Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Sorry all I am to beat up to take pictures today, been a long day. Had like 3 errands to run after work AND take the puppy to her weekly puppy class. Hard on a person still on a crutch, my knee is killing me.

I promise to get some good shots tomorrow.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

The differences in thricome and growth production comes from the spectrum used. There are literally thousands of photoreceptors in plants and the chemical interactions with them. If one panel isn't producing enough light in a spectrum then the plant will not be able to perform functions it needs to produce buds or growth or color etc. Finding the correct balance to get all of those is whati we have been trying to do for years. We are getting very close (at least I feel so). The next step is keeping those ratios and making the most efficient grow light we can. Less power, less cost, diode prices drop, scale of economics comes into play and we get panels cheaper than HID lighting that grows better plants and produces higher quality and quantity.

HB if the proper balance that we are pursuing is a matter of tweaking wave lenghts does it make sense that similar output lamps have wildly differen values? for example if the proper balance is already 90% well known and products are available cheaply are those 4-5$ / watt vendors charging a premium for chasing that last 10%?

ty ludweed
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

HB if the proper balance that we are pursuing is a matter of tweaking wave lenghts does it make sense that similar output lamps have wildly differen values? for example if the proper balance is already 90% well known and products are available cheaply are those 4-5$ / watt vendors charging a premium for chasing that last 10%?

ty ludweed

In said situation how much that extra 10% is worth is probably more personal too. But if if i get that 10% for 50% more $$$ might be worth it to me.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

HB if the proper balance that we are pursuing is a matter of tweaking wave lenghts does it make sense that similar output lamps have wildly differen values? for example if the proper balance is already 90% well known and products are available cheaply are those 4-5$ / watt vendors charging a premium for chasing that last 10%?

ty ludweed

If that were the case then maybe. However, if you read some of the whitepapers and promotions on panel sellers sites, you will question if they have any knowledge of plant lighting at all. Some of them simply copy word for word what other people post on forums without fact checking them, and the worst case of all is using a single line from a study but leaving out all of the details that are required to make that statement. While the spectrum may be 90% correct (the all red and blue panels are close to 90% correct) you will still have production problems in some aspect of growth that will cost you much more than 10% quantity and quality of yield.

I personally wouldn't pay more than $3/per actual watt drawn but I have the ability to make my own panels should I choose to.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Yes, it's relative as to what we desire on the return-on-investment of our lights/grow gear. Quantity is definitely relevant, but not the driving force for me. Like someone else recently mentioned to me, I too have become a bit of a snob in regards to what I want or will use as my medicine. Creating my own allows a certain amount of that "snobbery" if that is my desire (i.e. striving for quality above all else). In other words, is a 50% increase to get a 10% improvement in quality a good ROI? LOL, that can change grow to grow for me. For instance, I have about 8 weeks before I can enjoy the results of my current grow. In my estimation, I have about 4-6 weeks of meds left (I knew I shouldn't have taken that 3 month break), but I still have most of my bubble hash I made last harvest (only about 3 grams total, but will be a 6 month cure!) and can do a gentle ISO wash on about 2 oz of ABV for another week's worth or so if I choose.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Well it an interesting discussion, and light performance is only small part of the equation for good plants. Unless of course you growing under not sufficient light. Many of the decisions each individual makes are going to be different. I am trying to allow each individual to make their own educated decision, hoping that these side by side can comparisons can help educate the individual consumer so they can make a more informed decision then without this kind of info :)

Here is a photo update.

Each plant is looking better/healthy on each side. Gave the Blueberry a good watering/(feed in one of 3 gallons, she was REAL thirsty). Happy that the pH in Hawaiian Snow res has been MUCH more stable, only had to adjust once slightly since changing res 4-5 days ago, had to add another gallon of straight RO water, she was drinking alot and PPM was up to 1150, now it about 800-900. I am not going to state my opinions on differences this time, I think it obvious in pics...


Top LED..

DS 200...

Outside the tent, Top LED is always left side...

Hawaiian Snow..


Enjoy and keep the discussion going, I think been productive so far! :)
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

OK Crawdaddy, I am subbed and watching. lol a bit late to the game for me as I have already bought a Mars II 1200. Haven't started to use it yet. Next grow. But still very interested in the outcome. Thanks for doing this comparison.

re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Welcome MauiWaui!

I will be doing a res change tonight or first thing in the AM,depending on how much time i have between work and family thing tonight, will get some more pics then.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

I love what you are doing here!!! Awesome shootout, side by side comparison. I really like how you split each plant in half, for each light! Great idea and I can't wait to see the results!!!
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Here is the promised photo update.

flower Day 2

I changed the res on the Hawaiian Snow, 5 gallons of fresh RO water loaded with nutes according to The Capn's recipe here...How to: Fast vegetative growth - Nutrient Recipe - Blogs - 420 Magazine ® I also rasied the lights a few inches, I have been keeping the DS 200 about 4-6" higher then 96X3, it seems to need to be higher to cover same footprint, probably the lenses.

You all know the drill by now TopLED 96X3 is on the left, Advanced LED DS 200 on the right.

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