Amy Gardner’s High Brix Dreams

or cram or top a one hitter and go to town.

Don' try that. I did - packs that bowl air tight. :D And if it's loose, it burns like flashpowder. Poof! Sprinkling it into a joint, or dusting the top of a bowl is the best way to use it - makes for a nice lil extra lift. :bongrip:
freezing the sift then put it between two pieces of parchment paper and use a wine bottle with hot water in it to roll it out into hash
OMG - that totally triggered a memory of seeing someone do that once in my wayward youth! :thumb: I’m going to try that - if i manage to collect enough. COnrad didnt say mich about method . But I’ve been watching dry sift YouTube videos for weeks now ;).

The little piece I made the other night I just held pressed in baking paper between my hands to get warm and meld together - I’d seen Hash Hound describe doing that for some little hash blocks he made recently, that was at Conrad’s too...

Thanks for reminding me. I need to freeze the bud...!

NIce to see the session continues ... when i’m out :rollit:

I’ve got one of those space case grinders... problem is hardly any of the keif makes it past the screen. Gets clogged very easy with this HB produce!
Got to clean the top and bottom of the screen with alcohol every week or two.

I’ve read that you can press kief and make rosin. But I want that old hash that used to go around. Now all there is is shatter and wax type stuff. I’ve just got to do a bit more research to find the easy way.
Yeah that keif he collected os pretty clean!

I might set myself up to emulate that method in future.

The coffee filter I have is technically too coarse - I got about 70% clean, and that might be being generous! I’m still planning a run this weekend tho. Dirty hash still tastes like hash!
I have a little pollen press that makes pucks but it wasn’t that great and its too hard to get unstuck, I need one with a handle or the fingers I had when I was 20.

I just broke off chunks and heated it, rolled it out a bit with a lighter, and then crumble it into joints. I’d really like to have a better method and make that a good chunk of that old school hash.

Next time I’ll try the hot water and wine bottle, great idea thanks!
I know Conradino just uses a hot knife to press the kief between parchment paper layers. Options lol
Update: Blue Dream #1 - Day 56

Update is a bit early because I’m needing some advice, input, opinion etc.

Growth is definitely picking up - the moon is newly waxing so there’s a good chance that is helping now too :)

This thing is still sooo bushy though!... and is still taking aaaages to dry out. I’m 6 days since the last dunk. It feels pretty light today but not really showing much droop. I was hoping to have gotten the next Drench in by now. Seems a long way apart still for day 56 and the size of the plant.

When I say size I really mean bushiness.

The top node shoots are going well, and the lowest branches are too (at the 4th-5th nodes). In between those though, there are some side branches that don’t seem to be getting on with it at all. I’ve been tucking the big main stem fan leaves out of the way for light, but I’m wondering if I can remove them altogether because maybe they’re just crowding things out and stopping those branches from growing out. Or I should be removing more lower branches...? or remove the ones that aren’t doing anything much...? anyway - here’s a few snaps trying to show it - it’s hard to photograph. I’ve never had a plant this tightly stacked and bushy before. I’m thinking with this kind of bushyness I could have topped it sooner... (Ignore the humidity reading pls - it’s very dry here at the moment and this drop happens when I open the tent. Its’ usually 50-60% in there.)

You’ll notice there I had a little supercropping accident. Was doing it to the top two shoots and it was really hard to squish them - like really hard and they weren’t soft enough when ibent them and I heard that awful tiny little sounds of a young shoot snap :eek: - I applied a little aloe and taped it quickly with a trimmed down bandaid and it has survived ok - just looks a little awful now. Even the one that worked looks awful where i bent it - all bruised ... not sure i like super cropping very much. I might stick to bending and LST - i seem to do ok with that!

Speaking of bushiness, the lowest branches are also bushing up massively without seeming to put on much length.

So that’s that main question for discussion - seeking all perspectives on handling that bushiness. Remove stuff? Wait and see?

I already lowered it so it’s not as close to the light - it’d be close to 30” now (as of yetserday). But I don’t think that’s going to make a huge difference - it was stacking like this as a seedling when it was miles from the lights.

On a slightly different note - clearly it recovered well after the rescue drench. There were what appeared to be slightly burnt tips afterwards but not too pronounced. So, I know we look to the new growth after something remedial like that, and the new growth is good. But the state of the older leaves has progressed in the last 4-5days so I’m just wondering if it’s something to consider. (It’s actually all the leaves I’d love to remove that are showing this - I don’t think I’m just bein vain though ;) I want to remove them because I feel like they’re crowding things, not because they’re not pretty :battingeyelashes:). So, showing some escalation of the tip burn thing - or rusting on tips - and some rusty spots.

Thanks for checking it out my crew!

I really wanted to be looking at transplanting in about a week or so, but with how long it still goes between watering it doesn’t seem possible - it’s turning into a very long veg! This plant just seems to get thicker, not bigger! Maybe it’s about to turn a corner and put on a whole load of new length!

Still looking the goods though despite my teething problems as a kit grower...

Haha! I may just do that!

Update supplemental!

I made some adjustments and some discoveries that warrant a viewing.

I didn’t like how the broken stem looked, even tho it’s healing and the shoot is powering. The break spot made it a bit vulnerable, so I made a splint :)

Much stronger.

The other side I SC’d is strong - just bruised

Then I decided to remove the tie downs for a while, and thought it looked better... for now. I’ve been stretching out the upper limbs a lot, creating space, a little every day.

Then, while I was adjusting the light hangers a bit, I moved the plant out of the tent and noticed how much the colour changes in different light :eek:

And to top things off, I am suddenly not at all bothered by anything ‘slow’ up top still, because look at these roots we’re buildIng :slide:

Nice and hairy eh!?

Oh - and because I forgot before, I treated my hands to some quality tools that make working on the plant, not just easier, possible.

Thanks! The colours when away from the LED are amazing! So blue :eek: :)

So really? No one (except Shed) has anything to say about removing the big old fans from the main stem?

And is it unusual that it still takes 6-7 days for it to dry out between drenches? Everywhere Doc talks about transplanting once it needs water everyday... I thought I’d be getting close to that by now. But it seems a way away...
Thanks! The colours when away from the LED are amazing! So blue :eek::)

So really? No one (except Shed) has anything to say about removing the big old fans from the main stem?

And is it unusual that it still takes 6-7 days for it to dry out between drenches? Everywhere Doc talks about transplanting once it needs water everyday... I thought I’d be getting close to that by now. But it seems a way away...
I just stated this over on Doc's thread. I thought I was here lol:
If you did happen to drown your roots before the rescue that may explain why it is drinking slowl. It is up to you if you are comfortable moving it up now or if you want to wait a bit. I will say though that any discolored spots will probably go away once she is in more soil.

I do not remove a bunch of leaves while growing so I do not have much to in put there. You seem to be doing a very fine job training and shaping your plants and trust that your instincts will lead you down the right path!
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