Amy Gardner’s High Brix Dreams

I've inserted ... :hmmmm: .... over 50 wires into connectors and I'd feel safe with a diameter 13% higher. There's definitely enough room. :) That should reduce voltage drop too, so win/win.

Also Amy, there's a solder pad at the base of each of the connectors - you'll see 'em if you look closely. I had to use one when I messed up a connector trying to wedge the wire into it. The sharp end cuts on solid wire can catch and jam up in there. Gotta wiggle and ease 'em in. So I broke a connector off - oops :hmmmm:. I just dug out the soldering pencil and made it permanent. :slide:
Morning Amy...Neiko...Gray and friends. Remember Amy...its always ok to use a larger conductor but never a smaller one as resistance will increase and that can create other problems.Using a larger wire will lower resistance which in turn , lowers possible higher amperage draw on things.Looks like you have lots of great advise and help around here which is awesome. Have a great day!
Little blue is coming along... although, maybe I won’t call it little blue - I should call it big blue..,

Big blue is coming along...

I have a question for @Doc Bud or any other brixer who knows the recommendations regarding the heat mat. I’ve been using the heatmat for germination at 1hr on 3hrs off. At what stage can I stop using the heat mat.

What seems the right thing to do now would be to reduce the time, even turn it off during the day (temps in the tent ranging from 22-25C) and then use it a bit overnight (when temps sit closer to 20 and a bit below). The only issue with that is that it’s a bit dry in there overnight and the heatmat is likely contributing to that. I haven’t run the humidifier overnight because I don’t have the extraction fan going yet (that’s todays project ... and into tomorrow most likely).

A little guidance welcome and appreciated :)

My experience is that a fresh seedling is ready to rock - let 'er rip! By the time the cotyledons unfold, the tap root is inches long. I just leave 'em the hell alone.

As far as the heat mat, I'd just turn it off. They don't need the heat once the shell is off. :Namaste:
Amy, looks like ya got things under control. best thing , like Gray hinted too:passitleft:.just let her grow, leave her alone.
Your enviro is fine...she will surprise you .
About your photoperiod,...imo, it's way better to run your system at night,..makes more sense cuz of electricity costs, stealth , and cooler temps. Plus, i like being home at night with the lights and everything on , rather than at work , worrying if all is ok,..ya know..Also a suggestion for your light cyles,...ive been using 16/8 for growth and 12/12 to start bloom with a decrease down to 10/14 to finish. Just sayin ok.. Anyhow , enjoy the night Amy.
Good day (or night) Amy,

Looking awesome, may that Blue Dream seed turn into a kilo for you! You seem to have the best help for your grow situation already engaged in your thread, props to 420Magazine members. This sure is a unique place unlike most other grow forums, the good folks seem to stick around and share.

Do you know how many watts your new rig pulls (I'm assuming your mains run at 230v)?

16/8 for growth

Duggs - doubly thank you. OMG I was halfway through writing to say, ‘yeah - I got the 16-8 lighting memo’, it’s even in my special book... so I knew, and I thought that was what I’d set, but i didn’t, :eek: I set it to 18-6!!! Without even thinking about it. Did I even look up my own notebook? NO... but if I had, I would’ve seen this - written months ago :rolleyes:...

Sooo thanks for spotting that and setting me straight in time, phew! That was close. Duggs has my back! Changing the ‘off’ time now to 2130...

And yeah- I would’ve done the lights overnight thing, but the tent is in my bedroom and so am I about 24/7 so we have to co habit, and I like it being on when I’m awake during the day :) . If I was still working I’d do it the way you describe for sure :thumb:

12/12 to start bloom with a decrease down to 10/14 to finish. Just sayin ok.. Anyhow , enjoy the night Amy.

That’s cool too, I have been thinking about going to 11/13 to draw out sativa traits but maybe I’l reserve that for more Sativa dominant plants. I’m actually in the process of re-discovering the delights of indicas so maybe this Blue Dream will get the full Duggan photo-period treatment. I’ve been thinking about stepping it down from 12/12 as they finish like that too, so I’m glad you mention that :thumb:. How do you do it? Just take of an ahour once a week? Or maybe 30 mins every few days...? Or do you just do I it in one big step when they’re towards finishing?

Thanks Duggan!

may that Blue Dream seed turn into a kilo for you!
Do you know how many watts your new rig pulls (I'm assuming your mains run at 230v)?

Thanks KK! I hope so too, and I’d be stoked with half that amount :smokin:

Mains power here is 240 @50hz. The light rig pulls between 75watts and 186watts depending on where the built in potentiometer is set. I currently have it at 166watts

It’s so awesome that these lights are totally silent - and I swear they generate almost no heat whatsoever. The tent is consistently 2ºC warmer than the room it is in :ganjamon:

Only environmental thing to solve is extraction and humidity control - and I expect the humidity part will be a process of management in such a small space until I get a few things dialled in), but it’s not too bad right now, could be higher, but because I’m here all the time I can just spray down the walls of the tent every hour or so, no trouble. Today I’m working on a little extraction rig using the fans of a broken laptop stand, a switchable (3-12v) power supply, and a mailing tube - or something else if the mailing tube doesn’t work... I love a project (even if it fails and I end up buying something ready made!)

Hi Amy, yes I saw that build, it's very nice work, between Farside and the led gardener, I was inspired to build my own. I pick up the strips and drivers tomorrow, and the frame is well underway. I'm quietly excited to build something so cutting edge, a little bit scared, but mostly excited. All the different builds out there are very inspiring.
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