Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

nice thread Crawdaddy, plants looks Gorgeous !!!!!
i guess you'll have some outstanding budz on both sides.
if you want to know what my Hawaiian snow haze pheno looks like 5 weeks before the end, i uploaded a few pics on the moby dick thread.
have a nice day M8
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Thanks EC!

Time for a photo update.

Flower Day 5

Everything is looking great, very healthy. I did not expect the HS to get this big, particularly on TopLED side, raised the light a bit on that side. Debating if i should defol or not as a test grow, might be nice to see how plants fill out unmolested, any ideas on this?

AS normal Top LED is on left Advanced LED side on right...

re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

+reps craw. Your efforts are certainly to be commended. This has been interesting to follow since day 1...even if I haven't posted in it much, I've watched it every day bro.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Wow! The difference is quite noticeable :)

I think so, the funny thing is, while not as dramatic, I swear the Bluberry is doing slightly better on the Advanced LEd side.

+reps craw. Your efforts are certainly to be commended. This has been interesting to follow since day 1...even if I haven't posted in it much, I've watched it every day bro.
Glad it helping you put :)
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Thanks EC!

Time for a photo update.

Flower Day 5

Everything is looking great, very healthy. I did not expect the HS to get this big, particularly on TopLED side, raised the light a bit on that side. Debating if i should defol or not as a test grow, might be nice to see how plants fill out unmolested, any ideas on this?

AS normal Top LED is on left Advanced LED side on right...


My vote would be unmolested. But then can you deal with the unruly grow? We know we can train plants any way we want. Why not see what they can do on their own?
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

I agree...unmolested for this grow IMO. If they were showing signs of overcrowding, or general unhappiness, I'd say help'em out, but if they are happy, let them rock to their ultimate conclusion. Afterall, this grow isn't really about yield...right?

I want to know if the light has a direct impact on growing better resin.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

I think mild defol/lollypop would ensure experiment doesn't suffer from stress. :)
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

I think mild defol/lollypop would ensure experiment doesn't suffer from stress. :)

Well, I said do NOT defol/lollipop to reduce I guess it's a matter of perspective, but I'm a fan of letting a plant grow and do its thing. Trimming large fan leaves and even lollipopping creates wounds the plant needs to heal. Not trying to be argumentative, but which is it..."defol reduces stress", or "NO-defol reduces stress"? Obviously there are caveats to both, but IMO, leaving a plant alone (regarding trimming etc,) will impart less stress upon it than death by a thousand cuts.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Thanks for all the input I see all your all's points.

I think I am going to have to so some lollipoping (mostly) and minor defol on the Hawaiian Snow, mostly on TopLED side. that thing is a bushy beast. But I am going to give it till at least weekend to stretch itself out some.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Looking good for TopLed! :thumb:

I agree, particularly on the HS. The weird thing is the Blueberry seems to be doing a bit better on the Advanced LED side, although it marginal. while the Hawaiian Snow is doing MUCH better on the TopLED side.

I looked back at my first pics, and I did a decent job of splitting the growth of each plant half way between the sides, but I think the Hawaiian snow was not quite 50/50, a bit weighted to TopLED side, but I still think it vegged much 'better' on topLED side.

At a minimum I think I can say that in this test the TopLED vegged at least as well as the AdvancedLED, and for 1/3 the cost.

As I have said before though, bud size/resin production is going to be the bigger key and of course no results on that yet.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Well, I said do NOT defol/lollipop to reduce I guess it's a matter of perspective, but I'm a fan of letting a plant grow and do its thing. Trimming large fan leaves and even lollipopping creates wounds the plant needs to heal. Not trying to be argumentative, but which is it..."defol reduces stress", or "NO-defol reduces stress"? Obviously there are caveats to both, but IMO, leaving a plant alone (regarding trimming etc,) will impart less stress upon it than death by a thousand cuts.

I agree , if you can avoid defol at all this would mean no stress. sometimes to get the growth pattern we want we have to do some defoliation. after topping this run I removed four fan leaves to allow light to lower grow tips to achieve a multi-headed bush. removing four leaves and topping does cause some stress , but I would consider this minimal.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

I LIKE THE IDEA of letting them be for this grow, or doing the exact same things to both sides, in my mind if you defol,lolly etc 1 side you should do it to both so the plant has the same degree of stress on both sides , so the side not cut on does not bolt ahead because its not been stressed, to me this experiment is precisely about imbalance caused by the different lights evening out the plants removes the lead a plant has, if that makes sense sure looks like the topled side is pulling ahead, i wonder if you flipped the plants around if they would even up? just a thought for another test great work here CD :rocker:
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

I agree 100% ronnie. I don't like to defol too much, but this grow I've defoliated heavily twice (and only done minimal lollipopping), but I'm also not doing a "control" grow either.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

I would let them be and you'll be amazed by how big the buds get.
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