Aberration Goes Ker Bloom! - Perpetual

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

You know what? I'm completely blown out. It's been a long week. I'm gonna smoke a doobie, play some Wii Sports Resort, and go to bed. They will keep until tomorrow.


With all you got going on, you do need a break! Hope you enjoyed your play time. :surf:
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Thanks for the support y'all. I feel better. So I took some pictures. ;)

Here is G13xGB. I am showing you where the top of the yardstick is. The plant is 57" tall from the surface of the soil. She is on day 22 of about 55:


Here's a close-up. She is just getting started:


Here is KK2. She is 2" taller at 59", and is on day 22 of 70-75:


Here is a KK2 close-up:


Here is BD. I hope she is going to fill some more, because she is on day 52 of 60-70. Despite my misgivings about the size of the harvest, she is a beautiful plant. So far, she still looks clean of mites too:


Here are some close-ups:





Here are some veg shots. Lots of little ones:





By the way, the following were donated to another cardholder getting started with their grow:

KK2.1F, KK2.1G, KK2.1H, KK2.1J, KK2.1Y, KK2.1FF, KK2.1RR
G13xGB.1AA, G13xGB.1BB, G13xGB.1CC

I still have plenty. I need to do some more transplanting here soon.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

What's goin on with KK2? The margins are lightening up as the veins remain dark green. w/out my literataure in front of me I don't wanna guess, but it looks like symptoms of a deficiency. U got some big girls in there bro, nice.

Yeah, I was thinking I had a magnesium (Mg) deficiency, but after a closer look, I think it is a pH issue. A Mg deficiency should show in the older leaves first, but KK2 shows the yellowing between the veins in the newest leaves. The garden saver book says this is an iron (Fe) deficiency. It also says that this deficiency is rare and most often it is a case of pH locking out Fe instead of it not actually being present. I believe this to be a correct diagnosis.

So I will probably flush KK2 and try to straighten up the pH in the soil. If I can remember, I plan to take soil samples tonight to verify the diagnosis as well.

The same issue appears to affect all of the KK veg as well, except that the ones in 1 gallon bags are not doing bad at all. I suspect that the KK is just pH sensitive.

The clones in 3.5" pots are all bottom-fed, and they don't always saturate as well as I would like before I have to drain them. I suspect that these clones are not getting the full benefit of the pH of the feed because they are not truly saturated. Then when they get into the 1 gallon bags and I start watering from the top, I water heavily, so they are fine, then when they get to bloom, they don't get absolutely drenched again, so the pH drifts and the iron deficiency shows again.

That's my theory anyway.

Nothing like having a healthy 5 footer! Looking good Bro!

Thanks, except she's so big for my space. I have got to start getting them into bloom earlier. ;)

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Those trees are amazing though!!!!!

Nice nugs on that mature one too, frosty goodness!!! +rep

:thumb: I would of guess ph too seeing those symptoms and where they are...but ph is an easy guess :ganjamon:. Probably something more devious like the iron deficiency though...I got lucky on my last guess on my little girl Tess, it actually was acute PH and it was locking out MG and fast. I actually wonder if I forgot to PH my nutes one time....that stuff is 5.0 or maybe a bit lower when I first mix it, though might of been a hot spot in my soil....anyway I am drifting lol.

I love your plants though, how much something that big yield?. :ganjamon:

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

I'm having a sleepless night. I'm supposed to get up in 1-1/2 hours to go to work. I don't think I'm gonna make it in today. Some nights my knees keep me awake no matter what I do. :bong:

Those trees are amazing though!!!!!

Nice nugs on that mature one too, frosty goodness!!! +rep

:thumb: I would of guess ph too seeing those symptoms and where they are...but ph is an easy guess :ganjamon:. Probably something more devious like the iron deficiency though...I got lucky on my last guess on my little girl Tess, it actually was acute PH and it was locking out MG and fast. I actually wonder if I forgot to PH my nutes one time....that stuff is 5.0 or maybe a bit lower when I first mix it, though might of been a hot spot in my soil....anyway I am drifting lol.

I love your plants though, how much something that big yield?. :ganjamon:


Thanks man. Yield varies with strain, and I have never grown Blue Dream before. We shall see soon exactly how much she produces.

Which reminds me: TBD1 yielded 9 oz, 26 g. :cheesygrinsmiley:

eh im a little confused.......don t take much..............here is update ? latest yea ?........ha ha ha ha good to be back

Good to see you again. :smokin:

looks like your growing some "grass" and some "weed" side by side lol :ganjamon:

Yeah, the garlic chives do look like grass, don't they? :grinjoint:


G13xGB.1HH has died.

--> Transplantees:

1. L4, L5, KK2.1TT, G13xGB.1KK: Transplanted to 3.5" pots with myco.

2. KK2.1C, KK2.1D: Transplanted to cut-down 2 gal bags with myco.

3. Fed to saturation
   Per gal:
	 2  T  Bioactive
	 1  t  Big Foot
	 2  t  PGE
         1 oz. Yucca
   Adjusted to 420 ppm
   pH adjusted to  6.24 @ 20.8 C
	1/2 t  Companion
	 1  t  Bt-i

That puts all of the ".1" clones in soil, and the cloner is temporarily empty.

I have sorted the veg out, and I have selected who will stay and who will go. I have about 2 dozen plants that need to go away - almost all KK2.

As you can see above, I also promoted two KK2s to 1 gallon bags. I am trying to maintain a constant set of clones of varying ages. We will see how long I keep it up. It's a bit of work.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

--> Veg 1:

1 gallon bags (16):
   G13xGB.1A, G13xGB.1D, G13xGB.1G,
   PS.1A, PS.1D, PS.1E,
   BD.1C, KK2.1A, KK2.1B,
   MT1, MT2, MT3,
   BD.1F, BD.1J,

1. Fed to saturation (9 gal)
   Per gal:	
	 1  T  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	1/2 t  Epsom salts
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Diluted to 900 ppm (from ~1110 ppm)
   pH adjusted to 6.23 @ 21.0 C 
	1/2 t  Companion

--> Veg 2:

3.5" pots (30):
   KK2.1K, KK2.1L, KK2.1M,
   KK2.1T, KK2.1U,

   KK2.1W, KK2.1X,
   KK2.1CC, KK2.1DD,
   KK2.1JJ, KK2.1KK,
   KK2.1NN, KK2.1PP, KK2.1QQ,
   G13xGB.1DD, G13xGB.1EE, G13xGB.1FF, G13xGB.1GG,
   L1, L2, L3;

   L4, L5;

1. Fed to saturation (4 gal)
   Per gal:	
	 1  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	1/2 t  Epsom salts
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Natural @ 725 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.24 @ 21.4 C 
	1/2 t  Companion

--> BD, G13xGB, KK2 (bloom):

1. Pre-flushed: 1/2 gal. each (1.5 gal)
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH adjusted to 6.39 @ 21.5 C

2. Fed BD: 2 gal.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
        1/2 T  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	1/2 t  Epsom salts
	 1  t  Carbon sweet
	 3  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozime
   Dilute to 1250 ppm (from ~1320 ppm)
   pH adjusted to 6.23 @ 21.3 C
	1/2 t  Companion

3. Feed G13xGB, KK2:
   1-1/2 gal. for G13xGB,
   2-3/4 gal. for KK2 (re-setting pH)
   Per gal:
	 1  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 1  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	1/2 t  Epsom salts
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozyme
   Dilute to 1200 ppm (from ~1300 ppm)
   pH adjusted to  6.22 @ 21.4 C
	1/2 t  Companion

I gave away 11 KK1 clones today: KK1.1N, P, Q, R, S, Z, AA, BB, EE, GG, LL.

I think I will let BD go longer. I was going to start a 10 day flush on Thursday, and harvest on the 13th. That would be harvesting at 65 days. I think I want to push closer to 70, especially since I see very few milky trichomes so far. Maybe I'll start her flush on the 9th or 10th of this month.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

just checkin in. as usual

All looks good. Great job :thumb:

Good to see you guys. Thanks for checking in. :cheesygrinsmiley: I have perma-grin. You will see why below...

How do u take and test soil PH? This isn't runoff right? Ur actually testing ur media correct?

Yes, I'm testing the soil. Here's what I do, taken from several sources, some of which are real science labs and not just random growers:

Note: Do not touch the sample with your fingers (or any other part of your body). Your skin produces oils that will change the result and you don't want that.

  1. Gather samples from dry-ish soil:
    • Sweep away the loose soil on top, so none falls into the sample.
    • Cut the soil. I slice in a radial (runs in a line between stem and pot rim), about halfway out on my 5 gal. pots. I use the handle of my 1 tbs measuring spoon to do this. Cut down about 3" and try not to break any large roots.
    • Insert the spoon end into the cut, all the way down and twist 360 degrees to take a ball-shaped core.
  2. Put the samples in sterile 3 oz plastic disposable bathroom cups. Label the cup with the plant it came from.
  3. Let the samples dry out entirely. Dry dry. Stir them well every hour or so and you will speed it up considerably. I use fresh clean craft sticks (Popsicle sticks, unused, try the dollar store) to stir, both here and later. Use a new stir stick for each cup.
  4. Crumble the samples as finely as possible. I wear nitrile or unpowdered latex gloves for this. Remember not to touch the sample with your skin. Remove any large objects that cannot be crumbled, including root.
  5. Weigh the samples. Mark the weights on the cups too.
  6. Add distilled water at a rate of 5 ml (1 tsp) per g of soil.
  7. Mix very well. Again use a new stir stick for each cup.
  8. Let sit for 10 or more minutes to form a supernatant. A supernatant is just the liquid on top after the soil particles settle to the bottom.
  9. Calibrate your pH meter while you wait. ;)
  10. Take readings from the supernatant. In small samples, the mixture may remain a slurry (thick muddy water); take the reading from the slurry if necessary.
  11. Rinse the meter well with distilled water after testing each sample. You don't want sample residue to alter the reading on the next sample. Also the meter should be kept clean, and this helps.
Tada. :smokin: That's it. I'm not positive exactly how accurate that is, but it is the procedure used in several labs to pH soil, so it should work fine.

OK, now for the cool news.


Look what I bought:


It's a Wolff Systems SunQuest Pro 24 S tanning bed. I paid $250 for it. It has 24 100W UV tubes and only a few are burned out. I've been looking for one for a while, but everyone seems to want $750+ for one of these, so this was a steal. It has a broken section of the clear Plexiglas in the top, as you can see, but I plan to remove the plexi entirely anyway. Other than that it seems to work just fine. In the picture above I have it shoved through the veg room door so I can plug it in to the 240V outlets in there.

The plan (if you haven't already guessed) is to separate the halves and use it to blast the bloom plants with UV for 15 minutes 3 times a day. For those who are unfamiliar with this, it is supposed to increase trichome production. The theory is that plants grown at high elevations produce more cannabinoids to protect the seed pods from UV, therefore adding more UV should improve them (up to a point). That's the main reason I have a MH lamp in there with the HPS lamps.

The downside is that it will be at least 2 months before I can install it, as I have another (non-cannabis related) major project that absolutely must be done soon, and I'm busting my a** trying to get that project done on time. Once that is complete, I can start of phase two of the growroom, wherein I double the space I have and can then install this thing.

I am psyched! :cheer:

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