sorry to hear bout what happend mate, just hope you rescued what you could, and i hope that bud you saved drys and cures and ends up been a half decent smoke,
you really adding the pages up now, where in different time zones so when i check back in the next day i end up reading about 5 pages if im reading a journal like yours with loads of post, teSmp's old journal was like that, i think his record was about 7 pages over night, so i dont think your beating him yet, not far off,
looking forward to the scrog mate, bang some pics on when you get it sorted, its something i may try in my next grow or if i have only got 2 females i may try it with this grow, all depends what the cannabis gods give me, if they give me girls then ill be happy, if they give me 2 girls ill still be happy, if they give me 1 girl, ill be ok, but if i get all male, then i stop praying to the cannabis god, as he seems to be taking the piss out of me, if my femenised seeds turns out male, ill know who to blame, cant blame the seed bank as they state for souvineer purposes because its the only way they can sell them in my neck of the woods, so they wont discuss germination,