Live and learn Double G...
Hey we will start having to call you Dr. Double G with all your remedies
I've never had to deal with Powdery Mildew (Knock on Wood) on my cannabis plants.
I have had some bad experiences with it on roses though. Also had some real nasty stuff on my lawn. I diagnosed it and confirmed it was called Pythium Blight.. I found nothing on the market would get rid of it. It was like a white fury mold that would grow and spread on my lawn. It spread fast and everywhere it spread to left a black nasty tar like substance with all lawn being dead. I finally convinced a local landscape supplier to sell me this stuff that was usually only sold to licensed horticulture people. Hell, it was so toxic you were supposed to wear a hazmat suite like Aston has to spray it on...hahah....
But anyway, my point is that mold can be a real bitch.