Recently I was inspired by a post by @Donkey Dick to dig out a ‘taxonomy describing’ image I had been working on about 6 or so months ago. Seeing as we’ve been shamefully devoid of content in here while I am at this extended low ebb, I will share it all in here as well :)
First, DD;
Minding our Pees and Queues

A few idle thoughts on taxonomy. Words about words in other words.

As cannabis cultivation comes out of the closet, as it were, and we join the growing number of gardeners around the world we see that they are using certain terms to mean specific things.

A cultivar, for example is a plant grown from a clone. I have a tent full of cultivars. We use this word to mean strain. It doesn’t.

We could also improve things by losing the word strain when we are actually talking about a variety. If you’ve popped a couple seeds of a variety you love then good on you!

People who communicate better than we do are starting to remind us that the word strain refers to bacteria and viruses, not plants.

It won’t be for much longer that we can say ‘oh, but that’s not the sense of the word I’m meaning’. Words already have meanings. We have been taught and/or learned somehow some of the incorrect terms. As the relative newcomers to the scene I believe it behooves* us to look around and start to get a few things right.
*even non-donkeys.
Bracts is a good example of our adoption of the correct terminology. Bracts being what we used to call calyxes.

These ruminations, for those with the stomach for it, follow a post @syenite made about cannabis taxonomy.

To bumper-sticker that here, when describing a cannabis variety the words indica and sativa have become (not just the nonsense* they always were) irrelevant.
For the sake of the precision that clear and effective communication can deliver, we are collectively beginning to refer to varieties as tropical or sub tropical/low or high latitude, high or low altitude, broad leafed or thin leafed, drug or non-drug varieties. This really is a good thing.
*the word indica means ‘from India’.
a). Mostly, the plants we think of as indica are actually afghanica.
b). Cannabis from India, being equatorial, ie. low latitude, is mostly what we have thought of as sativa.
The word sativa is derived from roots meaning useful. This is a useful plant. This is hemp, actually.

These are some thoughts to mull with your next one.


Thank you for a very thoughtful unpacking about the shifting landscape of cannabis awareness and its impact on the language we use to talk about and describe it.

As I said over at yours, DD, I’m super glad it inspired me to look this up because I thought it wasn’t finished but, when I found it, I decided it was! I had been studying cannabis botany with Mel Frank, a spectacular cannabis photographer and a favourite of mine, and was doing things like this diagram to help me remember. A beautifully ripe DDA was kind enough to provide me with a perfect opportunity to label some parts.

I should do that more often - work on stuff and hide it away from myself so, during low periods, I can say; “here’s one I prepared earlier!:battingeyelashes:

I love the photo , Amy - and of course it’s DDA :laughtwo:
This is going full circle because it was your very eloquent observations on our misuse of jargon that got me thinking. That was back when ‘calyx’ became bract again. So that was thanks to you actually.

Growing our beloved cannabis is all about consuming it eventually, right? So it’s an on-topic grow journal thing that I trim to you all with my Saturday morning dilemma;

I can’t decide what to smoke! :eek: :rofl:

...kind of not even funny, I think it’s related to some kind of stress condition I’m in, where decisions are just too much for me today!

here are the options and I’ll be happy for anyone online right now to pick something for me!

early miss
Durban poison
Bubba hash
Auto pounder
Strawberry cheesecake
Dark devil auto

so much wonderful choice! What an excellent problem :D except I really do need help! Someone pick one please!
:circle-of-love: :passitleft:
Excellent! Durban it is. :bongrip:
And I’ve had a little bit of it before so I can tell you in advance that I’m about to have an incredibly scatterbrained morning and won’t be planning to try and do anything - except to maybe climb a tree which of course I can’t do so I shall sit and imagine it.
:circle-of-love: :bongrip:
Growing our beloved cannabis is all about consuming it eventually, right? So it’s an on-topic grow journal thing that I trim to you all with my Saturday morning dilemma;

I can’t decide what to smoke! :eek: :rofl:

...kind of not even funny, I think it’s related to some kind of stress condition I’m in, where decisions are just too much for me today!

here are the options and I’ll be happy for anyone online right now to pick something for me!

early miss
Durban poison
Bubba hash
Auto pounder
Strawberry cheesecake
Dark devil auto

so much wonderful choice! What an excellent problem :D except I really do need help! Someone pick one please!
:circle-of-love: :passitleft:

I track all my doses and arrange my choices alphabetically and then I usually run through them in alphabetical order. It might help you in the future in case everyone and not just dynamo are napping. :laughtwo:

That said, I was going to vote for the Bubba Hash because I know how much you love it. :hug:
It’s been crazy cold here. Absolute height of summer and I woke up to 16° in my room this morning, and yesterday at this time too. That’s ridiculous.

I seem a bit tired and snippy this morning. Even though I’m emotionally actually very happy.

Likely both are because I did a thing yesterday which very predictably has fully ‘crashed’ me - gosh it was good too! :love:
In a park next to beach I hit a few cricket balls (about 5 pretty successfully) and bowled a few spinners (about 10 probably), both off and to my 8yo nephew. I had my manual chair and sat down between balls while everyone else ran around. I took a nice catch from the chair too :) Probably 20-30 minutes of park cricket! woohoo! Then lay down on rug and had time w brother and rest of his family and brother pushed me on a walk around the park. :love:

I won’t get up for a few days now but I do have a big smile on my face from all that. My nephew bowls a mean and accurate delivery, impressive for his age actually, and I managed to whack a nice clean shot right back over his head that he called a ‘6!’ with glee, impressive for my age (and condition) actually :laughtwo:

The 2 kids were 1 and 4yo when I became this ill and before that I was pretty involved with them and built lots of stuff at their house and had a very physical/sporty relationship with them, I was a physical kind of person. So it was really special to be around them and have some of that.

@DonkeyDick I've hit that DDA already, thanks very much for the decision. :) Interestingly it’s landing with a heavy indica lean this morning - which could, I suppose, be just reflecting the state of my body after 20mins of serious overdoing yesterday. DDA does have some indica in its lines, and that’s certainly very clear to me right now! zzz ...zzz ...zzz :laughtwo: Maybe it’s just my endocannabinoid system being really smart and “knowing” that rest is what I need so directing things to that purpose? :hmmmm: I won’t be fighting it! Another test cricket match is on and today is day 2. Four days of pipes and snacks and sporting intrigue and naps during the breaks in play.
:bongrip: :popcorn: :passitleft: :meditate:

Every day I do another 5-10 minutes sorting though and prepping pics for documenting the final harvests of last year. They’ll make it into the journal eventually
was going to vote for the Bubba Hash because I know how much you love it. :hug:
You know how I do! And the following is also true...
for your pain - you’ve nearly run out!
I have, remaining, 2 fat bubba hash nugs and some nuggety remnants of various sizes in the bottom of the jar.

It’s more than a year ‘aged’ and it was buried during the fires so is now very rich in CBN alongside the THC and its usual exceptional terpene profile - which has just a little more dank.
It’s still bright and perky upfront plus definitely much much more sedating and still as pain relieving as ever. So that’s the very long way of saying I’m currently saving it for my nighttime tokes ... or very late in the day, which it is now in fact

I’ll sleep well knowing that is taken care of :love:
I did, too. :meditate:
hits the spot with me the way hash tends to do
That’s promising. I’m yet to try anything with cookies, knowingly, and I keep getting curious. And I can’t remember what in my collection has it in there. Except a gifted seed from 3 years ago - Xmas cookies, which I don’t know much about. I think it’s Exotic genetics. So many desires so little grow capacity.

I’ve decided I want to be able to have 3 flowering at once, with one being smaller, maybe an auto or 12/12 from seed variety.

I’m thinking about these things because, and this is a garden update of sorts, today the Gorilla 3x3’ tent got cleaned and taken down, packed away ready to go another, yet-to-be-determined home. It’s a fantastic tent but zips are too much for my body to manage. I will from here on out grow with a simple cupboard, one plant deep with doors, 2-3plants lined up side-by-side, all on wheels, and a little ramp at the front. Maybe enough room for an autopot reservoir, maybe not. The biggest auto pot systems available here have a maximum pot size of 3.5-4gal (14L), which is fairly small when working with living organic soil. I can grow them that small, but I’d like 2 plants at least to be flowering in 5gal, ideally. :hmmmm: Musings, plans for the future... soil mixing and recook will need to happen soon to give it a nice month+ of warm weather to cook in.

Plans for this year are very up in the air. Quite a bit might be happening to the property, so I may have to improvise my schedule and compromise/ prioritise here and there.

:bongrip: bubba time, stop me rambling :D
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