Amy Gardner’s High Brix Dreams

:ciao:I havn't been able to get the root developement Doc is talking about, I let my Zamaldelicat go a long time and didn't feel the roots were enough but went ahead and flipped. I also haven't got them to drinking every day. I would thin inside vegetation, I've had PM and try to allow ventilation through the plant. :Namaste:
Thanks yeti! I replied to you over there ;)

I do not remove a bunch of leaves while growing so I do not have much to in put there.

Yeah - I never have either but I’ve not really grown indoors before, nor had a plant this damn bushy!

I ended up taking off the big ol fans. I found these pics of the structure of Van’s Blue Dream during veg...


There’s no fans on that main stem! Was all I needed to see to encourage me to relieve that crowded zone of those chunky leaves. I’d never do it outside at this stage... l guess I’ll find out if it was a bad move. ;)
would thin inside vegetation, I've had PM and try to allow ventilation
Great. :thanks:I did some, and the first thing I thought after was how much better the airflow will be.

That’s good to hear re roots and everyday watering. I’m pretty happy with how thin and hairy the roots are. It’s in my plan that I’d be ideally transplanting this week sometime so I may stick to that schedule anyway and let it veg for a week or so in the 10gal before flip.

I really have not much idea what post flip will be like but by most accounts this strain doesn’t stretch much so I’ve been thinking to let it get some more size before flipping. I have plenty of room!
Yep I agree, if you leave her in the 1gal you’ll need to feed stronger drenches to stave off that rusty damage on the leaves. Or no water between drenches... to keep the soil pumped to the max... So if she were mine, I’d do as these guys are sayin. Put her in a 10gal, let her veg for a week or two, then flip.
Really great looking little bush there, she’s gonna be so pretty in flower!
Thanks DaJ!

Yeah - the drenches have been strong but just not able to get them in often enough because of how slow it’s been drying out. Next drench due any minute is a Growth Ionic, so I’ll get that done and then transplant once its dry so that will line up well wth a nice big TP Drench at transplant.

I honestly thought that I would be greeted by a droopy plant wanting its drench this morning but instead, I was met by this perky as all get out number! (Looks better after the fan removal... took off heaps and still bushy!)


It was always my plan to let it veg a bit in the 10gal before flip, and my grow diary has a big line starting today and spanning the week, telling me that the ideal window for transplanting has opened - so anytime this week is fully on schedule for my original (vague) plan :thumb:

I have another outing planned today - another medical appointment - and will be incorporating a trip to the garden centre :D. I love it there. I’ll be picking up a few pots hopefully. I’m thinking about how to manage my brix plants in pots during the outside season. Black plastic pots get hot in the sun. And the fabric ones don’t move well in my experience - too much risk of breaking the root ball every time I move the pot. PLus they get too dry too fast outdoors here. So the plastic are better for me - just concerned about the heat factor - I mitigated it ok last year, but that was on;y one pot so I had enough ice packs. I’ll have 3 pots this year... we will see if I find anything there today.
Wrap the pots in coarse fabric like burlap for the heat. :thumb: Even if you can't keep them wet, they'll shade the solar heating.
That’s a good thought too, and will work if I put one out in the bush at all - plenty of low shrubs to nestle it next to. The others will be in more open places... and might need to be moved around a little bit sometimes.
But it sounds like some standard pots wil be manageable. Hopefully i’ll find some today :)
Cool Duggan! I had noticed your sparkiness ;) I was thinking of you actually when I was putting together the inline power connector, took this photo for you actually and left it out of the post (too many pics). I remember at the time thinking, I wonder if Duggs would approve of my technique - it’s tricky holding it all in place while you screw down!


So ya - the only issue has been my having trouble finding 18AWG solid core here. All the hook up wire is stranded (go figure :rolleyes: ) an the solid core is all 20 or 22AWG.
Maybe my electrician buddy will have some for me ... otherwise I’ll jump on a plane and come get some from you when I come to pick up my ounce! (Come on Duggs’ plants! You can crack 2lb!!!)

Cheers Duggs, you have a great day too! Sunday eh? :thumb:
Amy, in the future you can "tin" the wire by stripping the end insulation, sticking it in some flux, then soldering it. Makes a solid wire end fit enough for the job I'd say. You still watch this?
Thanks otter! Yes I had intended to tin it but the little sockets the wires go into wouldn’t take tinned ends... too small. And others had had trouble getting tinned ends into them. I actually found a source for solid core wire that’s 18awg - it’s at the big hardware store I just wasn’t finding it on their website casue they call it something different. Picking some up this week actually!
Congratulations to all our ganja loving friends in South Africa who now have legal acceptance to grow and consume at home! :slide:

I miss my buddy @MerryAnna and hope wherever she is that this makes her life and her beautiful garden so much the better! And to @Smeegol too! A great day for ganja!!

All caught up and big blue is looking spectacular!

Sorry I got here late but you did what I would suggest, TAKE THOSE FANS OFF


If that was my plant, I would defoliate more on each side branch coming off the main stem. I would remove the fans/stems (potential clones) on the bottom third of each stem. You can see in Vans pic that he does this also. This will help with airflow in the middle. Are you planning to tie any of those side branches out? That could also help with airflow and crowding. Doing one branch at a time will help make it less overwhelming then just clipping randomly from above. You will take less off this way.

When I saw the leaves you pointed out and now cut, I thought they needed more food or perhaps transplanting? Also, I think plants respond to overcrowding or the need for transplant by creating shorter/tighter nodes but this could also be genetic?

Those are my 2 cents anyways! I have no idea about the medium/method you use except what I’m learning here so it’s hard to know what to suggest;) I always start my suggestions with, If these were my plants...


Yah - it’s a Hagstrom. Has seen better days unfortunately and is now literally too heavy for me to play (I have a little half size that’s great!).

Im not sure if Hagstrom copied the SG’s or if it was the other way round.

My first E guitar (not bass) was an SG copy - grew up on Angus young! :D


I love Angus and have been him for Halloween 2 times. :D The best concert I ever saw was AC/DC outdoors, thunderstruck came on right in the middle of a god dam thunderstorm! It was magical

My gf and I do a wicked rendition of thunderstruck (with all the moves) at karaoke :)
I realise I haven’t done my hash making yet...

The chopped up bud is still in the freezer along with the coffee filter. They’ve been there since Thursday last week.

My new and final tent arrived on Thursday and a girlfriend came to visit me on Friday so she helped me get it up and swap them over.

The new tent is awesome :thumb:

I’m really glad I stood on principle about the manufacturing flaws because this latest one I received is 420% perfect. No gap at the edges of the windows, no very large pinhole holes at the seams around the ducting ports – as it should be :)

So back to the hash. The tent construction and swap out took the usuall kind of toll on my hands so hash making was out for the weekend. They’re almost okay again now so maybe this week!

Big blue is looking swell after the GI drench and a Brix foliar :yummy:

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