Amy Gardner’s High Brix Dreams

Ohhkay! So a couple of hours on from that little Sunday morning toke and I’ve just tallied up the final costs of the light build. All amounts in AUD unless marked otherwise ;)

Boards (x5) $175 (shipped)
Driver $ 67
INline connector $18
Wagos n wire $15
Bolts n washers $54
Extruded alu-angle $45

Total of $374 in materials which is about USD $275.

To compare:
- the recommended retail rig would have cost me $704 AUD including shipping so, while you could say i saved nearly half buy building it myself, that wouldn’t really be accurate because my actually buying that was never going to be in the equation. But as the the general question is DIY at least half cheaper than the full retail option of equivalent quality? Yes :thumb: definitley.

- the equivalent full kit available here is with cobs and would’ve cost me between $450-$520 AUD plus shipping so I’m ahead on that one too.

But again, I can’t kid myself that i saved anything per se as I would not have bought that either. SO it was DIY or no light. One of the main advantages to doing this DIY was being able to spread the cost of the components over a long period of time.

- and the other QB board set I was originally considering would have cost me $133 USD which is about $180 AUD, plus shipping. So i probably saved about $50 on the cost of the panels. Except, with 5 of these 128diode panels I have over 100 more diodes than with 4 of the 132s, so I paid less for more. :thumb:

If I was working full time or growing for profit and had little time or resources for DIY there’s absolutely no doubt I would spring for a Timber QB set up - they’re beautiful and they’re plug and play. Sue’s garden is looking absolutely stunning under all that Timber light. It was the state of desiring one of those and having them tantalisingly out of reach that made me embark on building this one 6months ago. I think mine is just as beautiful, especially for under $300USD. :battingeyelashes:

And... because this is what it’s all about, here’s a very close look at our charge today (last night just before lights out). :yummy:

Good morning ms.Amy if I may please ask a question in regards to your new lights as your magnificent build has got my brain a rattling for my lights for next winter... I'd just like to know from everyone if this is a good deal in qb's.

4x of these boards only would set me back $380 shipping, customs all included. By the Horticultural group...
Is that price in US $ an agreeable price range ladies and gents..

thank you kindly ms.Amy....
Tead found that one, too. I like it. That's a good price. :thumb:

You'll also need a power supply (driver) for them. The Mean Well brand is available worldwide at decent prices, roughly $60 USD.
Only environmental thing to solve is extraction and humidity control - and I expect the humidity part will be a process of management in such a small space until I get a few things dialled in), but it’s not too bad right now, could be higher, but because I’m here all the time I can just spray down the walls of the tent every hour or so, no trouble.

Hi Amy!
It is so satisfying to run a light that was home built by your own hands, I too assembled two lights from scratch, very satisfying indeed. It tested my soldering skills that hadn't been used in a few years. I built linear amps and audio stuff as a side job for a while, so fun to DIY. A thick towel soaked and hanging can provide 4-6 hours of good humidity, and hanging the tail in a bucket of water will wick upwards and last even longer. Watch for mold though ... wash the towel and bucket every couple of days.

Hi Keith, yeah all my soldering experience is in audio too :)
towel soaked and hanging can provide 4-6 hours of good humidity, and hanging the tail in a bucket of water will wick upwards and last even longer. Watch for mold though ... wash the towel and bucket every couple of days.

Thanks for that, I already have bowls of water in there and have been contemplating hanging towel into them. Good tip on the mould and washing them regularly, cheers :thumb:
I have a little personal humidifier in there too and before I added my extraction fan it was perfect, about 55% all the time the extraction has dropped it back down to the high 40s so I either need a bigger humidifier or some towels. I’ll definitely add some towel in the short term I think.

Thanks Graytail for jumping in and helping Smeegs our there

Wish me all luck, well more stamina and tenacity than luck really, I’m doing the sensitisation protocol again this week. I’ve run out of my CBD CC oil and need to make more today. I’ve also been needing more and more herb so it’s time to reset or I’ll churn through my bud before I have more!:eek: I just had a wonderful weekend of many many many tokes so I can ride with that while I abstain for the purposes of cleansing the receptors. Also knowing how much more potent my weed will be afterwards is helpful motivation :battingeyelashes: (It’s call re - sensitisation for a reason ;) ). Couple of days just enjoying the sights and smells :yummy:

... somehow announcing it makes it real... now I’m committed :cheer:
Hi Amy,..evenin ya'l. Amy if the RH doesn't fall below 40 you are still very OK , alright. It might not be worth all the extra trouble and worry to get it to 50 or 55 % from 40% OK. I try and keep mine between 40 and 60...if i can reach those numbers , everything is golden. Cheers .

40% to 60%, exactly my parameters too Duggan. Funny, I once had a mentor with the last name of Duggan.

I’m doing the sensitisation protocol again this week.

Well that sucks, I'd share some bud if I could legally Amy. Hope its not too bad emotionally.

Hi Keith, yeah all my soldering experience is in audio too :)

Thanks for that, I already have bowls of water in there and have been contemplating hanging towel into them. Good tip on the mould and washing them regularly, cheers :thumb:
I have a little personal humidifier in there too and before I added my extraction fan it was perfect, about 55% all the time the extraction has dropped it back down to the high 40s so I either need a bigger humidifier or some towels. I’ll definitely add some towel in the short term I think.

Thanks Graytail for jumping in and helping Smeegs our there

Wish me all luck, well more stamina and tenacity than luck really, I’m doing the sensitisation protocol again this week. I’ve run out of my CBD CC oil and need to make more today. I’ve also been needing more and more herb so it’s time to reset or I’ll churn through my bud before I have more!:eek: I just had a wonderful weekend of many many many tokes so I can ride with that while I abstain for the purposes of cleansing the receptors. Also knowing how much more potent my weed will be afterwards is helpful motivation :battingeyelashes: (It’s call re - sensitisation for a reason ;) ). Couple of days just enjoying the sights and smells :yummy:

... somehow announcing it makes it real... now I’m committed :cheer:
I just took a week off after a year of daily use. Prob a good half oz a week +.

After 2 days it was easy.

I went and bought a very nice one hitter. One visit to the one hitter lasts me a good three hours how cute.

Wife and I split a joint over three sessions last night, about 5 hours.

The reset will do you well. Just focus on the simplicity of the result.
Well that sucks, I'd share some bud if I could legally Amy. Hope its not too bad emotionally.


Haha - thanks KK. I’d love to sample your wares :yummy: I’m not out of bud though .., if you could see my stash!!:rofl: I have still about half a pound in here I think. :hmmmm:

The process is voluntary, I just chose today because I’m out of my CBD dosing oil as well so it’s the perfect time to really clean the receptors.

I do the protocol SweetSue put me on to, developed by medicinal cannabis very cool dude Dr Dustin Sulak. I’ll come back and link to the thread.

this will be my 3rd journey through the protocol. It’s been tricky working out how to do it using multiple modes of cannabis ‘delivery’ so this time I’m just doing the cleanse and I’ll resensitise with the full herb and vaping and with enjoyment as the aim rather than medical effects of the CBD oil. I did that last time so I kind of know my dose...ish.

The protocol involves 2 days of complete abstinence (during which you are encouraged to open your jars and enjoy the delicious cannabis aromas - this is good for your receptors!). Then there is 4 days where you reintroduce in a slightly controlled way, which does 2 things. It helps you find your minimum dose and optimal dose, plus it conditions your cannabinoid receptors to be more sensitive. So I’ll get back to a few hits a day, and they’re likely to get me a lot higher than the 15+ I’m having at the moment (& wasting my stash!!).

It gets easier every time I do it. :thumb:

Link to the thread on this protocol
6-Day Sensitization Protocol - Resetting The Tolerance Levels
Update: Blue Dream # 1 (Day 8)

Well I thought the new kid deserved some airtime in the journal, seeing as the plant is what it’s all about.

It’s rolling along. Nothin much to see ‘cause all the action is happening down below :battingeyelashes:

...beneath the surface of the soil.
Patience and boredom are the norm at this stage.
The little broken cotyledon has hung in there and hasn’t shrivelled off which tells me it’s still attached enough to be performing at least some of its function so that’s good. The first leaves are looking a little bit odd but the next set are emerging looking bright green and perky so all seems in order. I dribbled 1/4 cup of plain water around the outside today - mindful of what Doc says about wanting the pot to dry out as evenly as possible. It soaked through accross the top a bit so I think it looks a bit wetter than it actually is.

One week in and all is well. :thumb:

This light is spooky! It’s like it’s just there, or just here, it’s not coming from anywhere ... :eek: When I held the phone directly over the plant to take a picture, there was no visible shadow on the plant or the pot. I can wave my hand around above the plant and not discern any shadow movement.

The quote above from Doc Bud is from the DBHBB journal that Doc and Darkscotia ran and which I’m reading alongside this as a companion grow. I am therefore able, at this point, to provide the journal with the appropriate aspirational images - this is what we’re aiming for over the next 5-6weeks... (all Doc’s pics, i expect he won’t mind :) )




I’ll be very happy of my roots are half as good!!

good afternoon ms.Amy, cheers for letting ask about the lights on here yesterday it was much appreciated and thanks to everyone who helped out, I will be asking a bit more as time goes on if no one minds but I'll pop over to their journals..
Those blonde roots are definitely up there with the wow factor. I've never actually looked up mr.Docs soil before, journal hunting here I go...haha

Have a great day ms.Amy and esteemed friends.....:Namaste:
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