Amy Gardner Of Eden v1.1: Outdoor 420 Featuring Star Pupil x WeaponX, PCK, Lilly & Purple Satellite

some wise women
Those are strong words...LMAO.
Glad that there are little bits of beauty to punctuate your day!!
The plants are amazingingly resilient. They look like nothing ever happened.

My son just got home from school and told me about his day. He told his class about his mothers seemingly favorite plant ( because she talks about it all of the time:yummy:).....hemp. that's fantastic.:eye-roll: The fun of parenting.

Love the bird pics. They are amazing creatures.

Speaking of amazing creatures...hope you and your dearest are well.:hug::love::love:
Yes, I do CAT drenches about the beginning of week 3 of flower, as soon as you have pistols you can CAT drench the sativas. It kicks into high gear and helps them "finish" on time.
I hoped I’d remembered that right :thumb: . Thanks man that’s exactly what I wanted to hear. Hopefully some rain in a few days will disperse this recent TP nicely and prep things for the Cats.

I didn’t get to Cat Drench this raised bed last season becasue of timing and mistakes so I’m stoked :surf: to get the opportunity this time ‘round - and especially in this superamazingrecovery season :D

Love your garden Amy. Yeah those Jack jumpers hurt. One got me camping near Ouse once.

Thanks Stoned Ape (that moniker absolutely has to said in full each time!) :thanks: We have far too many of them here at the moment!
Happy Saturday to you! I’ve been hitting on DDA with a bit of Bubba Hash in the mix this fine morning and about to do so again... so you’re right on time!


Hope everyone is having a great weekend... or leadup to the weekend!
strong words
oh my, bless them! Smiles all round at the next Parent-teacher night! :D
you and your dearest
:hug: thanks VG-zie!
shine on the front two plants is exceptional
Thanks Yeti - I totally agree, those have both been super perky and robust the whole time and shinier than the others the whole time too.

Lilly hasn’t had the Brix “powered-up” Energy thing going on at any point really and has been more swamped by the whitefly unsurprisingly. I’m hoping the leafwash will knock them off long enough to give it a breather at least.

I’m really looking forward to try the SP x WX. It absolutely smells like grape and a little bit of sweet pineapple. A bit like those purple lolly snakes the Natural Confectionary Company make - how i remember them anyway.

PCK smells very strongly of pine-mango atm.
You can catch it again one light day from Earth.

I've been musing about this and first of all, what a succinct answer! So simply put.

And that raised another question ...

Actually, you can catch Wednesday again anywhere in a sphere one light-day thick, expanding at the speed of light. Two days later it'll be the same thickness but much larger. So ...

That's kinda interesting to think about when you're loaded. :bongrip: Hash Wednesday gets pretty big after awhile. The same thickness, only bigger. And bigger.
be the same thickness but much larger
...yeah... :thedoubletake:
Good morning 420 ones :Namaste:

before hash Wednesday comes hurtling towards us from no particular direction, I have a new project not he go which is getting started today - CBD cosmetic skin oils!

I have a dual purpose; 1 I have a few friends w troublesome psoroasis and I will make an oil that’s about 6mg/ml of CBD and have them try that straight up and tweak it from there if necessary.

I’m using Sweet Almond oil as the base.

I’ll then dilute some of that down to a 3mg/Ml oil and add some special essential oils to make my face oil. I’m using a face oil i made already, but it’s w grapeseed/pumpkin oil and THC (plus the ess. oils) and it’s really great! I’m looking forward to how the straight CBD one goes. Then I may simply blend them in the future. The CBD only one will be great for folks with “THC anxiety” (meaning folks who worry about THC and highness or the law... the koolaid is strong in these parts).

I’ll post the process etc later today once things are underway. I’ve had this on my list for an incredible long time and had all the equipment and ingredients for a few months now - today is the day!
Update: THC Bomb Auto harvest :yummy:

Meanwhile, dropping an auto early in the season always gives me a fun little mid-season harvest. The THC Bomb was dropped on 27 Dec, wasn’t yet up when we evacuated for NYE and was up on the 2nd Jan so, born in fire! It’s put up with very little sun, even on non smoky days only 5-6hrs direct, and minimal inputs plus a few whiteflies to contend with.

It’s a few days early buy breeder’s timeliness but it looks fine to me and we are about to get a ton of rain the next couple of days, so; chop! chop!

I neglected to get a full shot while it was still in the ground, the signature will have to do - it’s a bit hard to tell but you can notice the blackened trees and burnt leaves in the lower left part of the pic, hinting at how close it came and giving a new tone to the signature backdrop.

Because bud shots and trichomes never get old, these were all this morning while it was still in the ground. Some nice super-diffuse sunlight today, no conflicting shadows :)

And because it’s always good to show how washing does not damage trichomes, a couple of postwash views :slide:

It’s hanging under my desk waving gently on an indirect flow of air, all 10g of it :laughtwo: That’s about as much as I expect it to be once dry. It smells vaguely citrusy w a bit of pepper spice, but that could be the candida CD-1 I’ve had out today, it’s peppery.
A bit of fun bonus toke :blunt:

Happy days to all :Namaste:
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