I posted this over @Heavenly Hybrid ’s place earlier, to follow up on a chat about the Strawberry Cheesecake Auto and thought I would repost it here as a something of a strain report. This was a freeebie/prize seed from a comp here
:green_heart: :420:
My friend grew it in supersoil under an HLG RSpec, said it went 3 weeks longer than I said it would (so whatever the breeder/ seed man said, which I don’t remember) and was pretty tatty at the end (the buds they brought me were decent enough tho!). They were waiting for white pistil hairs to stop and they weren’t really. Weather was hot so I suspected foxtailing from the descriptions -time to chop it was decided. They weren’t really able to check the trichs. I consequently can’t say what state of ripeness it was in. The buds have a nice plump structure and gently sweet gently funky aroma. Nice. First time since I started growing my own that I’ve kept something someone else gave me. :D

Toke-wise I really like the taste and it makes me think I ought to try some other cheeses. There was something familiar in a really good way - a ganja memory from times gone by, and a really good one.

It was relaxing and happy and also a lot in the body. Not too brain disturbing at all - which is just perfect sometimes. Definitely a likely precursor to a nap ;) , as was HH impression also. I can tell this could be pretty sedative. I’ll very likely grow it sometime soon to be honest.


wow. How cool is it that I now have a garden ‘annex’ in the form of my friend who I set up and can supply with seeds!? They’re happy to grow and have whatever I give them so I get to test stuff that I can’t fit in.

On that note, I’m enjoying some auto pounder this afternoon, another prize from here from auto seeds a few years ago. This was also grown by my friend. I’ve grown up before and really enjoyed it so I figured it would be a good one to give her them and they recently brought me a lovely Sample. Perfect afternoon in front of the cricket. Its day five of the test match and it’s still, just on the precipice of being, anybody’s match - very exciting! Just what it’s all about :popcorn:

Love and tokes, folks :love:
I’ll say it again here, but that description is pretty dang spot on for my experience with it too. Pretty cool we got such similar results. The smell is really nice, sweet and funky. I have some cheese seeds I’ve been putting to the back burner, but my interest is rising. Especially tapping into that dank, ganja memory you were mentioning, cause it really does. :passitleft:
Especially tapping into that dank, ganja memory you were mentioning, cause it really does.
Yeah - exactly :high-five: I was like, “oh! It’s cheese strains that have that ‘thing’ I remember!” Doesn’t actually smell like chees to me, but I can see why folks might describe it that way.

I like that relationship. Well-cultivated. ;)
:idea: IKR! Next up I’ll give them a Carnival I think :) And something Kushy, or berry (or both!).

The Durban Poison they grew is enjoyable as well. Excellent.
Care package from heaven :slide:
Relief :surf: Gratitude :Namaste:


(the 6pack that’s hard to read... Panama!)
Care package from heaven :slide:
Relief :surf: Gratitude :Namaste:


(the 6pack that’s hard to read... Panama!)

Nice haul. I don't recognize most of them but I did make note of the CBG #1 when you grow it. That one will be interesting.

Can totally relate to the bare-life thing. Absolutely. At the same time, only in the acute as opposed to the chronic. Love and respect to you, and others, who have to cope with this on a day to day basis.

Using dictation is genius. I'll have to try that sometime. Even with my own notes. I can pretend I'm Dale Cooper recording a message for Diane?

Care package from heaven :slide:
Relief :surf: Gratitude :Namaste:

:high-five: :yahoo:


So... what you gonna be running this year then?
So... what you gonna be running this year then?
:hmmmm: :oops: :laughtwo:
burgundy background

:love: my Bel Air Athletics gear!
pretend I'm Dale Cooper recording a message for Diane?
:bravo: I find you have to speak a little differently. So it does end up having a kind of movie-performative character. You have to say “comma” and “full stop”, “new paragraph” Etc. And sometimes that can be able to use if I’m super tired too. But it’s definitely better than typing, when I’m on the phone especially.

:hug: :love: exactly...
I dictate a lot. I have to watch I don’t accidentally do that punctuation stuff in real life or when I’m talking on the phone. Embarrassing :D
I did that last week when I was leaving a voice mail! :oops:
:rofl: The struggle is real!
My thing comes with issues around the voice, so I have to mix it up a bit. That hopefully helps to mitigate slipping into “full stop new paragraph” while I’m actually talking to someone :D ... that’s pretty funny :laughtwo:
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