Amy Gardner’s High Brix Dreams

but I would let that green lady veg just a bit more. I am not sure how much height you have left in that tent, but having all that space that I see in the pics, I would surely let her veg for a week or so more.
Just my two cents worth :)

That’s funny - between you and the folks who thought I should be flipping it last week I’m about right to be doing it today then! It’s 4-5 days since those photos so I think I’m good.
I had no intention of veg’ging it for this long, was kind of expecting 6-8weeks max, so now I’m a little over 10weeks in veg.

My light is not built to fill the tent either. It was designed for a smaller box so I have to consider that I’m flowering in 2x2 or 2.5x2.5’ of space... just in a 3x3 tent. Space around the edges is desirable for airflow anyway.

I didn’t really want a huge plant but I think I’m on the way to one! Plus... I’m terms of upward stretch... this plant just doesn’t want to put on height. It’s still pushing out growth tips all the way up the stems and the nodes are still really closely stacked. There’s no where to even reach in and super crop on most of them - which is ok cause nothing is getting tall super quickly. I really hope that changes once the flower schedule starts - I’ve never encountered this kind of structure before. I’m looking back at Gray’s BD and he said it was nice and tightly stacked... but it looks stretchy compared to this nuggety bundle of shoots.

I had thought that my light intensity might be causing it, but the little Early Miss auto is a lanky one... so that kills that theory!

No wallabies I hope.... Although I would like to see a stoned one try to jump:rofl::rofl:
Ha - we practically have a pet wallaby. He’s very old and almost blind. He does like to eat cannabis leaves ... we have to do a lot to keep him and the possums off our food and herb gardens - everything is fenced/caged/netted. If he’s around today I’ll try to get a pic of him for you. He did exhibit some odd behaviour after eating a whole lot one day... hope it didn’t do him any harm :)
That’s funny - between you and the folks who thought I should be flipping it last week I’m about right to be doing it today then! It’s 4-5 days since those photos so I think I’m good.
I had no intention of veg’ging it for this long, was kind of expecting 6-8weeks max, so now I’m a little over 10weeks in veg.

My light is not built to fill the tent either. It was designed for a smaller box so I have to consider that I’m flowering in 2x2 or 2.5x2.5’ of space... just in a 3x3 tent. Space around the edges is desirable for airflow anyway.

I didn’t really want a huge plant but I think I’m on the way to one! Plus... I’m terms of upward stretch... this plant just doesn’t want to put on height. It’s still pushing out growth tips all the way up the stems and the nodes are still really closely stacked. There’s no where to even reach in and super crop on most of them - which is ok cause nothing is getting tall super quickly. I really hope that changes once the flower schedule starts - I’ve never encountered this kind of structure before. I’m looking back at Gray’s BD and he said it was nice and tightly stacked... but it looks stretchy compared to this nuggety bundle of shoots.

I had thought that my light intensity might be causing it, but the little Early Miss auto is a lanky one... so that kills that theory!

Ha - we practically have a pet wallaby. He’s very old and almost blind. He does like to eat cannabis leaves ... we have to do a lot to keep him and the possums off our food and herb gardens - everything is fenced/caged/netted. If he’s around today I’ll try to get a pic of him for you. He did exhibit some odd behaviour after eating a whole lot one day... hope it didn’t do him any harm :)
Your BlueDream is definitely an indica leaner compared to mine. I've been watching yours, looking for a stretch, but it seems determined to be compact. So I'm on the side of letting it veg awhile. I had a nice tidy Bluniverse that looked like your BD, and it stretched all of 8 inches after the flip - was very disappointing. :confused:

If you have the time, let it veg some more. :bongrip:
Awe! I wanna wallaby! I love critters! Paulo and I had a possum couple. We left oranges, apples, and other fruit. They were cute!
That’s funny - between you and the folks who thought I should be flipping it last week I’m about right to be doing it today then! It’s 4-5 days since those photos so I think I’m good.
I had no intention of veg’ging it for this long, was kind of expecting 6-8weeks max, so now I’m a little over 10weeks in veg.

My light is not built to fill the tent either. It was designed for a smaller box so I have to consider that I’m flowering in 2x2 or 2.5x2.5’ of space... just in a 3x3 tent. Space around the edges is desirable for airflow anyway.

I didn’t really want a huge plant but I think I’m on the way to one! Plus... I’m terms of upward stretch... this plant just doesn’t want to put on height. It’s still pushing out growth tips all the way up the stems and the nodes are still really closely stacked. There’s no where to even reach in and super crop on most of them - which is ok cause nothing is getting tall super quickly. I really hope that changes once the flower schedule starts - I’ve never encountered this kind of structure before. I’m looking back at Gray’s BD and he said it was nice and tightly stacked... but it looks stretchy compared to this nuggety bundle of shoots.

I had thought that my light intensity might be causing it, but the little Early Miss auto is a lanky one... so that kills that theory!

Ha - we practically have a pet wallaby. He’s very old and almost blind. He does like to eat cannabis leaves ... we have to do a lot to keep him and the possums off our food and herb gardens - everything is fenced/caged/netted. If he’s around today I’ll try to get a pic of him for you. He did exhibit some odd behaviour after eating a whole lot one day... hope it didn’t do him any harm :)
6-8 weeks.. hehe :) I veg mine 7 weeks and my box is only 1×1' :)
I think you will see quite some stretch, come week 2 after flip.
Well anyway, you have to experience everything yourself.. I know how hard it is to trust someones advise on your plant :)
If you have the time, let it veg some more. :bongrip:
Well I can make the time ... :bong:
been watching yours, looking for a stretch, but it seems determined to be compact.
It sure does! Here, seeing as you’re checking it out... check out these side branches - the outside ones coming up from under (about the 4th- 5th nodes, the lower ones were removed)... this is from above looking down (with a whole lotta foliage pulled out of the way!)



And from the side... I feel like I need to be trimming the inner growth again - except when I do it doesn’t encourage lengthening, it seems to encourage more bushiness!


veg mine 7 weeks and my box is only 1×1' :)
yeah - that’s true! I’m just not used to the tight stacking. If it had been more open and “upward” growing I’d have been flipping already I reckon.
I know how hard it is to trust someones advise on your plant
Well - I’ve done it quite a bit actually ;)
Im about to do it right now... because I’m not changing my light schedule just yet...

It’s half the reason I’m here sharing my grows... to reap the benefits of advice :)
She's looking good Amy.
On your water question. Yes you can use your dehumidifier water it's very pure. When water evaporates it leaves behind all the junk so when water vapor re-condenses on your dehumidifier or AC coil there isn't anything in it except for what trace elements it picks up in the air but it's basically pure. You need to keep your dehumidifier bucket clean though. I run my mini split drain down the wall and into a 5 gallon bucket. I save most of my empty water containers to re-fill and use later. I'm getting about 2.5 gallons a day from the AC and about a gallon from the dehumidifier.

I have a rainwater collector and everyone seems to love rain water. The only thing that worries me about using rain water is a video I watched about a doctor who was stressing the importance of healthy soil and it's relationship to our health. He went on to talk about Glyphosates and how devastating they can be to microbial health in soil and in out bodies. He referenced a study done that proved that Glyphosates are present in 75% of collected rain water. He painted a pretty grim picture that had a lasting effect on me.
Thanks neiko :)
Glyphosates and how devastating they can be to microbial health in soil and in out bodies. He referenced a study done that proved that Glyphosates are present in 75% of collected rain water. He painted a pretty grim picture that had a lasting effect on me.
Hmm. There’s a nasty weed killer that gets used i this country and the main ingredient is something called glyphosate... so yeah it kills plants! Must be related or just the same substance. You make me want to get my water tested. We’re on only rain water here :hmmmm:
I guess it would make a difference here and how the water is being collected. Out veggie garden goes bezerk with delight after rains. Still, I’m going to check that out.
Ok - so it’s the same stuff. Glyphosate is what is in Round Up. It’s a nasty toxic Monsanto product that is polluting the air in dense agricultural areas and that’s where it’s been found in the rain - because it’s in the atmosphere. I think we’re ok here!
It's an antibiotic that kills certain strains of bacteria we need in our soil and our bodies to stay healthy. It the bacteria that is responsible for about 1/2 of the medicinal properties in our plants and is very important to our immune system. It's sold here as Roundup. I just saw a new Lawyer add last night about Glyphosates causing cancer and now they are suing Roundup. I'll see if I can find the video later when I get home from work.
Yeah - it’s bad stuff. We had some controversy in a bush regeneration group we used to be involved in because they were using it and we refused to do so (being old school regenerators and preferring the the long, manual method as opposed to the short toxic ones!).

So that’s good knowing the antibiotic part. I remember being told that it was a hormone disrupter and pregnant women shouldn’t use it... that was enough to make me stay away - pregnant or not!

I don’t know if that’s exactly right or not - just what I heard once ;)
Round Up is the basis for GMO. They found an easy way to modify plant genetics to be immune to glyphosates, so you can spray an entire field and only the GMO plants will be unaffected.

I live in the middle of miles and miles of fields with GMO commodity crops like corn and soybeans and wheat. The thousands of farm families have been using it for decades. Our gardens and flower beds are just fine, and they get the same rain everything else gets. The millions of people who live in the atmosphere seem unaffected. In fact, cancer was a problem for farmers in the past, until they were able to severely reduce their use of herbicides and pesticides.

I don't want to diminish people's concern over glyphosates, but those of us who live in that atmosphere are doing ok. It may be one of the smaller concerns. We'll let y'all know if we get all sick n stuff.

But it is killing bees... and no chemical that kills any plant it’s put on can be healthy for you or the environment. Sorry but that shit is toxic and should never of been made. No matter that it makes jobs easier... it really is nasty stuff.
I also believe it probably is causing cancer and a lot of other health problem. Big money can keep that kinda stuff quite for some time..
But it is killing bees... and no chemical that kills any plant it’s put on can be healthy for you or the environment. Sorry but that shit is toxic and should never of been made. No matter that it makes jobs easier... it really is nasty stuff.
I also believe it probably is causing cancer and a lot of other health problem. Big money can keep that kinda stuff quite for some time..

Believe it or not, we have bees here too. Bees are necessary for a lot of the field crops we grow around here, and I know beekeepers and have talked with them about the issue. You might be surprised if you talked to them.

I don't want to annoy people - just sayin' the way it IS. We actually live here. As I approach most cities, I can see toxicity all around me, enveloping me as I get closer and closer to the core.

Jus' sayin'. :Namaste: At least I've been on a turnip truck, y'know? :rofl:
Believe it or not, we have bees here too. Bees are necessary for a lot of the field crops we grow around here, and I know beekeepers and have talked with them about the issue. You might be surprised if you talked to them.

I don't want to annoy people - just sayin' the way it IS. We actually live here. As I approach most cities, I can see toxicity all around me, enveloping me as I get closer and closer to the core.

Jus' sayin'. :Namaste: At least I've been on a turnip truck, y'know? :rofl:
True, but surly all the article written about the bees and the toxicity of that chemical can’t be fake... sure we have bees here too, big cotton country here, so they use tons of that stuff. We have bees... but are their as many as their used to be? Who knows. All I know is I’d rather avoid that stuff... which is hard since I am a lawn guy and use all kinds of nasty stuff. But I use it so sparingly... actually been fired cause I wouldn’t get rid of harmless bugs... people want bug free yards... I’m like yea that’s called inside!
They still can't make that link. It probably has more to do with monoculture- eliminating everything except the desired crop. It starves the bees of any diversity - makes it harder for them to find food - constant stress from the unnatural environments.

Yeah, I was wondering about your lawn care. You don't use RoundUp? Usually, they'll edge with it - clean up all around the stonework, etc.

Sheesh, I feel ya on the lawn chemicals. For the last 25 years I've been here, I haven't used any fertilizer or chemicals on mine. I started out with systemic weed preventative and killer, etc, spring application of nitro fertilizer, but it's an old yard with established trees and I couldn't get grass to grow properly that way, so I let it go natural. :slide: I mulch the clippings and leaf fall, the worms love it - got lumps everywhere, scraggly mixed grasses ...

But it's clean! :yahoo:

The best yards I see are stripped of everything else but grass. That soil will never grow anything but grass. Beautiful, greedy, boring grass.

Right? But hey, it needs a lot of mowing and that's good for the economy. :thumb:
They still can't make that link. It probably has more to do with monoculture- eliminating everything except the desired crop. It starves the bees of any diversity - makes it harder for them to find food - constant stress from the unnatural environments.

Yeah, I was wondering about your lawn care. You don't use RoundUp? Usually, they'll edge with it - clean up all around the stonework, etc.

Sheesh, I feel ya on the lawn chemicals. For the last 25 years I've been here, I haven't used any fertilizer or chemicals on mine. I started out with systemic weed preventative and killer, etc, spring application of nitro fertilizer, but it's an old yard with established trees and I couldn't get grass to grow properly that way, so I let it go natural. :slide: I mulch the clippings and leaf fall, the worms love it - got lumps everywhere, scraggly mixed grasses ...

But it's clean! :yahoo:

The best yards I see are stripped of everything else but grass. That soil will never grow anything but grass. Beautiful, greedy, boring grass.

Right? But hey, it needs a lot of mowing and that's good for the economy. :thumb:
Yea, to be honest I’ve come to hate my work. I absolutely hate using and handling chemicals. I do use round up, but no way would I edge with it... that looks like crap. I use a weed eater/ line trimmer for that. I only use round up in rock areas and only if the weeds are small. If they are large enough to pull I do so. But even then, as I spray, I think... oh nice... next time it rains this crap will wash into the sewage.

I’m actually looking at changing what I do, moving to something better hopefully. It’s actually pretty sad that people my own age are too damn lazy (they claim too busy) to take care of their own yards.

I’m with you, I would love a place of my own where I could let it be natural. Sounds like it’s less work for you, and all the fungi and such love you for it too!

Sorry, I wasn’t trying tk start anything... I just hate pretty much all this crap people buy and out on their yards. Most people have no freaking clue man... no clue!
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