and have a cage to train it around!

You can prune, tip and train right into the beginning of flower stretch, right? At what point during the stretch should one stop doing that? I suppose it varies.

I have a pic somewhere of a Panama clone Morglie flowered out that went pretty big, and the clone was tiny w only a few small side branches so I know things will go nuts. I can see that from seed Is more risky too, becasue it has to mature to get flowering, and it will grow during that time.
...which Panama strain? A5 Panama was a beast and only vegged 6 weeks, but went 16 weeks post flip, and probably could have gone more, but winter was setting in...I had about a 5 foot comfort zone from top of soil and found myself having to SC to avoid burning some tops, well into experience with A5 strains suggests a shorter veg time and lots of support...the branching seem's strong, but succumbs to bud weight eventually...I know I've looked at the Thai Chi...just can't remember if I've pulled the trigger...will have to check when I get home...aside from trying to self a A5 Panny(and a cross or two), not sure what will dance card will be full on a personal level, but the need to continue, may prevail...we'll see......cheerz... :high-five: ...h00k...:hookah:...
It’s just straight Panama, this one (modern working of Panama Red they say, but I think that’s only some phenos). I have one seed of it.



- and yes, i remember that A5 Panama you grew :eek:! None of the sativas (if i indeed manage more than one) are going have any veg lighting time at all, they’ll start from 11/13 and flower when they will and I’ll find out what happens. I plan to stagger things quite a bit and I’ll be learning as I go, as always!

:ciao: nice! Thanks Heavenly :passitleft:
IKR! I’ve been wishing “red pheno” onto that seed everytime i open the seed box! :D

Amongst all of this discussion I’ve been reading back over notes from some q’s & A’s with Graytail in his journal about the small plants he was managing to grow. I’m hatching a few cunning plans ... going to try a few things.

I’ll be very happy with any Panama that makes an appearance in my garden tho!
...sound thinking Amy...if I indeed do a grow, I'll be leaning towards 9 or 10 week the cuff, I'd say Bubba Hash and Blue Dream, which would be a first for me at running strains a second a once a year grower, it's hard to not consider running multiple little time, but the aforementioned are proven winner's...cheerz... :high-five: ...h00k...:hookah:...
Bubba Hash and Blue Dream sound a wonderful pairing h00k! I really enjoyed the blue dream i had. Really good pair for the jars as well in terms of variety of aroma and effects - different and complimentary :yummy:

And yes I’m aiming for continuing variety - i managed, just, last year w the autos and this year I will do it with less autos and try for a couple of the mini photos. I may even only get to one of the sativas and that would be ok ... I still have to ‘map’ it ;). Gotta have plans, otherwise there’s nothing to change, right?

Worst that can happen is that it all goes to crap... :hmmmm: been there done that, still kicking! :theband:

It’s fun to wonder tho which ones I’d choose if I were to restrict myself to 2 plants and do the regular veg-flower schedule; this year it’d probably be Sour Bubba and CBD #1 (or the last Candida CD-1 seed)
Update: State of the Garden - week 13:ganjamon:

Mostly a photo dump!

I‘ve been continuing weaponised foliar sprays to combat whitefly and we just had torrential rain for 2 days. I don’t yet have the rain cover up :eek: but I’m sure they will be fine. They seem to be drying out fairly well since. The soil loved it! We got 80mm in less than 48 hours and in a lull the middle of it all I glimpsed the plants and they were looking super perky and super happy. Lilly really greened up during it as well.

Today, after a day of only little rain yesterday, the whole raised bed got the first Cationic Drench (approx. 40ml drench + 4ml tea dispersed in about 10L of rain water). On with the show...



Star Pupil x Weapon X

Purple Satellite

All doing their thing really really well, all things considered! Smells are truly wonderful :drool:

The helper and I did the preparations for the rain protection cover this morning so that will go up over the next few days.

A few contenders for critter of the week this week :love:

We have a lot of frogs around and this one was in the garden eating white fly today so my helper wet her hands and moved it onto Lilly :D

But what I really have to announce, especially since Graytail asked a while back is that old momma kangaroo was back amongst the mob the other day, with the runty young one. They are looking much more robust than they were before new year, it’s wonderful what some rain does!

This week's critter then, is the young'un. He was just visible behind momma in the last update that day of the NYE evacuation. They were the last thing I remember registering before I left. We've had other kangaroos hanging out here since then but not them yet. It was a lovely feeling to see them a couple of days ago, in the rain.

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Wishing everyone an excellent weekend filled with all desired ministrations :blunt:

Hey @Amy Gardner ,

That harvest should give you quite the uplifting high! We've only had the 'nightime indica' so far, but we have some 'daytime sativa' - Chemdawg - to try next - should be fun. :)

And the Star Pupil is a very, very beautiful shade of purple!

We've been thinking more and more about autos lately - and it was interesting to read that an auto fared well in 12-12 light.

Actually, I'm really glad I read your journal today - it must be fate :)

I'm going to pop a Dutch Passion Cinderella Jack Auto today, and grow it "12-12 from seed" beside our Peyote WiFi we just flipped to 12-12 - should be interesting to see how an auto performs in this photoperiod!

Alright, love the garden - keep 'em healthy!
I’m astounded (and I probably shouldn’t be) at how well your plants are doing though all their hardships. What resilience!!! :love: Lovely Lily is my fave of course, but that star pupil is going to be a dark beauty for you.

Omg, seeing the baby kanga made my heart so happy!! How wonderful.:love::love::love::love:
Heavenly, I have to say, it was you I thought of when I exchanged looks with the little dude the other day. I was so happy to see them! The other even sent me a message to say that they were here, that’s how hooked in to these 2 we are! And the little one looks so much better than before the fires which is a welcome relief. It was born into severe drought conditions and looked haggard for weeks. It still is a bit freaked out ;) but so much healthier! I’ll drop some more pics of them in the lounge in a little while for ya! ? :love:

And thanks for complimentary words on the garden my dear :) I feel astounded myself. And then, I think it’s a great testament to good genetics and an exceptional soil and growing system. Doc’s kit is designed to grow the most robust expression possible of each plant and the process to get them charging was really easy and it just worked. I really couldn’t be happier. This is also he second year of amending this soil, so it seems to be really rocking!

TBH I could be tho’, if there were more dragon/damselflies and less bloody white fly! LOL! @InTheShed I found Dr Bronner’s Castile soap sold locally! :slide: Sometime in the next few days the rest of the veggie patch with get hit with a spray made from this and the plants will get another weaponised foliar. I may LeafWash Lilly again as she isn’t frosting much yet and she has been liking it as well as taking more of the white fly stress than the others - prob’ly because she took longer to power up and became a better target.

Can really notice what all the dragon/damselflies used to do! There’s one or two in there now, with a lot of hawking and eating to get on with :popcorn:

:thumb: I’m yet to explore that world...

Star Pupil is a very, very beautiful shade of purple!
IKR! It’s certainly drawing my eyes all the time I’m in the garden :D

thinking more and more about autos ... 12-12 light.

Actually, I'm really glad I read your journal today - it must be fate :)

I'm going to pop a Dutch Passion Cinderella Jack Auto today, and grow it "12-12 from seed" beside our Peyote WiFi we just flipped to 12-12 - should be interesting to see how an auto performs in this photoperiod!

Alright, love the garden - keep 'em healthy!
:high-five: Thanks Dr CannaCan! That sounds a great idea. It will do great I’m sure. The only thing really is that less light hours will = less speedygrowth so it just won’t get as big as it might with more light hours. And I say ‘might’, because it’s not a certainty. I’ll look forward to seeing how it goes for you! I’ll try to get over to check it out a bit but please drop back here and let me know if I don‘t make it much!! :love:
:hug: hello my friend! Thanks :D I’m glad to see you can use the mouse! (Or touchscreen if it’s phone time)

So happy to have things rocking like this. :) Did you notice that the Purple Satellite isn’t so purple anymore? You honestly don’t have to answer that if typing is not on today - just throwing it out there for thought;) It had heaps of purpling when young and now is just super green! I’ll have to cruise back to yours and Tropics’ grows of it to see if there’s a late flower colour change. It’s gorgeous ether way of course... just curious.
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