All you need to know about how to feed in Coco

Does feeding them this way save you $ as opposed to drain to waste? I have not tried recycling nutrients before. I could easily adapt my system to run like that.
Yeah saves you massive amounts of time and money mate. Its basically a diy wilma system. Get much better growth rates if theyre being fed multiple times a day too.

That sounds easy as. If I wanted to move my plants to that system would you recommend a big flush beforehand with the same stuff I'll be feeding them, so that whatever runs back into the tank from the first couple of waterings doesn't change the mix?

I have three plants but I'm already picturing a larger version that would be enough for all three... either that or I can move the tent so I can get in from the sides to access three of them.

With a system like this would you have to drain the res COMPLETELY each time you do a water change, or would leaving a small amount (maybe 100-200ml or so) of the old solution be ok? I can picture an easy way to drain it that would leave a little bit, or a way that would drain it 100% but be much more expensive..

Ideally you want to be able to empty it completely mate. Stops any nasty bacteria growing in it.
Can use stuff like hydroguard or sm90 for some extra insurance too but can just about get away without it if you empty every 7 days.
Are you saying that the roots also stretch during stretch? What root boost are you using in hydro?

Thanks for the excellent thread, amigo! :Namaste:
Just just use whatever liquid root boost that comes with your nute line mate. Not a great idea to mix brands for things. The roots never stop growing. But they do slow down in bloom.
Ideally you want to be able to empty it completely mate. Stops any nasty bacteria growing in it.
Can use stuff like hydroguard or sm90 for some extra insurance too but can just about get away without it if you empty every 7 days.

Ah ok, so a weekly drain and clean out would be a good idea then.. suppose a little time emptying and giving em a wipe out once a week is still a big saving over having to water by hand!

Any reason for limiting waterings to 3-4x daily? Little pumps don't draw a lot of power so it could run as much as you wanted it to without worrying about cost..
Ah ok, so a weekly drain and clean out would be a good idea then.. suppose a little time emptying and giving em a wipe out once a week is still a big saving over having to water by hand!

Any reason for limiting waterings to 3-4x daily? Little pumps don't draw a lot of power so it could run as much as you wanted it to without worrying about cost..
Could leave it on a trickle 24/7 if you wanted to mate. Most of us stick to 3-4 times though as it gives the plants a bit of time to chill and absorb things.
Great thread barney I run 8 litre fab pots with coco only at 1.2 to 1.5 EC with 4 plants per 4x4 and 660 watt hps I get anywhere from 16 to 20 zip per 4x4 pending on strains with multi feeding with cultivators coco feeding schedule but this round I am reducing some of the line as it’s so expensive, I take it you run Dutch pro and cal mag what other bits do you run if any and what do you think could be scrapped? as I fucking hate lining the pockets of these nutrients companies, but I have to say that ionic is a great product very ph stable one part easy to use and cheap as fuck so I won’t be changing that in a hurry.
Great thread barney I run 8 litre fab pots with coco only at 1.2 to 1.5 EC with 4 plants per 4x4 and 660 watt hps I get anywhere from 16 to 20 zip per 4x4 pending on strains with multi feeding with cultivators coco feeding schedule but this round I am reducing some of the line as it’s so expensive, I take it you run Dutch pro and cal mag what other bits do you run if any and what do you think could be scrapped? as I fucking hate lining the pockets of these nutrients companies, but I have to say that ionic is a great product very ph stable one part easy to use and cheap as fuck so I won’t be changing that in a hurry.
I've given up on the Dutch pro these days mate. Was using then for 3 years and they're awesome but just too expensive.
All I'm currently using is
Ionic -grow, bloom, pk booster and scillica with vitalink calmag+ (ca/mg/Fe/N)
I should be using a Res cleaner too but got 5ml of my sm-90 left and that's enough to fix both reservoirs if I blast it through them both so I'm experimenting to see if I can get away without it.
I don't give calmag very often. When I do its usually for iron Def.
Tap waters only 50ppm, growing with Coco and blurples so on paper I should need loads of calmag but ionic must have enough in it anyway.
Loving them so far :)
Still barely at quarter strength and going strong :)
I meant to say very informative, great thread!
I was in soil so far, but I'm thinking about trying coco sometime in the future. I hope to keep up with this thread. :snowboating:
My. Coco is Viagrow it's EC but ph is 7 that's a problem. So I bring the ph down. Now growing! After flushing all and giving cal-mag to all + fertilizer grew 1 and 2 inches over night! Yes! Thanks pennywise and ByzGrow!!! Much appreciated! There thriving now green back in the leaves. Yes! Thanks! I like coco but told to much with perlite 50% might do... atleast the roots will get more 02!
I meant to say very informative, great thread!
I was in soil so far, but I'm thinking about trying coco sometime in the future. I hope to keep up with this thread. :snowboating:
Thanks :) Coco really is a doddle like. Just quarter strength nutes and feed every day and not much can go wrong at all.
Been trying pretty hard to get my head round soil but the stuff just doesn't make sense to me. I like my simple methods :)
Yeah saves you massive amounts of time and money mate. Its basically a diy wilma system. Get much better growth rates if theyre being fed multiple times a day too.
How much $ do you spend on nutrients per grow? I use about 1.5 bottles of canna a & b each run which costs me about 60$. The last thing I need is better growth rates, I currently have one @ the ceiling in my tent :confused:
How much $ do you spend on nutrients per grow? I use about 1.5 bottles of canna a & b each run which costs me about 60$. The last thing I need is better growth rates, I currently have one @ the ceiling in my tent :confused:
Haha my record for 1 plant was something rediculous like £200 with not much left overs. Big ones can drink 15l a day quite easily.
Not much these days though. Don't really grow anything passed the 5oz mark so rarely need more than quarter strength.
How much $ do you spend on nutrients per grow? I use about 1.5 bottles of canna a & b each run which costs me about 60$. The last thing I need is better growth rates, I currently have one @ the ceiling in my tent :confused:
Tag me if you've got a journal on bud :)
Thanks :) Coco really is a doddle like. Just quarter strength nutes and feed every day and not much can go wrong at all.
Been trying pretty hard to get my head round soil but the stuff just doesn't make sense to me. I like my simple methods :)
do you feed to runoff?
and say i had a 5g pot would 1g be enough for runoff?
do you feed to runoff?
and say i had a 5g pot would 1g be enough for runoff?
Sometimes I hand feed to run off but I'm lazy. Current Coco plants are in 10L fabric pots which are put into a 4inch tall tub. I water till the tub is full and leave it sitting. Gives me 2-3 days between having to feed them and the top of the Coco is still wet by the time the tub dries up. Basically a hempy.
Zero waste and no dealing with run off. Just feed them the lot. Again though, really important to have the feed weak or this behaviour will fry them. I'm still experimenting with it to be honest but it's working really well so far.
Tried propper hempys last time and there was still a little waste to deal with so came up with this way to solve the problem lol :)
Fuck me barney you must be a northerner tight as fook lol but I like the way you roll with the run off being drawn back up I multi feed to run off and dump it if my run off is lower EC that my feed I just up it a bit till it’s the same or slightly bit higher but no more than 0.2 higher, and never have got to more than 1.6 EC in feeds and don’t get lock out or salt build up. They only need what they need and no more imo, but I can see why you running very weak feeds if this is how your feeding but hey ho no waste and even less nutrients sounds like your on to a winner. Keep up the good work it’s great when people share different methods and I like the idea of no flush but reducing nutrients till you chop I will definitely give this a go as it makes perfect sense to me to.
Tag me if you've got a journal on bud :)
I have never tried doing a grow journal before mostly because I dont use a ppm meter. I will use more than 60$ worth this run because this time I decided to try feeding them 2x a day when they started flower. I am hitting them once at lights on & again 6 hrs in. When feeding I wait to see runoff on all the plants before switching the pump off. Doing it this way I am currently using 17L daily with nutes mixed @ 50% strength on the grow. This is the one I was talking about, I had it out the other night so I could work on the little 5 footers in the back of the tent. It's in a 5 gal fabric pot & vegged less then 5 weeks. The shop vac canister raises it about an inch off the ground but the wheels make it worth it. :bongrip:

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