Aberration Goes Ker Bloom! - Perpetual

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009


That's what I like to hear.

--> Veg 1:

Large veg (14):

   G13xGB.1D, G13xGB.1H,
   MT1, MT2, MT3,

   L2, L3

1. Fed 1/2 gal. each 			(7 gal)
   Per gal:	
	 1  T  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Natural @ 910 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.21 @ 20.7 C 
	1/2 t  Companion

--> Veg 2:

Small veg (13):

   KK2.1M, KK2.1W,  
   KK2.1CC, KK2.1DD,
   KK2.1QQ, KK2.1SS; KK2.1TT,
   G13xGB.1DD, G13xGB.1EE,,
   G13xGB.1FF, G13xGB.1KK,
   L4, L5

1. Fed to saturation 			(1 gal)
   Per gal:	
	 2  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Natural @ 780 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.22 @ 20.5 C
	1/2 t  Companion

--> KK2, G13xGB.1A, PS.1E, KK2.1B, BD,1J (bloom):

1. Pre-flushed: 1/2 gal. each (2.5 gal)
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH natural 6.18 @ 21.0 C
	 1  T  unsulfured molasses

2. Fed KK2: 1-3/4 gal.			(2 gal)
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	3/4 t  Carbon sweet
	 2  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Natural @ 1330 ppm
   pH adjusted to  6.19 @ 20.7 C
	1/2 t  Companion

3. Fed G13xGB.1A, KK2.1B: 1 gal. each
       PS.1E: 1-1/4 gal.		(3.5 gal)
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Natural @ 1310 ppm
   pH adjusted to  5.98 @ 20.7 C
	1/2 t  Companion

4. Fed BD.1J: 3/4 gal. 			(1 gal)
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         1  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 1  t  Soil Nute
	 1  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 1  t  Feather Tea
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Adjusted with Bioactive/water to 1120 ppm (from ~950 ppm)
   pH adjusted to  6.02 @ 20.5 C
	1/2 t  Companion

--> G13xGB (bloom, flushing):

1. Flush: 2 gallons water		(2 gal)
   Per gal:	
	 2  T Clearex
   pH adjusted to 5.94 @ 20.8 C

I measured the runoff for all six bloomers tonight:

Plant		pH in	pH out
KK2		6.19	6.03
G13xGB (flush)	5.94	6.59
BD.1J		6.02	6.55
G13xGB.1A	5.98	6.69
PS.1E		5.98	6.72
KK2.1B		5.98	6.53

Everyone except KK2 is high (including me). I'll continue to give low-pH feed to those.

It has occurred to me that maybe my pH meter is off despite the fact that I calibrated tonight. :(

G13xGB will get 2 more flushes and come down at the end of the week. I'm looking forward to trying her. At heart I'm simple - I like smoking pot.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

So I took pictures, but that's all I had the gumption to do tonight. Let's see what I got.

First, I took some pictures of very early budding on BD.1J:


Notice you can actually see the pistils emerging from the calyx:


And then it just starts going crazy:


KK2.1B is budding just now too, a bit ahead of BD.1J:



G13xGB is looking tasty:




And KK2 herself is starting to look appealing:


Then, just for the heck of it, here is a pic taken in A-P mode and no white balancing, followed by the same thing taken seconds later with auto white-balance:



I need to learn how to correct for that in A-P mode... I want to be able to take advantage of the depth control I get with A-P mode. :bong:

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

I couldn't agree more Joe. And those are beautiful tight buds! :yummy:

You inspired me to actually stop being lazy and download the manual for my friend's camera and figured out it has color adjustment...flash adjustment...I am such a bum...:Rasta:

How much longer on those ladies do you figure Aberration?

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

I can never get tired of looking at pics of blooming cannabis plants! Nice shots my friend!

Me either. Thanks. I am finding that I like to take pictures of them at all stages as well. I partucularly got a kick out of the first picture in that set.

I couldn't agree more Joe. And those are beautiful tight buds! :yummy:

You inspired me to actually stop being lazy and download the manual for my friend's camera and figured out it has color adjustment...flash adjustment...I am such a bum...:Rasta:

How much longer on those ladies do you figure Aberration?


Thanks. Glad to hear you learned more about the camera. Every time I discover (or finally comprehend, in some cases) something new about mine, my pictures improve.

How long? Here's the tentative harvest dates:
Plant		Harvest		Days remaining
G13xGB		  4/2		    3 (!)
KK2		  4/22		   23
G13xGB.1A	  4/30		   31
PS.1E		  5/8		   39
KK2.1B		  5/20		   51	
BD.1J		  5/29		   60

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

--> Veg 1:

Large veg (14):

   G13xGB.1D, G13xGB.1H,
   MT1, MT2, MT3,

   L2, L3

1. Fed 1/2 gal. each 			(7 gal)
   Per gal:	
	 1  T  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Natural @ 870 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.23 @ 21.3 C 
	1/2 t  Companion

--> Veg 2:

Small veg (13):

   KK2.1M, KK2.1W,  
   KK2.1CC, KK2.1DD,
   KK2.1QQ, KK2.1SS; KK2.1TT,
   G13xGB.1DD, G13xGB.1EE,,
   G13xGB.1FF, G13xGB.1KK,
   L4, L5

1. Fed to saturation 			(1 gal)
   Per gal:	
	 2  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Natural @ 650 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.18 @ 21.2 C
	1/2 t  Companion

--> KK2, G13xGB.1A, PS.1E, KK2.1B, BD,1J (bloom):

1. Pre-flushed: 1/2 gal. each (2.5 gal)
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH natural 6.11 @ 21.7 C
	 1  T  unsulfured molasses

2. Fed KK2: 1-3/4 gal.			(2 gal)
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	3/4 t  Carbon sweet
	 2  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Adjusted with Bioactive/water to 1310 ppm (from ~1240 ppm)
   pH adjusted to  6.21 @ 20.7 C
	1/2 t  Companion

3. Fed G13xGB.1A, KK2.1B: 1 gal. each
       PS.1E: 1-1/4 gal.		(3.5 gal)
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Adjusted with Bioactive/water to 1190 ppm (from ~1290 ppm)
   pH adjusted to  6.00 @ 20.8 C
	1/2 t  Companion

4. Fed BD.1J: 3/4 gal. 			(1 gal)
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         1  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 1  t  Soil Nute
	 1  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 1  t  Feather Tea
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Natural @ 1020 ppm
   pH adjusted to  5.98 @ 20.7 C
	1/2 t  Companion

--> G13xGB (bloom, flushing):

1. Flush: 2 gallons water		(2 gal)
   Per gal:	
	 2  T Clearex
   pH adjusted to 5.98 @ 20.8 C

Can anyone ID the deficiency here? It's what ails KK2. I was very careful to compare the coloring of the real leaf with the pictures on the screen and this one is pretty accurate:


Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

I just bought Marijuana Garden Saver at your recommendation. To me it looks a lot like the example pics of Molybdenum deficiency from the book. Just not as advanced. The book recommends foliar feeding with a micro nute. Also says that MO deficiency could be an early sign of Sulfur or Potassium deficiency. Of course I'm no expert and could be wrong but hopefully this gets you pointed in the right direction. Also the tip curl and the slight burn on the "teeth" of the leaf look like early signs of Potassium deficiency.
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Nice call Closet. I agree from the looks of it. My only thing is I've seen this many times in various grows and gardens, but the author (J.C. Stich, edited by Ed Rosenthal) talk about Molybdenum deficiency as if its a rare problem. This always made me second guess the possibility, due to the volume of times/places I've seen those color/patterns on foliage. + reps for the eye Closet. Ab this your first time ever seeing this in a grow? That G13XGB looks right!! + reps for a consistant job well done Ab.
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Friggin fantastic pics!


+reps for the pics

How old is the plant with the discoloration? I'm going to reserve judgement on a guess.
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009


I'll look into that and see what I can do to fix it. I have never seen this as far as I can remember, but that's not far. It's a pretty distinctive look though.


G13xGB will have to wait an extra 2 days (Apr. 4th instead) for harvest, so she will get one more flush. I needed to wait for an empty slot with the trimmers. ;)


As you can see, G13xGB.1A started the 31 day countdown to harvest by increasing Carbon Sweet and Amino Blast. I don't think I've really written down the complete schedule in plan-form, only as a record. I'll work that up.


I also transplanted 22 clones from the cloner (19 days) into 3.5" pots. Two of the 25 I had in there were goners, and one is still rooting all alone. If I can make the time, I would like to take a bunch of clones tomorrow night. Then the vast majority of the veg plants will go away. I overproduced on purpose and now they must go. The veg table is insanely full. They will go when I take G13xGB down. I'll keep you posted.


I'll find another suitable G13xGB to put into bloom to replace the outgoing one. I think the three Lavenders will be in fine shape to go into bloom on or about May 8th. I'll need another set of three of something around May 29th too, but as that is over 8 weeks away, I doubt that is going to be an issue. So for now, I'm just treading water with most of these clone lines.


I took 15" off the top of G13xGB.1A (@ 25/55 days) and 18" off the top of KK2.1B (@ 25/75 d). Yeah I know. I'm nuts. But it brings the central spike of each down to the same level as about every other growing tip, giving me a much nicer canopy. It also means I can bring the lights 15"-18" closer to the rest of the plant. In the end, I'm OK with that. They were too tall anyway and the bending over thing wasn't going to work. I need better technique to bend stems that thick. They were rigid. At least they had just started budding. Now that energy should go elsewhere for the most part.


I am lining things up to start a new journal. I clearly need a perpetual journal. I have some new ideas, some new DIY and some new plants all coming together. With the change to the new thread I also hope to start a new way of looking at my thread. More 'reference-friendly', I hope. On top of that I want to try my hand at video, to give a better feel for my layout.

Best of all, I hope to begin slowly building phase two of my growroom within a couple months. It will double my space, provide better and more isolate-able spaces, and give me ample storage. I will be building insulated and drywalled partition walls and everything. The plans are gelling very nicely now. It's going to be glorious.

Plus, I have a surprise facet I intend to add to the new thread as well. I'm not going to say what it is at the moment, because if it doesn't look doable I don't want everyone's hopes dashed. But if it goes forward, you will all be quite interested I think. ;)

And do not fear, I will continue the feed reports, etc. A lot of people note that they appreciate the level of detail I provide. I was worried I was boring everyone to death, but apparently not. I intend to increase the detail quality as well as it's quantity and variety.

All of these things are converging over the next few months, and I think the timing is good for the thread changeover. The new thread ought to be a fun ride.


I'll get pics soon. Maybe tomorrow night. I took some tonight, but it's gotten very late transplanting and I need to go to bed. I hope to be able to more appropriately respond to y'all then as well. :smokin:

--> Veg 1:

Large veg (14):

   G13xGB.1D, G13xGB.1H,
   MT1, MT2, MT3,

   L2, L3

1. Fed 1/2 gal. each 			(7 gal)
   Per gal:	
	 1  T  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Natural @ 970 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.22 @ 20.0 C 
	1/2 t  Companion

--> Veg 2:

Small veg (13):

   KK2.1M, KK2.1W,  
   KK2.1CC, KK2.1DD,
   KK2.1QQ, KK2.1SS; KK2.1TT,
   G13xGB.1DD, G13xGB.1EE,,
   G13xGB.1FF, G13xGB.1KK,
   L4, L5

1. Fed to saturation 			(1 gal)
   Per gal:	
	 2  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   adjusted @ 680 ppm
   pH natural @ 6.13 @ 19.9 C
	1/2 t  Companion

--> KK2, G13xGB.1A, PS.1E, KK2.1B, BD,1J (bloom):

1. Pre-flushed: 1/2 gal. each (2.5 gal)
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH natural 5.97 @ 21.0 C
	 1  T  unsulfured molasses

2. Fed KK2: 1-3/4 gal.			(2 gal)
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	3/4 t  Carbon sweet
	 2  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Adjusted with Bioactive/water to 1310 ppm (from ~1230 ppm)
   pH adjusted to 6.18 @ 20.8 C
	1/2 t  Companion

3. Fed G13xGB.1A: 1 gal.		(1 gal)
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	3/4 t  Carbon sweet
	 2  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Adjusted with Bioactive/water to 1260 ppm (from ~1150 ppm)
   pH adjusted to 6.00 @ 20.7 C
	1/2 t  Companion

4. Fed KK2.1B, PS.1E: 1 gal. each 	(2 gal)
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  t  Big Foot
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Adjusted with Bioactive/water to 1190 ppm (from ~1300 ppm)
   pH adjusted to 5.98 @ 20.7 C
	1/2 t  Companion

5. Fed BD.1J: 3/4 gal. 			(1 gal)
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         1  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 1  t  Soil Nute
	 1  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 1  t  Feather Tea
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  t  Big Foot
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Natural @ 1050 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.03 @ 20.6 C
	1/2 t  Companion

--> G13xGB (bloom, flushing):

1. Flush: 2 gallons water		(2 gal)
   Per gal:	
	 2  T Clearex
   pH adjusted to 6.06 @ 20.6 C 

--> Transplantees (22):

From PS.1A: PS.2A, PS.2B,
            PS.2C, PS.2D

From MT1: MT1.1A, MT1.1B

From MT2: MT2.1A, MT2.1B

From BD.1C: BD.2A, BD.2B
            BD.2C, BD.2D

From CryLo.1A: CryLo.2A, CryLo.2B

From KK2.1C: KK2.2A, KK2.2B

From G13xGB.1H: G13xGB.2A, G13xGB.2B,
                G13xGB.2C, G13xGB.2D,

1. Transplanted to 3.5" pots with myco.

2. Fed to saturation
   Per gal:
	 2  T  Bioactive
	 1  t  Big Foot
	 2  t  PGE
         1 oz. Yucca
   Adjusted with Bioactive/water to 420 ppm (from ~520 ppm)
   pH adjusted to  6.22 @ 21.1 C
	1/2 t  Companion
	 1  t  Bt-i

1 PS.1A and 1 MT1 cutting failed. 1 BD.1C cutting is left
all by itself in the cloner.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Thanks Butcher. Good to have you around.


So last night the dehumidifier in the bloom room stopped working. I suspect it is just the fan, but I don't have the bandwidth to try to fix it right now. I stole the other one out of the veg room so I could keep the more critical bloom room under control. Today I bought a replacement ($210). So the humidity in the veg room is coming down, but it's still a stifling 66% r.h. in here.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

I took clones:

Strain			#
Purple Sage (PS)       10
G13 x Godbud (G13xGB)	5
Blue Dream (BD)		5
Lavender (L)	       10
Crystal Locom. (CryLo)	5
Kaia Kush (KK)		5
Matanuskan Th. (MT)    10

I also trimmed some of the bigger plants. I sorted them out and several will go away Sunday, and several more will go after I know I have at least two other viable clones of each strain.

I have almost decided that instead of putting that G13xGB clone into bloom on Sunday, I'm putting in CryLo.1A. She is 21" tall and ready to go. Besides, I've been keeping her alive for months and I haven't even bloomed her yet. One last check: did the source ever bloom his and what was the result? Once I hear that report I will make a final decision.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

--> Veg 1:

Large veg (14):

   G13xGB.1D, G13xGB.1H,
   MT1, MT2, MT3,

   L2, L3

1. Fed 1/2 gal. each 			(7 gal)
   Per gal:	
	 1  T  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Natural @ 880 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.19 @ 21.4 C 
	1/2 t  Companion
	 1  t  Bt-i

--> Veg 2:

Medium veg (17):

   KK2.1M, KK2.1W,  
   KK2.1CC, KK2.1DD,
   KK2.1QQ, KK2.1SS; KK2.1TT,
   G13xGB.1DD, G13xGB.1EE,,
   G13xGB.1FF, G13xGB.1KK,
   L4, L5

1. Fed to saturation 			(1 gal)
   Per gal:	
	 2  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   adjusted @ 710 ppm
   pH natural @ 6.05 @ 21.5 C
	1/2 t  Companion
	 1  t  Bt-i

--> Veg 3:

Small veg (22):

   PS.2A, PS.2B, PS.2C, PS.2D
   MT1.1A, MT1.1B
   MT2.1A, MT2.1B
   BD.2A, BD.2B, BD.2C, BD.2D
   CryLo.2A, CryLo.2B, CryLo.2C
   KK2.2A, KK2.2B
   G13xGB.2A, G13xGB.2B,
   G13xGB.2C, G13xGB.2D,

1. Fed to saturation 			(1 gal)
   Per gal:	
	 1  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   adjusted @ 570 ppm
   pH natural @ 6.21 @ 21.0 C
	1/2 t  Companion
	 1  t  Bt-i

--> KK2, G13xGB.1A, PS.1E, KK2.1B, BD,1J (bloom):

1. Pre-flushed: 1/2 gal. each (2.5 gal)
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH natural 6.17 @ 21.7 C
	 1  T  unsulfured molasses

2. Fed KK2 (Kiki): 1-3/4 gal.			(2 gal)
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	 1  t  Carbon sweet
	 3  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Adjusted with Soil Nute/water to 1300 ppm (from ~1050 ppm)
   pH adjusted to 6.20 @ 21.0 C
	1/2 t  Companion
	 1  t  Bt-i

3. Fed G13xGB.1A (Charity): 1 gal.		(1 gal)
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	3/4 t  Carbon sweet
	 2  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Adjusted with Soil Nute/water to 1200 ppm (from ~890 ppm)
   pH adjusted to 6.03 @ 20.8 C
	1/2 t  Companion
	 1  t  Bt-i

4. Fed KK2.1B (Faith): 1-1/4 gal.		 (2.5 gal)
       PS.1E (Hope):  1 gal.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  t  Big Foot (2nd)
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Adjusted with Soil Nute/water to 1220 ppm (from ~1160 ppm)
   pH adjusted to 6.02 @ 20.9 C
	1/2 t  Companion
	 1  t  Bt-i

5. Fed BD.1J (Betty Jane): 3/4 gal. 			(1 gal)
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         1  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 1  t  Soil Nute
	 1  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 1  t  Feather Tea
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  t  Big Foot (2nd)
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Adjusted with Soil Nute/water to 1100 ppm (from ~830 ppm)
   pH adjusted to 6.02 @ 20.9 C
	1/2 t  Companion
	 1  t  Bt-i

--> G13xGB (Gigi, bloom, flushing):

1. Flush: 2 gallons water		(2 gal)
   Per gal:	
	 2  T Clearex
   pH adjusted to 6.01 @ 20.8 C

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

I harvested G13xGB. Based on volume, I'm guessing 6-8 oz finished bud. Plus I froze 2 paper grocery bags worth of small fluffy buds from the bottom. It'll make nice hash later.

--> CryLo.1A:

1. Transplanted to 5 gal pot with myco.

2. Fed: 1 gal.						(1 gal)
   Per gal:
	 2  T  Bioactive
	 1  t  Big Foot
	 2  t  PGE
         1 oz. Yucca
   Natural 500 ppm
   pH adjusted to  6.10 @ 20.9 C
	 2  T  myco (Williewann Wonder Dust)
	1/2 t  Companion
	 1  t  Bt-i

3. Placed into the bloom room.

So I finally bloom a CryLo. I asked about the original mother, and it died, no fault of the plant. So there was no info from that source about it at all. They were surprised I had it. So I guess I could google Crystal Locomotive, but I won't right now. Maybe tomorrow. I can always just watch her and learn what she needs as well.

--> Donated to a cardholder:

Large veg:
G13xGB.1D, G13xGB.1H,
MT1, MT3,
KK2.1C, KK2.1L,

Medium veg:
KK2.1M, KK2.1W,
KK2.1CC, KK2.1DD,
KK2.1QQ, KK2.1SS,

--> That leaves me with:

Large veg (5):
L1, L2, L3

Medium veg (6):
G13xGB.1DD, G13xGB.1EE, G13xGB.1KK,
L4, L5

Small veg (22):
PS.2A, PS.2B, PS.2C, PS.2D
MT1.1A, MT1.1B
MT2.1A, MT2.1B
BD.2A, BD.2B, BD.2C, BD.2D
CryLo.2A, CryLo.2B, CryLo.2C
KK2.2A, KK2.2B
G13xGB.2A, G13xGB.2B,
G13xGB.2C, G13xGB.2D,

Bloom (6):

Plus cuttings in the clone tray, but I don't like to count my clones before they root.

L1, L2, and L3 are for the next round. In 18 days, out comes KK2, followed in 8 days by G13xGB.1A, and then more 8 days later PS.1E. When PS.1E comes out, L1-3 replace all three of them. I have 8 weeks until I need a set of three more ready after that, so it'll be some of my clones, maybe not even rooted yet.

PS.1A, MT2, KK2.1TT, G13xGB.1DD, G13xGB.1EE, G13xGB.1KK, L4, and L5 will just be insurance and clone sources until they are cloned, and I have 2 solid clones of each strain. Then they all go too. Finally, the small veg will be more actively culled. I need to keep smaller numbers. I need to drop about three strains. I just have to decide, and some will be difficult to lose.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

--> Veg 1:

Large veg (5):

   L1, L2, L3

1. Fed 1/2 gal. each 				(3 gal)
   Per gal:	
	 1  T  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Natural @ 870 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.04 @ 20.9 C 
	1/2 t  Companion

--> Veg 2:

Medium veg (6):

   G13xGB.1DD, G13xGB.1EE, G13xGB.1KK,
   L4, L5

Small veg (22):

   PS.2A, PS.2B, PS.2C, PS.2D
   MT1.1A, MT1.1B
   MT2.1A, MT2.1B
   BD.2A, BD.2B, BD.2C, BD.2D
   CryLo.2A, CryLo.2B, CryLo.2C
   KK2.2A, KK2.2B
   G13xGB.2A, G13xGB.2B,
   G13xGB.2C, G13xGB.2D,

1. Fed to saturation				(2 gal)
   Per gal:	
	 1  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Natural @ 500 ppm
   pH natural @ 6.09 @ 20.8 C
	1/2 t  Companion

--> KK2, G13xGB.1A, PS.1E, KK2.1B, BD.1J, CryLo.1A (bloom):

1. Pre-flushed: 1/2 gal. each 			(3 gal)
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH adjusted to 6.11 @ 20.6 C
	1/2 T  unsulfured molasses (all I had, need more)

2. Fed KK2 (Kiki): 1-3/4 gal.			(2 gal)
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	 1  t  Carbon sweet
	 3  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Adjusted with Soil Nute/water to 1300 ppm (from ~1200 ppm)
   pH adjusted to 6.21 @ 20.3 C
	1/2 t  Companion

3. Fed G13xGB.1A (Charity): 1 gal.		(1 gal)
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	3/4 t  Carbon sweet
	 2  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Natural @ 1200 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.01 @ 19.9 C
	1/2 t  Companion

4. Fed KK2.1B (Faith): 1-1/2 gal.		(3 gal)
   PS.1E (Hope):  1 gal.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
	 1  t  Big Foot (3rd)
   Natural @ 1290 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.02 @ 20.1 C
	1/2 t  Companion

5. Fed BD.1J (Betty Jane): 3/4 gal. 		(2 gal)
   Fed CryLo.1A (unnamed): 3/4 gal.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         1  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 1  t  Soil Nute
	 1  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 1  t  Feather Tea
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
	 1  t  Big Foot (3rd for BD.1J, 1st for CryLo.1A)
   BD.1J: Adjusted with Soil Nute/water to 1130 ppm (from ~990 ppm)
   pH adjusted to 6.03 @ 20.2 C
   CryLo.1A: Natural @ 990 ppm
   pH adjusted to 5.98 @ 20.3 C
	1/2 t  Companion

Runoff pH:

Plant		 pH
KK2		6.30
G13xGB.1A	6.71
PS.1E		7.03
KK2.1B		6.38
BD.1J		no runoff
CryLo.1A	6.36

The Blue Dream (BD.1J) needs more water next time. Despite the runoff pH numbers, they all look great, except KK2 (Kaia Kush) and CryLo.1A (Crystal Locomotive). The CryLo is OK, but she's still not used to the room of course. Maybe 7/10. KK2 looks a bit better, it just seems like bud growth is stopped. I think I see new leaves though, so maybe it will pick up now that I have corrected the pH. 🤷

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Quick question popped in my head...

How much extra is it a month just to run all of the equipment in your room... have you figured it out?

I am talking veg lights, flower lights, ac, humidifiers, fans etc...

Have you tallied up the that number + the $$ it costs for the nutes and other stuff? (how often do you think you restock, i remember you talking about it briefly in this thread, but I doubt I could find it, unless of course there is a thread search feature, but I am too baked to find it)

Just curious to see what an operation like yours costs monthly, I guess.

None the less, looks like business as usual, a master at work.
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Electric is a couple hundred per month; I don't have an exact figure. Nutes are about the same, I think. It's not as cheap as it could be, for sure. I use a lot more nutrient items that I probably need, and I could probably use less AC and fans. I don't mind the expense though.

--> Made new cloning foliar:
1. Spray:
   Per gal:
	 2  t  Feather tea
	 1  t  Notrozime
	 1  T  Ful-power
	1/2 oz yucca
   Natural @ 350 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.42 @ 20.5 C

The clones look great. Of course, none of them have shown roots yet as it has only been 4 days. Another 4 or 5 days though and I expect to see G13xGodbud and Lavender roots coming out of the coco plugs. Those two strains seem to root quite quickly.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

--> Veg 1:

Large veg (5):

   L1, L2, L3

1. Fed 0.5 gal. each 				(3 gal)
   Per gal:	
	 1  T  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Natural @ 890 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.07 @ 21.2 C 
	1/2 t  Companion

--> Veg 2:

Medium veg (6):

   G13xGB.1DD, G13xGB.1EE, G13xGB.1KK,
   L4, L5

Small veg (22):

   PS.2A, PS.2B, PS.2C, PS.2D
   MT1.1A, MT1.1B
   MT2.1A, MT2.1B
   BD.2A, BD.2B, BD.2C, BD.2D
   CryLo.2A, CryLo.2B, CryLo.2C
   KK2.2A, KK2.2B
   G13xGB.2A, G13xGB.2B,
   G13xGB.2C, G13xGB.2D,

1. Fed to saturation				(2 gal)
   Per gal:	
	 1  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Natural @ 530 ppm
   pH natural @ 6.01 @ 21.2 C
	1/2 t  Companion

--> KK2, G13xGB.1A, PS.1E, KK2.1B, BD.1J, CryLo.1A (bloom):

1. Pre-flushed: 0.5 gal. each 			(3 gal)
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH adjusted to 6.11 @ 21.3 C

2. Fed KK2 (Kiki): 1.75 gal.			(2 gal)
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
        1/2 T  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 1  t  Carbon sweet
	 3  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Adjusted with Soil Nute/water to 1290 ppm (from ~1150 ppm)
   pH adjusted to 6.22 @ 21.0 C
	1/2 t  Companion

3. Fed G13xGB.1A (Charity): 1 gal.		(1 gal)
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	3/4 t  Carbon sweet
	 2  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Adjusted with Soil Nute/water to 1190 ppm (from ~1280 ppm)
   pH adjusted to 6.01 @ 10.8 C
	1/2 t  Companion

4. Fed KK2.1B (Faith): 1.5 gal.			(3 gal)
   PS.1E (Hope): 1 gal.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Natural @ 1230 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.01 @ 20.9 C
	1/2 t  Companion

5. Fed BD.1J (Betty Jane): 1.25 gal. 		(2 gal)
   Fed CryLo.1A (unnamed): 0.75 gal.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         1  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 1  t  Soil Nute
	 1  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 1  t  Feather Tea
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
	 1  t  Big Foot (last for a while)
   Adjusted with Soil Nute/water to 1120 ppm (from ~1000 ppm)
   pH adjusted to 6.02 @ 21.0 C
	1/2 t  Companion

I need to buy some molasses.

KK2 hit H-17. That's how I refer to 17-days-before-harvest, which is also 7 days before flush. She gets slightly less calcium syrup, and no more feather tea.

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