I'm glad you've been recuperating, Amy. I know how exhausted you were. I hope you're feeling much better now. :hug: And, I read somewhere (Shed's thread?) that you're on Day 4 of 5 of cricket. Did you play cricket when you were younger? Or how did you get into cricket? Is it like in the U.S. where practically everyone is into some kind of sport? Hockey is Canada's sport and I hate it. I just think it's so boring. I'd much rather listen to good music or watch a movie or read a book. I can watch football (not soccer) but that's only because I learned the game when I was dating Felonious as he was a Pittsburgh Steelers fan and I became a huge Lynn Swan fan. Man, that guy could fly. Now Felonious is more into Canadian football especially the home team, the Hamilton Tiger Cats.

Anyhow, I'm rambling because I'm high and that's what I do when I'm high. :laughtwo:

I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled posts now.

I think if you’re even remotely sporty in this country, you know cricket. Even ‘non-sporty’ types are into it. I’m not gonna say everyone’s into it because there are definitely periods in my life where I wasn’t following it or playing formally etc. But I worked in the performing arts and I guarantee you that during bump-in and out (setups and pack downs) many a game of cricket was improvised with a rolled up wad of used gaffer tape as a ball and some piece of set as a bat! Pretty much everyone knows the basic rules. Those games are always laced with many joints and other shenanigans.

Backyard cricket growing up was kind of a rite of passage I suppose. I didn’t play formal comps until I was older. I love it I love playing mini cricket casually around the house (for inside I have a miniature bat and use rolled-up paper and tape or tinfoil as the ball – you can whack it as hard as you can and pretty much not break anything!). I can manage about 10minutes at a time and make sure I do so regularly - it makes me happy.

During my active working life or studying times the Boxing Day cricket test was always my big indulgent week of the year where I just smoke weed all day and watch every ball. Now in my forced early retirement, I do that much more often!

This one I’ve been watching finished a day early, so no cricket today (it happens). Test cricket is a game of patience and of situations and the team who wins this is usually the one who manages to get through tricky situations best or cause tricky situations for the other team (bit of a no brainer, right?). This match the Indian team just got the better of every situation and the Australian team just couldn’t rise to it, each time an opportunity came. Was a great match - a few new players making international debut who look really good, on both sides. These 2 teams play another Test match starting New Year’s Day. :popcorn: I love summer. It went up in flames last year and I don’t remember much of the cricket, even tho I watched it... this year I plan to be spending New Year’s Eve prepping for the cricket spectators hip to come, and not evacuating ahead of a firestorm. Staying home all summer. That’s the plan.

That said, I’ve recently switched to airtight stainless steel containers for my buds. Very much more light-weight than glass jars so much easier to pack into an evacuation suitcase! Each one can fit 3 to 4 ounces.
I think if you’re even remotely sporty in this country, you know cricket. Even ‘non-sporty’ types are into it. I’m not gonna say everyone’s into it because there are definitely periods in my life where I wasn’t following it or playing formally etc. But I worked in the performing arts and I guarantee you that during bump-in and out (setups and pack downs) many a game of cricket was improvised with a rolled up wad of used gaffer tape as a ball and some piece of set as a bat! Pretty much everyone knows the basic rules. Those games are always laced with many joints and other shenanigans.

Backyard cricket growing up was kind of a rite of passage I suppose. I didn’t play formal comps until I was older. I love it I love playing mini cricket casually around the house (for inside I have a miniature bat and use rolled-up paper and tape or tinfoil as the ball – you can whack it as hard as you can and pretty much not break anything!). I can manage about 10minutes at a time and make sure I do so regularly - it makes me happy.

During my active working life or studying times the Boxing Day cricket test was always my big indulgent week of the year where I just smoke weed all day and watch every ball. Now in my forced early retirement, I do that much more often!

This one I’ve been watching finished a day early, so no cricket today (it happens). Test cricket is a game of patience and of situations and the team who wins this is usually the one who manages to get through tricky situations best or cause tricky situations for the other team (bit of a no brainer, right?). This match the Indian team just got the better of every situation and the Australian team just couldn’t rise to it, each time an opportunity came. Was a great match - a few new players making international debut who look really good, on both sides. These 2 teams play another Test match starting New Year’s Day. :popcorn: I love summer. It went up in flames last year and I don’t remember much of the cricket, even tho I watched it... this year I plan to be spending New Year’s Eve prepping for the cricket spectators hip to come, and not evacuating ahead of a firestorm. Staying home all summer. That’s the plan.

That said, I’ve recently switched to airtight stainless steel containers for my buds. Very much more light-weight than glass jars so much easier to pack into an evacuation suitcase! Each one can fit 3 to 4 ounces.
Nothing better than sports on during the holidays. We’re tuned in to the world juniors hockey tournament right now, it’s actually hosted in our home province this year so no games starting at crazy times!! Shame we can’t be there in person, but it is what it is!! Rolling a jay and cheering on the boys!!
airtight stainless steel containers
Got a pic of those, out of curiosity?
Cricket is a huge deal in India and even though I never bothered to figure out the game when I was living there, I got a kick out of the enthusiasm involved and so have fond memories of it.
Got a pic of those, out of curiosity?
Cricket is a huge deal in India and even though I never bothered to figure out the game when I was living there, I got a kick out of the enthusiasm involved and so have fond memories of it.
The drama and intrigue is always on and with test cricket in particular, it’s often a question of endurance - mental as much as physical.

These are my new containers. I got 4 of the 1.5L capacity. If they keep going well I’ll slowly buy a bunch more in different sizes. These can fit 3-4oz comfortably, for storage, depending on bud density of course.

Here is the full range. They claim to be airtight (which so far seems to be right!), freezer, fridge and oven safe (without lid in oven).
Happy New Year's Day Ms Gardner!
:love: I’m at home. In my own bed. I can see things of the world out the window and I can breathe without choking. I’ve only been awake for and hour and it’s already a much better year!!

Happy end of 2020 to all. Talk about 20/20vision. Didn’t that year just gone really show us some clear truths about the state of the planet and modern society.

Lets hope we see our way to better situations this coming year.

Thanks JL! :welcome: Welcome to my garden of Eden. We’re in a little hiatus while buds cure and the gard’ner rests her growlights for a while :).

there’s gonna be a harvest report or 2 sometime soon tho, no doubt
That's so awesome. I'm with ya. I myself am getting ready to harvest my very first plant. She is not so big but I went for the bonsi look. Check her out on my link first aquaponics. :woohoo: :yummy: :passitleft:
:Namaste:Happy New Year, Wishing you two the best life-script possible for next year
Didn’t that year just gone really show us some clear truths about the state of the planet and modern society.
Brings to mind the Temptations 1970 Ball of Confusion:meditate:
Didn’t that year just gone really show us some clear truths about the state of the planet and modern society.
Indeed it did, and the truth hurts...Hopefully we can do better in the coming year(s)

I hope the new year is a great one for you and yours,Amy! :hug:
Like 2 ships passing in the night....
Great minds think alike...
Take your pick...;)
Happy New Year, Amy! All the best to you and your lovely other in 2021 and beyond.

Happy New Year, Amy! All the best to you and your lovely other in 2021 and beyond.

You too HG! into the Panama and beyond for me today! :passitleft: It’s cold enough that I have on my ugg boots and my Bel Air hoodie over long sleeves and long pants and the hood is up! Sunny every now and then with a pretty cool breeze. Not the usual mid-summer weather but you’ll find no complaints here. I’m very happy that I need to be rugged-up to be outside.

I started going through harvest pics, edited 3 and was wiped out. So I’ve come back to just enjoy people’s gardens and toke some more Panama and try to have a nap sometime this afternoon
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