Alafornia's 1st Time Multistrain Medical Grow

In solo cups I just slide out the rootball and take a look if I'm not in a clear solo cup (inside a solid solo cup). It's easiest when they're on the dry side.

I like them really well rooted - close to but not quite bound - before I up-can. Another way to tell when to transplant is how often you have to water. Every two or three days would be time. Right now I have clones in cups that I have to water every damn day so they're going into 1 gallons tomorrow!

Oh, hi fornia!

Good idea, Shed. I'll get some clear cups for the next round and place them in the regular solo cups for cover.

That's what I love about this place. Everyone is so willing to help and share information. Those who founded and fostered this environment should be proud, as should the members who embrace it.
Hey there @Alafornia. I haven’t fully caught up with your journal yet but after reading your first post I definitely want to follow along. My wife and mother in law have worked with autistic children and teenagers in a classroom setting in the past. They both loved their job and the children they were responsible for. They have always said these humans have the biggest hearts, even tho it may not always be shown properly. I wish you and your family nothing but good fortune and many successful grows for a continuous supply of natural medicine.

It’s really nice to see how medical marijuana is changing peoples perspective on certain types of medicine and as time goes on I believe medical/recreational marijuana will be more popular and will forever be less destructive than most other types of medicine.

Thank you for sharing your story with us all.
Thanks, @The Mechanic . Thanks also to your wife and MIL for the work they do. We need more people willing to get on the front line. You guys have my utmost respect.

I wish this medicine had the respect it deserves so we'd hear more stories like ours. It gets to me that there are kids this could help but they aren't allowed access. We are gaining momentum.
It is very sad that people don’t understand marijuana is not just a fun drug that makes people laugh uncontrollably and eat not stop.

When used as a medicine and controlled properly it gives soo many people a relieve they have never felt before without it. And without the long list of side effects we all see in tv advertisements.

Thanks again for sharing because it’s people like you willing to “admit” that this is how YOU choose to medicate you children and you have evidence that it’s working. It doesn’t sit well with a lot of people but a continuous effort, like you have shown, will win over the public in time.
I happen to be at the beach with the fam and MIL currently and this is what she is wearing

It is very sad that people don’t understand marijuana is not just a fun drug that makes people laugh uncontrollably and eat not stop.

When used as a medicine and controlled properly it gives soo many people a relieve they have never felt before without it. And without the long list of side effects we all see in tv advertisements.

Thanks again for sharing because it’s people like you willing to “admit” that this is how YOU choose to medicate you children and you have evidence that it’s working. It doesn’t sit well with a lot of people but a continuous effort, like you have shown, will win over the public in time.

How to say this properly?

For us, it wasn't so much a choice like most people think.

It's more like there really was not much other choice.

I like to think I keep a fairly open mind, but cannabis had never really been on the radar until the self harm resulting in surgery and the mood and behaviors that went along with it. Even then, we relied mostly on conventional medications and did add CBD without THC in hopes it would help and that only after seeing several stories on successful use in autistic children that were remarkable.

Only when it became clear that 5 conventional medications together - klonopin, buspar, zyprexa, geodon, and nortriptyline all at the same time - along with the fish oil, vitamins, and CBD were doing not enough for the mood and the tantrums and after we considered seriously placement outside of our home did we "resort" to getting his medical card and open up to using THC. It was an act of desperation when nothing else worked.

I really want people to understand that while these conventional medications - none of which have been FDA approved for kids with autism (but there is only one that is and it's called risperdal and I was not going there even though it's in the same family of 2nd gen antipsychotics) - anyway, those meds all failed to improve the mood or control the behaviors but cannabis WITH THC has worked for everything. It has improved his mood, increased his appetite and ability to tolerate different foods while still losing weight, improved speech, improved socialization, controlled behavior, reduced anxiety, calmed anxiety and anger.

And after this I'm asking myself "Why the hell didn't I do this sooner?!" We know the answer to that. Because it was banned, stigmatized, and its medicinal properties were denied even as the FDA approved medication after medication derived from it, three in total now.

I know others can benefit from its use. If our story makes it easier for those who need it to gain access I will consider that a success. If it changes one mind - success.

It's not like I plotted secretly for umpteen years to spring this on the world. I have never used cannabis personally, including CBD.

I do want other children (ETA: and adults) who need it to have clear and legal access so they never get to the point we did. And perhaps they can achieve greater things, excel in school, and have successful and more productive lives because of it. Maybe they can be spared a little of what we went through to get here.

I guess I feel pretty passionately about this.
I happen to be at the beach with the fam and MIL currently and this is what she is wearing


I have begun wondering if cannabis is the missing piece for more people with this condition (aside from unconditional love and acceptance, of course). What we are learning about the dysregulation of the endocannabinoid system in autism certainly suggests it and from multiple stories including ours it seems to be the case.
Looking for the right place to put my seat. Definitely going to be following along.

Just make yourself comfy, @HugePeckerhead . We have plenty of room. If you have trouble hearing just ask me to speak up. I'm afraid you have to supply your own drinks, snacks, and bud. :D
Well, it won't be pizza hut either - the locals won't allow it. :D Maybe its available there.
Just checking in Al, looks like your having fun mate. Best of luck with the kid mate, and your on the right track, just stay safe brutha.
Any help ypu need with the grow or advice always plenty good peope here that help others or in same boat.
Chin up mate, at least we give a shit.
Chin firmly up, @Lowrider72 . I appreciate all the support and help. In case you didn't know, it was your thread on CMH lights that tipped the balance for me. I wish I could remember every thread around here that influenced my choices of medium, pots, and so on. This is a great place to be. Thanks again.
I understand what you mean @Alafornia. As a parent myself it would be a hard decision to make either way. It’s heartbreaking to see children struggle and sad that us humans don’t have it all figured out yet. Maybe a future generation.

Till then we have to do what’s working for us.
we give a shit.
Sums it up pretty well...
You're a genuine hero in my book, Al- your decision has changed your son's,and your family's quality of life for the better...
But cannabis only deserves half the credit- without you in the equation,it couldn't have happened.
Wet the towel again. Humidity is hanging out about 40%. Outside humidity is 20%.

Got some close up pics. Lots of growth going on.









Westley - I moved the piece that was forcing the new leaves upward. Maybe they will lay down now.





Sums it up pretty well...
You're a genuine hero in my book, Al- your decision has changed your son's,and your family's quality of life for the better...
But cannabis only deserves half the credit- without you in the equation,it couldn't have happened.

Thank you, but I'm no hero. I'm just an ordinary run of the mill everyday parent. We all would do whatever it takes for our kids whenever the time came. Mrs. Alafornia provided me support and encouragement and was in on the decision-making as well.

We also have plenty of other people to thank - teachers, school staff, family, community members, the good folks here, and others. (ETA: and his medical professionals who have all been supportive including his primary care nurse practitioner and his psychiatric nurse practitioner)
Used about 1-1/2 cups to water everyone since the bottoms were drying out. Getting used to feeling the weight. Some needed more, others less. Once they are past the seedling stage I'll wait for them to dry out more.
There ya go, you got this. :thumb:
Nighttime pics

They loaded out of order.

Good morning, 420 Magazine! Hope everyone in your neck of the woods is doing well. Everyone here seems to be fine.

Outside temp: 57 Vulcan degrees

Outside humidity: 55%

Tent temp by inkbird: 72 Vulcan degrees

Tent humidity: 65%

Changed the towel last night and wet it again this morning. Nobody looked thirsty so just let them be.




Northern Lights


Orange Sherbet




Westley (mostly dead White Russian #1)



White Russian #2


OG Kush CBD #2


Parting inside the tent group pic. Tent had been unzipped several minutes so humidity shown is lower.

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