Amy Gardner Of Eden v1.1: Outdoor 420 Featuring Star Pupil x WeaponX, PCK, Lilly & Purple Satellite

Mini photo drop to show some nice bright sunlight hitting the SP x WX yesterday

It’s a good example of how trichs don’t necessarily tell the full story because just going by trich-scapes a person might be tempted to harvest this - but it’s got another couple of weeks to go yet...

The final step of installing the short term rain cover is complete, I am lying in bed hearing the sound of rain on the roof and i can just enjoy it - I have no stress about the plants whatsoever.

A fulsome update will be dropping over the weekend sometime. :Namaste:
Update: Mid-March 2020 - some ... weeks into flower :hmmmm: :smokin:
Happy Sunday morning my good 420 folks - where we find ourselves halfway between hash Wednesdays and continue to watch and experience various dystopias at various proximities. I laced my Sunday morning with Bubba Hash and I’m very relaxed and fairly pain free. In a bit of a low ebb post too much gardening activity: raising the roof (mostly my helper did that), manual drenches and a weaponised foliar spray every 3 days including today. I’m more than a bit sore from all that and immune flaring as well (which is weird in this global ‘climate’ because it always feels like flu but it isnt, I’m pretty sure, I don’t have fever or sniffles, just raging sore throat and extreme fatigue and this has been a regular post-exertion visitor for 3+ years now, so nothing actually new, it’ll pass :) ). My medicinal ministrations are working and I’ll go back to sleep soon. :hippy:

We got the final stage of installing the rain cover done :high-five: and here is the raised bed as of yesterday.

Most of the plants are showIng fairly good resistance to the white fly problem. All the plants have them and they’re very terrible in the whole garden (the whole property really) but the cannabis plants (except Lilly) are showing little damage compared to other stuff and are continuing to ripen well it seems. Lilly is taking it the worst. White fly are all over her top a lot of the time, regardless of spraying.

It’s not surprising Lilly is taking it the hardest as I had more trouble getting her to robust health than the others. I’m just plugging away doing a spray every 3 days until harvest probably!

Both Cat drenches and a post-Cat watering have happened in the last 2 weeks. Weaponised foliars vary from 1/4Brix to 1/4 Destress to Castille soap. I’m tidying up lowers and old leaves in little bits here and there and thinning out the indicas a bit where airflow might be needed more.

In the bigger picture, my ongoing project is to find and ‘audition’ good strains/chemovars for my outdoor conditions and these were all chosen for particular reasons - chiefly being fairly quick to flower, resistant to mould, pests, heat and cold. At this stage of the grow I usually start to have an idea how that is going...

Pakistan Chitral Kush

I chose PCK to continue exploring my newly-discovered love of Kush. It is listed to have good resistance to pests and mold so I am assuming that’s the case (again, I trust ACE’s claims completely). It is making very juicy, thick, leafy colas which make me very nervous ! :nervous-guy:As much and as regularly as possible, I am carefully opening up the little flower buds, away from the stems, to create space for growth and airflow.

It is just starting to show the colour...

I am also exploring sativas and Lilly is a fast-flowering descendent of a Congolese line and has been recommended to me by a few folks for that reason. I’m totally stoked to have got some seed :love: and to get one growing and I’m really looking forward to it - if it can get it to finish!

Flowering time information is standard in this cannabis community. What is hard to find, is data on how quickly a plant will transition in its given growing circumstances and that is something I am wanting to take into consideration more and more. This Lilly, in these conditions at least, is sloooooow :laughtwo:. It was 2-3 weeks later than all the others to start flower. It’s going to be a while yet. I think it’s about 3weeks in now - just finished stretch.

Star Pupil x Weapon X

This one was the unplanned choice this year. It arrived as a freebie from Mass Medical and, always being on the hunt for good pain-relieving meds and currently having a thing with the purples, I was immediately intrigued. So when I read that the Weapon X brings good rot resistance to the cross I figured it was worth a run.

So far so good, but it is also making juicy, leafy, buds. We’ve seen a lot of it’s beauty lately so here’s just one more :)

Purple Satellite

Star of the show today! Showing itself to be very well suited indeed, this one is making very pretty flowers that are easy to spread out and promise some nice spears in the not-too-distant future

Every year I spend many moments indulging in the mesmerising effects of sitting and staring at my plants and admiring their everything. This year I’m also admiring their very existence!

I’m really not at all positive about when flowering started - I don’t remember making a specific note of it for the different plants and can’t find it entered anywhere. I am pretty sure PCK started first and I’m fairly certain that they all, bar Lilly, had started by end of the first week of February, which is within the usual window. That puts them between 5-6 weeks into flower, I think. I’ll feed them GI and water (maybe Trans water) from now until finish, which will be anywhere from 2-5weeks away.

Very Nice
Thanks SOG :thanks: And welcome to my garden this fine day.

Being Sunday it’s :bongrip: and/or :passitleft: and/or :volcano-smiley: and... :morenutes: as well as :popcorn: so take your pick of any or all and enjoy the show!

Please include ur thoughts during "Weekend Update" about what u c that indicates that u have a couple of weeks b4 harvest. Tric's are not cloudy yet?

Thanks parnelli - I actually consider quite a few different things when thinking about when to harvest so it’s a great question:
-the estimate of the breeder or timing based on having grown it before or knowing folks that have - those are guides;​
-pistils turning brown/orange and receding and the production of new pistils slowing significantly or completely stopping - I’ll harvest when there a still a few new ones, depending on a combination of other factors;​
-the general shape and look of the colas/buds - are they still filling out? etc.;​
the ripeness (or not) of the trichomes - ratio of clear (pre-ripe), cloudy (ripe), amber (THC degrading to CBN) as personal desires dictate; and,​
-sometimes the general overall look of a plant that is in the “time-window” is a factor for me too, just a general ‘ready‘ look can happen - can’t really explain that. Sometimes they just look ‘cooked’ to me. I think I’ve seen when I’ve been too late at times too and they looked overcooked (I dunno how else to describe it!).​

Then it’s a general instinctive weighing up of all these factors - which eludes description and is probably a little random and influenced by mood :cheesygrinsmiley: . It’s a relationship to how you like your cannabis and I feel like it develops over time as you grow and consume it.

More specifically to your question, even though nearly all those trichs in this SP x WX pic are fully cloudy,

there still are heaps of new pistils popping out all over it and not very many (if any) dried and receded ones,

plus, no real sign of any amber trichomes at all and the buds are still visibly growing and filling out. All of that, alongside the breeders estimate of about 8 weeks to flower and knowIng I’m somewhere around the 5+ week mark, tell me there’s 2-3 weeks to go for it.

Hope that wasn’t too long of an answer! I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how to describe it all :cheesygrinsmiley: .

Finally, before I sign off from yet another miraculous and magical week in my humble garden of Eden, the frog life sprung back in to action with gusto after the recent rains and I was lucky enough to catch this beauty resting amongst the sorrel between white fly snacks :love:

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Be safe and take good and extra special care of yourselves, lovely 420 crew.

where we find ourselves halfway between hash Wednesdays and continue to watch and experience various dystopias at various proximities.
Not to mention you have Tom and Rita enjoying your hospitality
this has been a regular post-exertion visitor for 3+ years now, so nothing actually new, it’ll pass
I chose PCK to continue exploring my newly-discovered love of Kush.
There are loads of those to run through! It's great that you found a strain that fits well.
It is listed to have good resistance to pests and mold so I am assuming that’s the case (again, I trust ACE’s claims completely)
I would rarely believe the claims of breeders until I read that Berry Bomb was mold resistant, and sure enough, it was!
I am also exploring sativas and Lilly is a fast-flowering descendent of a Congolese line
Fast flowering... :hmmmm:
lucky enough to catch this beauty resting
He sure is resting with those front legs tucked under. :)

Great update, beautiful flowers, excellent pics.
Thanks shed :D
Tom and Rita
:D crazy world right now! I’m a big fan of Tom :) Don’t know much about Rita - which is slack of me.
IKR! I’m pretty sure...
loads of those to run through!
Exactly - so i thought starting with a good original landrace kush seemed like the natural choice.
rarely believe
Same - although there are some, and Ace is one. There are many folks here growing their stuff for a very long time. Ace know their stuff and they know their strains very well :)
Fast flowering... :hmmmm:
:laughtwo: Yes i can see that that is ambiguous... It finishes in 7weeks, that’s the fast part. That’s why I’m needing/wanting to start talking about how quickly a plant transitions. That’s a big factor outside. Maybe Lilly’s transition is quick indoors, after a sudden large reduction in light hours. I dont know, but it is a factor I’m paying attention to outside for sure. This year the PS and the 2 indicas were pretty much right on time.
front legs tucked under
sweetie hey! :love:

Eden is looking wonderful indeed! :cool:
Me too :surf:
Very nice selection, old school rocks!

It does indeed. The closer I get, the more i enjoy the tokes.

I’m tossing ideas around in my mind about what I’ll grow indoors this year. Indica-wise, I’m torn between Bubba Kush (Katsu cut) and the Sour Bubba (same Bubba Kush x East Coast Sour Deisel). I keep leaning towards the hybrid, knowing I‘ll have quite a bit of pure indica on hand and still with a few oz of Bubba Hash right now. And it just seems so enticing!

I’m planning a staggered run 12/12 or 11/13 with 2 primary plants in larger pots (6-7gal) like I did last year with smaller ones alongside. I’ll stagger it this time tho’ (or aim to) so that only one big pot is flowering at a time, roughly speaking. I haven’t sat down w my timeline puzzle yet to try and map it but I do know the first big pot (6-7gal) will have a CBD#1. I also know that I’m going to be making estimates about when plants might be mature so I’m sure all the best laid plans will need to change.

Knowns are CBD#1 and either Bubba Kush or Sour Bubba as the other primary (large-pot) plant and I won’t plant the second one until the CBD#1 is 4-5 weeks away from finishing.

Meanwhile, in a couple of small pots I’ll probably do a DDA or 2 like last year. I still have quite a bit of it left but it’s one to always have in the medicine cupboard I say. So that might well be another one of dynamo’s d#4s - I am a big fan of their particular, everything. Then a sativa or 2 depending on timing - I’ll know more after my timeline sketching. But I have heaps to choose from. ThinkIng it will only be one longflowering one, I am choosing between, Thai Chi, Panama, Carnival (although I might give a friend one of those to grow as it sounds right in their wheelhouse, smoke-wise), Columbian Gold, and Lamb’s Pupil (a hybrid, but making the list regardless). I’ll have to choose just one of those probably. Maybe 2, depends how the shuffle goes. And then on how successful my efforts at containment are :popcorn:

It’s going to be fun! It’s already lots of fun in my head! It’s deeply cool to have such a quality selection at my fingertips :eek:
I’m tossing ideas around in my mind about what I’ll grow indoors this year. Indica-wise, I’m torn between Bubba Kush (Katsu cut) and the Sour Bubba (same Bubba Kush x East Coast Sour Deisel). I keep leaning towards the hybrid, knowing I‘ll have quite a bit of pure indica on hand and still with a few oz of Bubba Hash right now. And it just seems so enticing!
From the Pre 98 (which is where Katsu cut came from) I've watched they veg very slowly. My Sour Bubba seemed to veg at a good pace, no different than any other strain. So I guess it depends if you want to flip them all at the same time.
either Bubba Kush or Sour Bubba as the other primary
I’m sure you know better than me, but I’ve heard the sour is generally good for pain. But as a kush lovin girl myself, that’s a tough choice! Either way it should be great!
Sour Bubba would be my choice, a nice even hybrid.
this exactly! That was why I bought it and I bought it with the idea of running it this year inside so really it brings me back to my original choice. :D

I’ll have a nice supply of pure Kush from the PCK and a good hybrid is something I haven’t had in the jars for quite a while actually so that’s probably the best thing to consider.
Sorry you're not feeling well, Amy. I hope you're right about the cause and bounce right back. :hug:

I am truly amazed every time I see your beautiful plants. Nature is truly amazing at its ability to adapt to chaos.

Thanks HashGirl : hug : I am sure I am. It’s structural not viral :cheesygrinsmiley: It’s a total arse tho’. I’m also having a lot of tests and appointments again at the moment and that means I don’t bounce so easily becasue going out to them is so hugely taxing (they're necessary tho’ and my medical team are great!). After this week I can do a better job of laying low and things will hopefully improve again.

Late yesterday afternoon the low sun was making some nice lighting on the Purple Satellite :) adn i was happy to have my phone handy. It’s a very pretty plant in terms of its overall structure, I like it!


I’m a little bit concerned about the whitefly problem affecting the finish on all the plants. Mostly for Lilly because it has so much more time left than the others, and started to drop some leaves up top yesterday. I’m struggling a bit to do the spray-control with due diligence this week so I hope they can fend for themselves a bit :eek: It’s bad out there. PCK is reported to have good resistance against white fly and so far that seems true. It’s got them but seems fairly unbothered.

Hope y’all are going ok in this crazy time - if you find yourself forced to stay at home for a period of time, for any reason, consider it a kind of “welcome to Amy’s world” experience :Namaste:
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