Amy Gardner Of Eden v1.1: Outdoor 420 Featuring Star Pupil x WeaponX, PCK, Lilly & Purple Satellite

Mock me you may, but I did say it was a few days early... thinking 5, and I thought about leaving it but there’s rain for 2-3days and cloudy after so really no point. I should absolutely have explained that better then. :) It’s cloudy enough to be some fun, and indica so it can take an early harvest :nerd-with-glasses:
True! I plan to do some again this indoor run. Trying to figure out the timelines for it and I’m thinking about doing 12/12 from seed (or even 11/13) from seed for a run and see how that goes - and I’d run autos 16/8 for 4-5 weeks first. Just thinking about it...
Update: THC Bomb Auto harvest :yummy:

Meanwhile, dropping an auto early in the season always gives me a fun little mid-season harvest. The THC Bomb was dropped on 27 Dec, wasn’t yet up when we evacuated for NYE and was up on the 2nd Jan so, born in fire! It’s put up with very little sun, even on non smoky days only 5-6hrs direct, and minimal inputs plus a few whiteflies to contend with.

It’s a few days early buy breeder’s timeliness but it looks fine to me and we are about to get a ton of rain the next couple of days, so; chop! chop!

I neglected to get a full shot while it was still in the ground, the signature will have to do - it’s a bit hard to tell but you can notice the blackened trees and burnt leaves in the lower left part of the pic, hinting at how close it came and giving a new tone to the signature backdrop.

Because bud shots and trichomes never get old, these were all this morning while it was still in the ground. Some nice super-diffuse sunlight today, no conflicting shadows :)

And because it’s always good to show how washing does not damage trichomes, a couple of postwash views :slide:

It’s hanging under my desk waving gently on an indirect flow of air, all 10g of it :laughtwo: That’s about as much as I expect it to be once dry. It smells vaguely citrusy w a bit of pepper spice, but that could be the candida CD-1 I’ve had out today, it’s peppery.
A bit of fun bonus toke :blunt:

Happy days to all :Namaste:

Very nice pictures, Amy. :thanks: Pretty plant, too. :battingeyelashes:
True! I plan to do some again this indoor run. Trying to figure out the timelines for it and I’m thinking about doing 12/12 from seed (or even 11/13) from seed for a run and see how that goes - and I’d run autos 16/8 for 4-5 weeks first. Just thinking about it...

I wouldn't hesitate to do an auto 12/12 or even 11/13. I seem to recall I did at least one DDA like that :hmmmm:

:theband::yahoo:A Harvest! :slide::green_heart:
Congratulations! :high-five: I know that had to feel good. :hug::hug::hug:

Those trichomes looked perfect to me, mostly cloudy with clear breaking through. :cheesygrinsmiley: THC bomb was one of the two in my original grow, and that was back before I realized there was a difference between indica and sativa dominance and how I really reacted to the terpene profiles. Back then all I cared about was getting us high. How things have changed :rofl:
THC bomb was one of the two in my original grow,
Well that grow had a huge impact on me :hug: so is very likely part of what led my picking fingers to that seed when perusing my stock! It was a freebie from when Bomb seeds sponsored the photo contest, with my first win actually, a 2nd prize for the signature harvest shot! Taken on my phone ;) :love:

So it has many a sentimental layer to it - this little collection of buds on sticks hanging under my desk - even more than I’d realised.

Yes I remember autos on 12/12 (or 11/13) in one of your gardens. @StoneyMemoirs grows his DDAs exclusively that way, right there in his flower tent. I also remember @newty :love: had a slowpoke DDA that went nuts with growth when she switched it to her 12/12 tent. If i do the auto cycle first, i might give them more for a bit.

I tried something similar last year and didn’t fit in everything I thought I could. I even had space trouble with what was there, for a little while. That was timing and plant size combined. I want the variety a lot, so I’ll just re-plan with that learning experience behind me (and a whole lot more gained knowledge along the way) and do it better this time. 12/12 and slightly smaller pots should help me get what I’m after I think. Regardless, it shall be another fun adventure growing cannabis and there’s really not many things better than that!
I always forget about Smokie’s 12/12 DDAs. :laughtwo: I’ve been after bobrown14 for years to let us get a gander of one of his u rule DDA budscicle tables, but he refuses to show anything other than pretty plants and buds. Lol!

I have happy memories of sitting with Dale, waaaay back before I had any idea what I was doing and we were anticipating our first harvest. I almost threw in the towel when I realized that it wouldn’t take long for us to want more variety, and that would mean more work for me in an already overcrowded schedule.

It was my first attempt to get a handle on what it took to get a successful perpetual up and running. To the novice that process can seem too intimidating to even go there.

Looking back on what we’ve accomplished against the odds makes me proud, as I know it does you. :high-five:

I look at my stash and consider all the connections I have with members of this community and those beautiful buds. It makes consuming them as much a spiritual experience as a biological one. :circle-of-love:
I haven’t wasted any time making my order at @SeedsMan :love: It helps that I’ve been eyeing a couple of things off for a while and I am now very excited to say that the following little pods full of potential will be on their way to me very soon

CBD#1 (x5) from Ace seeds. They have been developing this over 3 years between the garden and the lab. I have complete faith in their claims. It shares a parent w Candida and it couldnt be better timing as MMG are selling out around the place and their website has been disappeared for sometime - so we dont know how Candida seeds stock is going to be in the future. I won’t link to Ace (not currently a sponsor) but here is their description;
After 3 years of hard work and with lab assistance at each breeding step, we finally offer CBD #1, the first ACE Seeds strain where all plants produce a stable chemotype with high CBD content (between 13-17%), very low THC content (between 0.6-0.7%) and a cannabinoid ratio with more than 20 times CBD than THC, the result of breeding a Cannatonic S1 of very high CBD content with the Afghan ErdPurt, also rich in CBD.

CBD #1 produces dense and super sticky buds of medium size and very good bag appeal, extremely rich in oils, resins and terpenes. The amount of resin is truly extraordinary, with the sugar leaves becoming completely covered with trichomes, almost as much as the flowers themselves, making this variety an excellent choice to produce hashish and other high quality extractions with high CBD content.

The terpene profile of this strain is incredibly intense, complex and refined, a perfectly balanced blend of the very strong and dominant sweet ripe tangerine and tropical fruit terpenes of Cannatonic, with elaborated sweet, floral, gummy, earthy, piney and musky details of the ErdPurt Afghani, and a super pleasant and long-lasting hashish aftertaste. Undoubtedly, one of our most fragrant strains with some of the highest terpene levels.

It produces a very mild effect, with hardly any psychoactivity (due to its high CBD/very low THC content) and high medicinal value that relieves both physical pain and mental discomfort (stress, anxiety, paranoia). Especially suitable for those people who seek medicinal effects but have low tolerance to THC, yet still want to enjoy the best terpenes and resins of the highest quality cannabis.

Thai Chi (x3), also by ACE Seeds (I’m a fan :D) oh goodness I’m looking forward to this one. I’m hoping to squeeze one into the inside grow this year, small pot-no topping-11/13 from seed. It is a special one by all reports. Here’s the ACE speil;
Thai Chi is a new sativa/indica hybrid with a perfect asian genetic balance. It's a direct cross between a new pure Thai sativa from the northwestern province of Chiang Mai, and our 4th generation Kali China elite.

At last, you can enjoy with this hybrid of the best qualities of the legendary Thai sativas (extreme vigor, strong branching, prime quality euphoric psychoactivity, high resistance against fungus), in a moderate flowering time, and even in latitudes far from the equator where flowering can take place with cold and rains.

Kali China is the perfect strain for this asian marriage. The introduction of Kali China genetics into the hybrid has favoured the adaptation of the wild Thai genetics to indoor growing, drastically shortening the flowering to 10-11 weeks, increasing the flower density and resin production, contributing with its more refined terpene profile, and rounding out the effect with its qualities and its best asian sativa traits.

The influence of Kali China's beauty is also evident, being able to find in this hybrid a beautiful expression of 'Red Thai'. Very aesthetically pleasing plants in flowering, which in many cases show beautiful reddish colours throughout the plant, ripening with low temperatures with an almost black look.

Authentic F1 hybrid with great tropical sativa vigor. When Thai Chi is grown indoors in small spaces the yield is moderate, but outdoors, with more space and longer growing stages it has the potential to produce huge crops.

The Thai phenos have an aroma of natural incense and cured wood that will delight the 'old school' sativa lovers. The expressions with stronger Kali China influence have a more complex fruity terpene profile.

Its effect has excellent mood enhancing sativa qualities: clean, cerebral, active, sociable and positive, without producing paranoia or nervousness.
Excellent to meditate since it produces a balanced and enlightened introspection.
I shall be relaxed, Pain free and enlightened as well! :laughtwo: :meditate:

Just look at the Thai Chi promo pic :drool:

Seedsman, as many would know, are superb when it comes to freebies and this time was doubly so. The initial order gave me 3 x Seedsman’s Blueberry and 3 x Seedsman’s Jack Herer. Van has been growing the JH from them and is really happy w it AFAIK so that’s great and I’ve recently discovered that oil from a Blueberry is a perfect fit for both of us in this house. So that has us pretty excellently catered for, but there was more! A pop up CBD promotion also saw me get a choice of some more CBD genetics: 3x Seedsman‘s 30:1 CBD and 3x Elite seeds Solodiol CBD Changed to Ice Cool by Sweet Seeds, another 420sponsor and creators of DDA!.

All going according to plan (and post) I will have no more shortage of CBD seeds in my stores! :thumb:

For an (almost) old gal on disabilty it really is awesome that we get this kind of support from the forums and the sponsors and I’m so very grateful to them - and also to myself for taking photos that people like ☺
The few that I have have been beautiful. No question about genetic quality w ACE. Their Bubba Hash is absolutely the star of my growing life to date, and I have the PCK going now and it’s very robust. Panama is in my 12/12 from seed plan as well this year... 2 sativas, Thai Chi and Panama :slide: Will April just roll around already so I can start!? :D
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