Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

I'm surprised at how well the TopLed is doing. Is there an observable node spacing differential, between the two?

Great question Care. I would like to flux next go round and know that spacing is a factor. May also be strain specific.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Well the Hawaiian Snow is sprouting up like a weed, it is taking over the TopLED side lol. tallest branch is getting close to light. I did not have time to take pics before lights went off, but i will get some tomorrow after I, and the plants, wake up.

I may not be able to get away with not defol/lolllipopping, the HS really needs it i think.

I will get some pics up tomorrow and you all will see.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Why dont you press on pieces of the stem every few inches until it becomes pliable and then direct it in another way.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Ha, well they do call it "weed" for a reason! :) :thumb:

This isn't your normal weed though :) :thumb:

Why dont you press on pieces of the stem every few inches until it becomes pliable and then direct it in another way.

Well I been thinking about that, but then it will be shading the Blueberry. I just going to see how well it does closer to LED panel or those 1-2 branches that are taller.

When I get some pics up you maybe able to see :)
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

alright looking forward to it
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

I have an interesting question: do plants/strains that are colored differently such as GDP absorb light at a different part of the color spectrum? I'm only asking b/c I have noticed that colored plants tend grow better under LED's than those that are not colored. Perhaps it's just been a recurring coincidence? :hmmmm:
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

good question from lordo, i've shadowed subbed here for a long time but can't wait to ask you for any day pics :)
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

I have an interesting question: do plants/strains that are colored differently such as GDP absorb light at a different part of the color spectrum? I'm only asking b/c I have noticed that colored plants tend grow better under LED's than those that are not colored. Perhaps it's just been a recurring coincidence? :hmmmm:

I really have no idea.

good question from lordo, i've shadowed subbed here for a long time but can't wait to ask you for any day pics :)

Welcome and here are the pics...

Flower Day 9 (this may be messed up, I just realized last night I had the time on constant on not auto, I think it may have been 1-2 nights max with no dark period.)

Anyhow you all know the drill, top LED is on the Left Advanced LED is on the right. Smoker you may be able to see if I supercropped the big HS branches they would shade the BB or its own lower branches, no horizontal space left(tent suck is hurting me a bit too). And I want to see how it does closer to LED for testing purposes.

Here is a shot of the mess I should clear out some, but may just let it be for test...

And here is the BB by herself with the HS out of the way that was hiding her. In these shots looking like the TopLED outperformed the Advanced LED on both plants for veg.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

I'm liking the one on the right hand side a little more than the left hand-side. Hard to say for sure till the final product but damn they look good under that panel :thumb:
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

fantastic thanks for this share
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

I'm liking the one on the right hand side a little more than the left hand-side. Hard to say for sure till the final product but damn they look good under that panel :thumb:

You mean just the back plant, the Blueberry? or the front plant, the Hawaiian snow too? Because I think it obvious the HS vegged more on left side?

And yes how they flower is indeed the most important.

fantastic thanks for this share

Any time, that the point of journal :)
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Looks very good crawdaddy. I see what you mean about the vertical issue. In this case if I were you I would use a training method I call stepping. You should lst the branches in such a orientation so that the colas form a spiral staircase around the plant. This allows every cola the chance to get huge as it gives each one its own dedicated room to form that "staircase" The buds will grow bigger as they think they have more room then they do and they actually do its just a more efficient way to use smaller spaces. Do you rotate your plants every day or at least once a week?
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry


Do you demonstrate your "stepping" method to form staircases with plants anywhere in your blogs? If not, would you mind showing us how it is done with pictures or where we can go to see it used? I may have a use for it at a future date and I'd appreciate any help. I'm sure other growers on here would be interested in this method, also.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

I believe in the earlier pages I show it until the leaf mass just takes it over. I had many requests not to defoliate to see what it looked like without defoliation and I oblige my readers requests most of the time. But I do believe my journal gives a better explanation of which ways to train the branches. Sadly ive just harvested all my plants except 2 that just hit flowering so I havent done it yet since it doesnt have the branching of a plant in veg for a month since this is a truncated grow it had 2 weeks veg under a 200 watt cfl before putting it into the flowering room. I will tell you what I will do. I will go into the computers pain program and try to draw a rudimentary plant and circle the stepping branches and give detailed explanation so you dont have to read my entire journal if you dont wish to. I will put this in my journal in a few hours if thats ok with you for it to be there instead of here. I try not to take over others journals and sometimes I feel I do with my frequency of posting. So let me get busy drawing this up and then we will see if you can understand what I mean by that. Sound good?
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Looks very good crawdaddy. I see what you mean about the vertical issue. In this case if I were you I would use a training method I call stepping. You should lst the branches in such a orientation so that the colas form a spiral staircase around the plant. This allows every cola the chance to get huge as it gives each one its own dedicated room to form that "staircase" The buds will grow bigger as they think they have more room then they do and they actually do its just a more efficient way to use smaller spaces. Do you rotate your plants every day or at least once a week?

Normally I do rotate my plants, but it is not possible with this test setup. I guess i could move the HS to back and BB to front but I do not think make any difference, besides being able to see BB better. But then it be ALOT harder to check rs pH and PPM for the HS.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Sounds great, SJ!

You certainly don't have to go through all that trouble just for one guy inquiring about your method...but it is extremely appreciated if you do.

Sorry...I don't mean to be hijacking this thread either...
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Alright done. Im about to go on vacation and am getting ready so its done pretty fast. So let me upload it and then give a detailed explanation on it on my journal.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

nice show Crawdaddy, plants are healthy and beautiful.
good and clean job M8.
re: Advanced LED vs TopLED Side By Side Comparison - Hawaiian Snow & Blueberry

Ok its uploaded and The explanation is the posts I made after the picture.
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