Amy Gardner’s High Brix Dreams

Hey Yeti! :welcome: I’m glad you could join us! Yay for diy.
It’s funny actually, if I had built this 3 years ago while still fully able bodied, it would’ve been rougher looking because I’d have just screwed it all together fast. Because I couldn’t do that, I had to treat it like making myself a kit that I could assemble easily buy hand ... this really helps the good looks :battingeyelashes:

I did it in what i thought would be the easiest way for me to do it. I dont really have frames. I used angle stock on the edges basically to have a way to hang the lights up.

So far they are the best light I have used. My yields are definitely higher than ever before. I actually broke an ounce per gallon of soil on one of the last plants I took down. I ended up with 7.25 ounces out of a 7 gallon pot. I suggest some led sunglasses as they are bright and will hurt your eyes/give you a headache if you work with them on full blast for any amount of time.
I can confirm that Yeti! Very bright light and I too am noticing my plants are way happier, grow more vigorously etc.
Veg light:

Flower light:

Thanks again to all that helped me get this project running!! Yeti, Grey, Dynamo... thanks guys... I hope I didn’t forget someone.
Haha! The DIY light show :slide:
I did it in what i thought would be the easiest way for me to do it. I dont really have frames. I used angle stock on the edges basically to have a way to hang the lights up.

So far they are the best light I have used. My yields are definitely higher than ever before. I actually broke an ounce per gallon of soil on one of the last plants I took down. I ended up with 7.25 ounces out of a 7 gallon pot. I suggest some led sunglasses as they are bright and will hurt your eyes/give you a headache if you work with them on full blast for any amount of time.

They look awesome Yeti! I used angle stock as well :high-five:

Hey, what glasses did you get - my gosh I need some!

Very bright light and I too am noticing my plants are way happier, grow more vigorously etc.

I Like yours too jerm, that flat piece mounting look really good. :thumb:

Not sure the brand name in that pic is ok actually (on the driver). Site guidelines - we aren’t supposed to showcase LED lighting non-sponsors by displaying their brand names. I’ll check that with @Teddy Edwards :thumb: I was planning to get him to check my next post for compliance anyway :)

Haha! The DIY light show :slide:

They look awesome Yeti! I used angle stock as well :high-five:

Hey, what glasses did you get - my gosh I need some!

I Like yours too jerm, that flat piece mounting look really good. :thumb:

Not sure the brand name in that pic is ok actually (on the driver). Site guidelines - we aren’t supposed to showcase LED lighting non-sponsors by displaying their brand names. I’ll check that with @Teddy Edwards :thumb: I was planning to get him to check my next post for compliance anyway :)

Well, I have posted these pics before... they never said anything and as far as I know they are still i Doc Q&A tread. Sorry about that.. I personally think its all a bit silly, I bought the brand I liked and was recommended to me shouldn't really matter if they are a sponsor here, I still wanna show my work ya know. Plus those are both DIY, so not like I bought them made like that. Sorry for the troubles.
Well, I have posted these pics before... they never said anything and as far as I know they are still i Doc Q&A tread. Sorry about that.. I personally think its all a bit silly, I bought the brand I liked and was recommended to me shouldn't really matter if they are a sponsor here, I still wanna show my work ya know. Plus those are both DIY, so not like I bought them made like that. Sorry for the troubles.

Hey man its no trouble! NO trouble at all! I’m really glad you posted them here... I love it! :passitleft:

I just know there’s certain little details and I want to make sure, you know ;). I about to post the pics of the final build and I’ going to get teddy to check that as well. It’s not a big deal. :thumb:
I dunno'...I can see both sides...should be kewl to post pics of a DIY if one doesn't mention supplier's...It prolly is...on the other hand...sponsor's spend considerable dough on advertising and contributing to contests, so there should be a certain etiquette when naming non site brand/supplier...any ways...all your builds are very nicely done...:thumb::high-five:...wish the affordable tech was there a couple years ago, when I started transitioning from hillbilly to something more current...great weekend wishes to all...cheerz...h00k...:rollit::passitleft:
DIY Light Build: wiring and firing it up!

I can’t resist...


Yesterday we left off with 3 boards and the driver left to mount and the wiring to complete.

First I took care of medication - I know the stem is filthy, I’ve cleaned it since :battingeyelashes::volcano-smiley:

^^^ I was pretty stoked with how well most of them matched up with the holes i drillled. I’m like a factory :laugh:

Then, on with the build...

I think the air gap under the driver is plenty.

The driver is easily removed and replaced :thumb:

So, ready for wiring. I did the power a couple of weeks ago, or a week, I can’t remember...

And then the boards. Let me just say this - I love WAGOS. What a great invention. I know there are other wire nuts and wire nuts have been around for ages, but these things are superb :thumb:

Oh and I’ll say this too - one cannot, i repeat cannot, find solid-core hook up wire that is 18AWG in this country. I had to make my way with stranded and its not easy to solder the ends enough so that they don’t collapse a bit on the way in to the ports. They’re all in there well, but they’re not great so I’ll try to procure some 18AWG hook up from the USA and replace it down the track, soon. I’ not including pics of the connections because, while they’re not terrible they’re not perfect and I wouldn’t want anyone to think I was endorsing it as an acceptable result.

But onwards - the WAGOS!!

Ready to test.....

I was thrilled it worked. My partner was thrilled it didn’t trip out the fuse box :battingeyelashes:

The driver is an HLG185-C700A, so it has a dimming port built in (that you access with a screwdriver). I didn’t get a shot of this, but if you don’t know what I’m talking about and you want to, watch the LED Gardener on YouTube, he does an awesome tour through all the drivers relevant to indoor horticultural lighting.

And for the lighting geeks the boards are designed by Graytail, 128 diodes per board @48V. The original plan was for a 2x2’ so I’d planned to run 32w/board to get 160 watts. The new tent is 2.5 x 2.5’ so you might say I’m now short on watts but I don’t want the plant right up against the sides of the tent, I want some airflow and space around them so I think I’m still growing in 2 x 2’, just with 1/4 foot space around the edges

Oh, and these panels are 3500k :thumb:

I ran it through the WATT meter while tweaking the output...

This is where I have to set for now.

Without further ado I hung it and set the timer for veg: ON at 530am; OFF at 1130pm.

I have it as high as it can go and I think I’ll get 2 more ratchet hangers and hang it directly from them. This will allow me to get it higher if needed :hmmmm:

Very happy Amy :thanks::hug::thanks: to those who helped directly and to everyone else for having fun growing this beautiful gift of nature together :hippy: (I don’t even remember if that the right code for it ;) )

I need very much to get on with some environmental controls (extraction, timer for the humidifier etc.), but for now I need to rest and will just let the tent hang open for air. It’s currently 18-22ºC and 60%RH, so pretty good.

I love this photo so I’m posting it again - call it a bookend - I love the effect of light you get form the way the little grommets keep it up off the floor ...

Exhausted, blissfully high, totally stoked. It’s all a bonus from here (again, I’m wanting an emoji that conveys kicking back... :ganjamon: with :yummy: )

Instead I’ll drop this, i’ve dropped it in the lounge before and realise it can go here no problem. It conveys exactly how I plan to spend the rest of my Saturday morning...

I dunno'...I can see both sides...should be kewl to post pics of a DIY if one doesn't mention supplier's...It prolly is...on the other hand...sponsor's spend considerable dough on advertising and contributing to contests, so there should be a certain etiquette when naming non site brand/supplier...any ways...all your builds are very nicely done...:thumb::high-five:...wish the affordable tech was there a couple years ago, when I started transitioning from hillbilly to something more current...great weekend wishes to all...cheerz...h00k...:rollit::passitleft:
Exactly all of this ^^^. Which is why I just like to check. There’s no harm in being sure. :thumb:

I feel very blessed to have landed in a life situation good for growing and to have found 420Magazine at this time. I have these awesome lights and am growing (almost) with the kit... the best weed is always coming

Cheers h00k

And yes that exactly is the rule, can show any diy but not showcase the product of a non lighting sponsor (ie show the brand). But shed’s right too, the HLG drivers are more ubiquitous. In any case, it;apart of the agreement the Mag has with it’s sonsors and I’m comfortable checking that I’m honouring that contract on their behalf :thumb:
Very nice Amy! Something I would not attempt myself! Me and electricity are a no-no :bravo:
That Looks awesome. I know you used angle stock as well. I did not build a frame though. Just put them on the ends of my sheets of sheet metal lol. I got some generic LED sunglasses off of the rainforest site. I could not find any that were intended for use with white LEDs, they all seemed set p for blurples. They seem to work ok. I got used to the light though and do not use them even though should.

@LadyGaea I did not think I would be able to build mine either. I am the same way when it comes to electricity. It was easier than I expected it to be and I am super glad that I took the leap and built something for myself. I have $900 and probably a day of my life put into 4 panels. These 4 panels completely cover my 4x8 tent. I could not buy prebuilt LEDs to cover the same area for less than twice that anyways.
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