Alafornia's 1st Time Multistrain Medical Grow

They're looking good,Al-Good save on the WR ,I haven't seen that done before,
I'm sure I'd have just tossed it and started over-it actually looked dead to me...
But,like in the Princess was only "mostly dead"...
Love The Princess Bride! I want to call WR Princess Buttercup now but that was also the name of our deceased cat. What a sweetheart and mighty huntress she was! She died from FIV. Held her as the vet gave her the pink death and she died. So instantaneous. Such conflicting emotions of regret and relief for her, knowing I was doing the right thing but hating the need to do it. She was tough but there was just no way to overcome her disease.

Now that I've bummed everyone out, I'm glad WR made it and we do have a new cat.
I think I'll call her Westley and I shall be Miracle Max.
My cat is a rescue from my daughter in law-they can't have pets where
they live,so I adopted the cat...
His given name is "Pretzel"-but he's a very vocal cat,so
now he thinks his name is "Shut the F*ck up!"
He's a good cat,though,just kind of noisy...
My cat is a rescue from my daughter in law-they can't have pets where
they live,so I adopted the cat...
His given name is "Pretzel"-but he's a very vocal cat,so
now he thinks his name is "Shut the F*ck up!"
He's a good cat,though,just kind of noisy...

Our current cat is "Ed, Edd, and Eddy". Also Edna. Also Crazy Cat and Stalker Cat. I saved her from outside one fine August morn with the early temp below freezing. The wife heard her raucous butt and sent me to investigate. It was too late for two of her siblings. Took her in, warmed her up, gave her milk from the tip of my finger because she was too weak to do anything. The sugar perked her right up and she hasn't stopped since. At first we thought she was a he, thus the name(s).

Dog #2 had a similar story. Back in Alabama it was in the single digits and under my room was incessant barking in the middle of the night. The mother had spread her pups out under different houses. My oldest son found her and brought her in. Warmed her up, fed her, and she's lying by me now. Looks like a tiger.
I'm seeing a theme here with Mostly Dead things.
A house just isn't a home without pets
When my boys were still home,we had snakes,scorpions,lizards,rats,mice, and hamsters.
Now we've just got the cat,which is fine with me.
We've had a few rats, hamsters, guinea pigs, and so on. The wife finally fell in love with a dog and brought it home. She calls him my "true love". Not sure if she's more jealous of my love for the dog or his love for me.
We had a "pet" hermit crab once. What?! I didn't get it but I went along and it was interesting.
Kind of like our "pet" scorpions-I went along with them till one got out and stung me on the foot-
(I can't blame him ,I stepped on him in the dark)...thank goodness they're not as deadly as they look...
We are going to know in the next few days if I am an idiot or a genius. I transplanted White Russian #1 into new soil. Took out the plant and the first bit of top soil to keep her covered then emptied out the old soil and replaced with new. Watered it then created a space to place #1 in and covered her up. Spritz with a tiny bit of water. She was green but not thriving and WR #2 is hopefully coming out soon if this doesn’t work. I just felt like her environment there was not good and she needed a new start. At this point I don’t feel like there was much to lose. Here she is in her new home soil.

Kind of like our "pet" scorpions-I went along with them till one got out and stung me on the foot-
(I can't blame him ,I stepped on him in the dark)...thank goodness they're not as deadly as they look...

I couldn't blame him, but he'd still have to die for it. :D
He did-I turned the light on and threw a spoon at him (in the kitchen)-cut him in half-
I didn't know till then that I've got mad spoon-throwing skills....
Remind me not to piss you off with spoons nearby. Haha!
I’m leaving Westley out of this post. Everyone else is looking good. WR#2 hasn’t popped up yet.

Side and top pics:



For some reason the sequence was all out of order. Sorry for any confusion.
The saga of Westley (White Russian #1) continues.

Sunday morning I found her like this


Any reasonable human would think Westley was dead. But she was just mostly dead.

So I buried her up to almost the top and a little while later she looked like this


Not great, but better. I planted a second seed in case. Westley seemed to improve but then the edge were turning up and she was yellowing.



I decided I had nothing to lose by transplanting her to new soil as above in another post or here:


She seemed to stress a little


I can see it better in person but she seems to be greening up and straightening back out.


More to come. I'll just quote this post on the next update.

This never happened to me before I began this cannabis journey but all I can see in this picture are giant buds. Is it just me?


Have a great night everyone!
The saga of Westley (White Russian #1) continues.

Sunday morning I found her like this


Any reasonable human would think Westley was dead. But she was just mostly dead.

So I buried her up to almost the top and a little while later she looked like this


Not great, but better. I planted a second seed in case. Westley seemed to improve but then the edge were turning up and she was yellowing.



I decided I had nothing to lose by transplanting her to new soil as above in another post or here:


She seemed to stress a little


I can see it better in person but she seems to be greening up and straightening back out.


More to come. I'll just quote this post on the next update.

This never happened to me before I began this cannabis journey but all I can see in this picture are giant buds. Is it just me?


Have a great night everyone!
Keep up the great work Al. They will be all grown-up before you know it.
Westley is doing no worse but really no better.

WR #2 is coming out.

OGK CBD #2 looking good.

Learning to worry less and trust the process.

Keep up the great work Al. They will be all grown-up before you know it.

Thank you, @Sparky420now . By the time they grow up I'll have to add football to the balancing act. I wonder if I can put a TV in the garage if I place the wireless receiver in just the right place (detached garage).
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