Amy Gardner’s High Brix Dreams

good afternoon ms.Amy, cheers for letting ask about the lights on here yesterday it was much appreciated and thanks to everyone who helped out, I will be asking a bit more as time goes on if no one minds but I'll pop over to their journals..
Those blonde roots are definitely up there with the wow factor. I've never actually looked up mr.Docs soil before, journal hunting here I go...haha

Have a great day ms.Amy and esteemed friends.....:Namaste:
Cheers Smeegol - no worries. I’m glad you were able to get some help on it.

Here, i’m not toking today... so take this and hit it please :passitleft:

And regarding us all talking about lights: In general, because folks seem to be often confused by this (so this is for all, not just talking to Smeegs here) the site policy regarding lights from non sponsors is that it’s ok if we discuss and even posting photos is ok, we just have to keep the brand/seller name out of things. So no lighting manufacturer brand names in conversation or in pics (including drivers that may have the name of a non sponsor lighting manufacturer on them ;) ) and we’re all golden :thumb:

Phew - not toking has left me pretty wired at the end of the day. I’m usually asleep by now. Better sign off and try to do that... 24hours in, doing well

Per this discussion in MadDab's thread earlier this year, I thought the conclusion was that we could discuss all brands the way we discuss non-sponsor anything that we're up to. As I recall the instructions related to photos that included the brand names of non-sponsored lights. We weren't supposed to feature them in images.

Question on that root ball in Doc's photo. Isn't that root bound and would need to be untangled a bit before transplant? Or it that in its final home?
Per this discussion in MadDab's thread earlier this year, I thought the conclusion was that we could discuss all brands the way we discuss non-sponsor anything that we're up to. As I recall the instructions related to photos that included the brand names of non-sponsored lights. We weren't supposed to feature them in images.

Question on that root ball in Doc's photo. Isn't that root bound and would need to be untangled a bit before transplant? Or it that in its final home?
That's how he likes his roots to be when he up-pots from 1 gallons to 7s. You just score the roots and plop them in the new pot.
Oh, like any root bound pot then! Any reason not to move them before they look like that or is that the goal before transplant?
That's the goal. It takes me about 2-3 months to get a plant that root bound in my experience. All the low leaves will yellow and fall off by the time it gets there. Normally I don't take them that far though unless I'm cramped for space.
Oh, like any root bound pot then! Any reason not to move them before they look like that or is that the goal before transplant?

Those pics are taken the day I transplanted into 7's. Ideally, we want the plants rootbound, with stunted growth before upcanning.

What I mean by stunted growth is:

1. short internodes
2. thickened main stem
3. High calyx/leaf ratio
4. Needing water daily.

I dunk them into a double strength drench and let them soak it up for about 5 minutes every day when they get like that.

They sprint in the bloom phase, don't stretch as much and have a better leaf to bud ratio. It's the only way to do it, IMO. Weak roots systems just can't perform.
Those pics are taken the day I transplanted into 7's. Ideally, we want the plants rootbound, with stunted growth before upcanning.

What I mean by stunted growth is:

1. short internodes
2. thickened main stem
3. High calyx/leaf ratio
4. Needing water daily.

I dunk them into a double strength drench and let them soak it up for about 5 minutes every day when they get like that.

They sprint in the bloom phase, don't stretch as much and have a better leaf to bud ratio. It's the only way to do it, IMO. Weak roots systems just can't perform.
Thanks Doc!
Per this discussion in MadDab's thread earlier this year, I thought the conclusion was that we could discuss all brands the way we discuss non-sponsor anything that we're up to. As I recall the instructions related to photos that included the brand names of non-sponsored lights. We weren't supposed to feature them in images.

Yes I remember that too but I came away with the impression that we were asked to refrain from mentioning or including in pics, the brand names.
So because I wanted to get it right, I actually clarified (and confirmed) my interpretation of the policy last week, directly with the source. I checked with Teddy E, when I posted it, that my post on the light build was ok (it mostly was).

This excerpt from the posting guidelines does make it clear I think

Unless you are growing with or discussing LED manufacturers or suppliers who are 420 Sponsors, (see this link for a list), we must request that you do not refer to or link to any LED company by name. Threads or posts which showcase, photograph and/or promote non-sponsor LEDs in any way will be edited or deleted.

So the request is not to refer to, or have visible in your pics, the non sponsor manufacturers.

There is more context for this and it seems a perfectly fine policy to me, and I was able to make my post about my DIY with no problems, I just had to black out the LED Manufacturer branding from the driver in the pics. I actually missed one, and then after clarifying the ‘rule’ I asked Teddy E to edit that image for me, which he did (I’ll come back and drop in the pic he edited for me).

It’s all good. It’s how ‘law’ works (both formal and informal), we find the boundaries of law by overstepping them occasionally. It’s actually a process I enjoy - so long as no-one is getting hurt :)

So you can post pics of the boards with the names blanked out but not mention the names in the post. That category seems to be the only one with that restriction as far as I know. I can mention a different brand of grinder or seeds I got from 420 ('s in the title of my journal) or a vape I like from a non-sponsor company, but not lights. That's a restriction in the sharing of information with each other, and will not help anyone searching Google for recommendations on builds, which I thought was a major point of this site. At least it seems to be the reason given for deleting all sorts of pics and videos...they will mislead those doing searches. As Teddy says, "...this can result in less people finding the help they need on our website."

If getting people to find the help they need on this website is key, then what grower is using what boards to build their lights should be included in the text as long as the non-sponsor manufacturer isn't featured or linked to. It's one of the inconsistencies in the rules that shouldn't be there, as it really "does not align with [our] mission and ethics."
Those pics are taken the day I transplanted into 7's. Ideally, we want the plants rootbound, with stunted growth before upcanning.

What I mean by stunted growth is:

1. short internodes
2. thickened main stem
3. High calyx/leaf ratio
4. Needing water daily.

I dunk them into a double strength drench and let them soak it up for about 5 minutes every day when they get like that.

They sprint in the bloom phase, don't stretch as much and have a better leaf to bud ratio. It's the only way to do it, IMO. Weak roots systems just can't perform.
Hey Doc! Thansk for dropping your wisdom and practice here!
Like I said folks, the images are aspirational and that’s the thinking (supported by practice) behind what I’m aiming for. The plant will hopefully not get a full watering/dunk/drench until about week 3. I’m hoping I wint need to dribble any more water on it either. The pot is not drying out as fast as I’d thought... those holes up the sides of Doc’s 1 gal pot might make a difference there, hmmm... in future I might drill some out of the sides.
takes me about 2-3 months to get a plant that root bound in my experience
Ok well I’m hoping for about 6weeks in veg so I might not get to that root bound!
So you can post pics of the boards with the names blanked out but not mention the names in the post. That category seems to be the only one with that restriction as far as I know. I can mention a different brand of grinder or seeds I got from 420 ('s in the title of my journal) or a vape I like from a non-sponsor company, but not lights. That's a restriction in the sharing of information with each other, and will not help anyone searching Google for recommendations on builds, which I thought was a major point of this site. At least it seems to be the reason given for deleting all sorts of pics and videos...they will mislead those doing searches. As Teddy says, "...this can result in less people finding the help they need on our website."

If getting people to find the help they need on this website is key, then what grower is using what boards to build their lights should be included in the text as long as the non-sponsor manufacturer isn't featured or linked to. It's one of the inconsistencies in the rules that shouldn't be there, as it really "does not align with [our] mission and ethics."
Yeah I can see that too. And it is different to the guidelines about all the other sponsors. This is clarified a bit in the policy/guidelines I linked to but mainly it’s becasue of the practices of dodgy LED manufacturers creating accounts and starting conversations etc as promotional and shilling exercises so the LED area has been handled slightly differently because of that. It’s onky a minor pain and I understand why.

Now if seed companies start doing that a lot too, then it might become relevant there.

It’s not ideal, and I think the site owner and mods absolutely acknowledges that. They’re asking us to make a slight exception and adjustment in this area because of a particular quirk of that industry, so I’m cool with that. And we can use PM to exchange ‘details’ - which I enjoyed tbh because it meant I had a conversation with one person and that was much easier for me while working it all out. That’s nothing to do with policy, just a good personal experience ;) that was a byproduct
Ideally, we want the plants rootbound

Hey Doc,
Nice roots Doc Bud ... but I've already read all your stuff on 420Magazine, beginning to end, and you have become a master of Organic and Brix.

Like my Mama always said ... just grow roots and the rest will almost take care of itself. She ran her own neighborhood nursery (Dad and all us kids helped too, but it was her baby), and most everything she sold was from grown from cuttings (when did "Clones" become the word for cuttings?) or seeds (slower but much bigger profits). I trust my Mama, grow roots :laugh: RIP

Good, I'm glad you aren't dry, but wish you did have your Oil available, your attitude and life seem to be improving with time and Oils. I haven't been out of bud in ... well I don't remember the last timeI I actually smoke very little, two or three rips a day is usually plenty. Oil is very new to me, I only started making it a couple of years ago for my sons disease relief (NF1).
I have since found a few strains and methods to make Oil for my Rheumatoid Arthritis, and it's much more tolerable.
G'Night Amy

hope the mods can tell the difference
Im sure they can shed! I imagine it’s the sponsor companies that don’t make the distinction. I didn’t get anything removed. And I reported my own post knowing it might, but I was trying to gauge the boundaries of the guidelines, and I think I kind of found them. Once I knew that it was possible to comply (resistance is futile :) ). Not ideal no, but how it is. And it’s not unworkable, I don’t think. (Just an opinion of course).

And it’s not flogging a dead horse. I actually love conversations about this stuff. I love the concept of law. We only find and create the boundaries of law - be it formal or informal (social conventions etc) - by overstepping them at times. Over time this is how law is shaped. If we don’t want to be only subject to law we have to engage in probing its boundaries. TBH I was quite deliberate about approaching the DIY post in regards to that. It’s an area of very nerdy interest for me (the play of law and transgression, but that’s many late night conversations :) ).

Youre 17 hours behind me.

I haven’t actually had a late night conversation since illness took me down. I’m usually asleep by 8 :rofl: which is ridiculous! I used to be a great late nighter now I’m an early riser. That said last night was a late one, no vape and fasting all day - phew was I wired.

I’m up for a chat about anytime though ... so late one night...
found a few strains and methods to make Oil for my Rheumatoid Arthritis,
That’s great. And yes, the oils really helping with the coping skills and while I’ve had huge fluctuations in health and capacity just since joining this site, we can discern a kind of upward curve, we think. I’m not nearly as good as I was last spring (when I first hit ketosis and had big improvement), and Ive even been
worse for long periods but now I’m still a bit better than I was before I tried the ketosis so, over time a slight improve I think. It’s a long slow reality that’s for sure and the mental effects are sometimes as big a challenge as the physical debility. The oil helps there and with pain. And I do think the biggest improvement has been in my headspace and perspective and the ganja and the growing is a huge part of that. And more recently meditation as well. Plus running a grow journal and sharing it here, and sharing in everyone else’s ganjalife really helps in ways that are beyond description.

What strains particularly if you don’t mind my asking? And do you dose for the pain, or use topicals? Or both?
Everyone is different I know so what works for you might not be so for me (and some of the pain I get is like arthritis, but I don’t have arthritis) , but I also have a friend with RA and I’d love to make some for her too.

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