Alafornia's 1st Time Multistrain Medical Grow

White Russian is hanging on by a thread. She almost dried completely out last night because I didn't make my late night trip and put the dome back on. I buried her down to the first leaf and started another seed just in case. She'll either make it or she won't. If she does I have an extra unplanned plant. Is there a TV show for that?

On the plus side OG Kush CBD #2 has emerged like I thought she would.

It's been a busy day working so Pics later.
RH today was in the single digits today. 79 F and 14% now. Summer has begun. Keeping the domes on the tiny ones for now. The larger plants get room air. With the towel hanging RH is in the 30-40's. The AC keeps drying things out before the humidity can get too close to ideal. I see a humidifier purchase in my future. It will need to hold a good bit of water. I saw one that has a UV light to help fight against one-celled organisms. Wonder if that light is hidden away.
So when I made it out this morning this is what I found: (ETA: I panicked and sprayed her down with neem before figuring out what I had in my hand. Was dry as a bone. Then I had to try to wash the neem away. It would have been comedic if you had seen it - not so much to me)


About as close to death as a little plant can get. I cursed and then got to thinking. Somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind was a small piece of a memory - something about planting deep so the stem will take root. Or I could have been having desperate hallucinations. I needed to save White Russian, but if I failed I needed a backup so I went to work on a WR replacement since I had more seeds. Later on this is the same plant:


And just a short time ago:


She may just make it yet. I swear she either grew or the dirt sunk when I spritzed. No turning back on the other seed I planted so I may have to move the fan on top the ac to make room in the corner. Or all the more reason to get a bigger tent for flowering.

Maybe my photogenic brain and tinkering personality will come in handy after all.
Last night OG Kush CBD was nowhere to be found.


I think I may have been able to see her just under the surface in person. I’d be surprised if anyone sees her there.

This morning she was out in full force and has really showed up strong today.


You go, girl!
Last night OG Kush CBD was nowhere to be found.


I think I may have been able to see her just under the surface in person. I’d be surprised if anyone sees her there.

This morning she was out in full force and has really showed up strong today.


You go, girl!
Looking great Al. ..
Thanks, @Sparkey224 . That seed popped from soak to sprout in 2 days by my count. I hope she's going to be a hardy one.
The Russian girl might be more hardy than the Hardy Boys. She has really perked up.


Everyone else looks good.
It looks like White Russian is going to survive. The rumors of her death have been greatly exaggerated. Green as green can be this morning. Everyone is looking good. A little top spritzing for those who needed it was done.

Tent conditions:

Temp 84F

RH 39%

WR and OGK CBD are wearing hats (domes). WR#2 is a waiting game.

Towel is barely damp but it's doing well enough and I intend to change it out today.

Pics later today.
Hey Al, have you thought of turning one light off...they are only seedlings, drying out too fast...will save you money too.
Rule of thumb , only use as much light as you need to keep them healthy.
Seedlings.....not that much.
Sorry mate was busy making and smoking Rosin...vicious circle....hehe.
Will do later today, @Lowrider72

She liiiiiiivvvvves!

Everyone is looking good today.

Temp 81

RH 16%

That should improve after hanging a new damp towel.

One last check for the night. Everyone looks good. Since they were drying so fast I decided to do a full watering on those not under a dome. Used one cup on the whole lot.

Outside temp is low 60’s, RH 55%.

Tent temp 86 by the accurite but 78 by the thermostat. The former is sitting directly under the light and that tray has a seed warmer sitting under it. The latter sits inside a cup (IIRC I got that tip from lowrider72’s journal). Tent RH was at 62% when I unzipped the tent. Looks like it went as high as 66%. It’s dry here usually and that is only going to be more difficult to overcome once the ventilation fan gets turned on and the AC is running throughout the day. They call this the high desert but my teenager tells me it’s really a semi-arid continental climate. Close enough for hand grenades and horseshoes, I say.


Some have a second set of leaves developing.


White Russian #1 is still looking better and has grown a bit today.


My almost killing her has really slowed her down.

I’ve been spraying a little neem oil in the tray to get any creepy crawlers but haven’t seen any. When is a good time to first begin spraying the plants as a preventative? When they are no longer seedlings? Or later?

Has it really only been 8 days since I first planted the seeds? 6/22/19 at 2116 is when I first began soaking them to germinate. The next day I planted. I told Mrs. Alafornia I have seven new girlfriends. She said they take up a lot of my time. The kids aren’t really interested. Can’t blame them. I wouldn’t be at their age either, except if my family was growing cannabis that would have gotten my attention...maybe.

On occasion I notice white dog hairs in a few of the pics. I have a yellow lab whose full time job is to shed. My full time job is to try to get his coat off of me. :)

The teenager had a mini-meltdown yesterday. I let the pharmacy close before remembering to get two of his meds the day before and I’m sure that had a role. It was still minor in comparison with some yelling and slamming doors and was gone within a few minutes and after a stern reminder about the rules of living here. Yes, he understands them. He’s high functioning. This type of problem stems from difficulty regulating emotions. Cannabis has been such a big help with that, but it’s like any other mental health medication - it’s not a cure but a help (assuming the right med(s) at the right dose). The condition is still there. I’m afraid it will never leave.

I have a lot to do over the next weeks to months but I have a few projects I’m considering. One is getting involved with the local organization advocating for autistic (and other developmentally delayed) people. That is a somewhat occasional thing and I’m not quite sure of my role there. I’ll have to feel it out. I gave a talk to the local health department a while back and CBD was a part of that at the time. The other project involves creating some educational materials on cannabis and on autism. I’ve considered doing something along the educational line for a while. These two things are near and dear to me so I may have finally found a niche that makes sense and for which there is a dire lack of quality opportunities for those seeking it. These are medium to long term projects. We’ll just have to play it by ear.

White Russian #2 has yet to be seen. It’s a waiting game.

Hope everyone has a good night.
Seedlings are looking good man! Put the seed a tad bit deeper in the soil so it has a bit further to extend out to see the light, doing that it creates more friction for the seed to pop off easier and then you don’t even see it. It gets lost in the soil. Your doing nothing wrong so keep doing you, your doing great! Thought I would share that bit of info with you :thumb:
Hey Al. Sounds like you’ve heard your calling. Lucky man :) You have a lot of very specialised knowledge. It needs sharing.
I get dog hairs in my grow room too. Luckily I haven’t had pests so have never sprayed for them. I’ve used h2o and sometimes with a bit of superthrive as a foliar spray but only in veg.
Seedlings are looking good man! Put the seed a tad bit deeper in the soil so it has a bit further to extend out to see the light, doing that it creates more friction for the seed to pop off easier and then you don’t even see it. It gets lost in the soil. Your doing nothing wrong so keep doing you, your doing great! Thought I would share that bit of info with you :thumb:

The issue with this one was I planted too deeply the first time and so overcompensated when I killed the first and had to plant the second. I never thought about planting deeper to get the helmet off. Thank you for sharing.
Day 9. Everyone looks good this morning.

Outside conditions: 63 and 55%

Tent conditions: 72 and 64%


I have to figure out how to add a description to the pictures.
Unless otherwise stated pics are in the following order:

Northern Lights
White Russian
Orange Sherbet
OG Kush CBD.

I went ahead and popped the helmet off OGK CBD.
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