Aberration Goes Ker Bloom! - Perpetual

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Did your wife let you keep that in the kitchen freezer?? or do you have an extra one in the garage hahaha ;)

I thought when you clone you are only supposed to take no more than 30% of the plant? even when cutting grass, you don't cut it too low otherwise it will turn yellow/shock it too much?

I don't really know, but 40 from one plant seems like a SHITLOAD! Are you going to veg some and give them back to your mentor?

I am eagerly awaiting the video, I think it will really give everyone a real sense of what you are working with. I always have trouble deciphering pictures for some reason. Maybe I am just an idiot.

What made you take back the PS with the BD? I guess it can't handle the amount you are giving TBD1, and you didn't feel like doing 3 different batches for 3 diff girls?

I bet you are really trying to get your bloom room back on track soon so you don't have diff plants at diff stages? Not sure if it is causing you much trouble though?

Real quick question.

So it is safe to assume you are a big fan of almost daily waterings. I guess it is apart of your feeding process your mentor taught you. When I did it with my father, we did it in 5gal buckets and would wait till it was pretty dry before we did a fulllll watering until it started peeing out of the bottom. And sometimes when it wasn't quite ready for a full watering and they were about to sleep we would just bottom feed a little bit to hold her over for the night.

CLEARLY, it is VERY beneficial, because your girls are GIGANTIC.

I would really like to see this feeding schedule be done in a controlled setting... 2 400w closets, 1 closet feeding to complete saturation and then complete dryness, and the other, daily waterings.
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Looks very good! :peace:

Thanks man. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Did your wife let you keep that in the kitchen freezer?? or do you have an extra one in the garage hahaha ;)

Freezer in the garage. You hit it right on the head. I get to keep the cannabutter and cloning gel in the kitchen fridge though. ;)

I thought when you clone you are only supposed to take no more than 30% of the plant? even when cutting grass, you don't cut it too low otherwise it will turn yellow/shock it too much?

I don't really know, but 40 from one plant seems like a SHITLOAD! Are you going to veg some and give them back to your mentor?

I pruned 3 branches from the bottom. They needed to go anyway. So I 'pruned' by taking every viable cut off the branch until there was nothing left really. Then I cut it off. Total may have been closer to 40% of the plant, but I expect her to be fine. I'll give her a nice stress-feeding recipe tomorrow.

40 is a lot, but it lets me have the cream and I will lob the remainder back at my mentor.

What made you take back the PS with the BD? I guess it can't handle the amount you are giving TBD1, and you didn't feel like doing 3 different batches for 3 diff girls?

You hit it right on the head again. I already have to mix 7 different recipes. I just don't have it in me to do 8 right now. PS will do great with the lighter feed, plus they will both catch up soon.

I bet you are really trying to get your bloom room back on track soon so you don't have diff plants at diff stages? Not sure if it is causing you much trouble though?

It's a lot of work, and there are drawbacks. It's a lot of work, like you said. Plus I can't do long periods of dark at the beginning and end of bloom. But I like the variety, the constant supply, and it's easier to get them trimmed if I don't need it done for the whole room at once. So for now, it's continuous and complicated. ;)

So it is safe to assume you are a big fan of almost daily waterings. I guess it is apart of your feeding process your mentor taught you. When I did it with my father, we did it in 5gal buckets and would wait till it was pretty dry before we did a fulllll watering until it started peeing out of the bottom. And sometimes when it wasn't quite ready for a full watering and they were about to sleep we would just bottom feed a little bit to hold her over for the night.

CLEARLY, it is VERY beneficial, because your girls are GIGANTIC.

I would really like to see this feeding schedule be done in a controlled setting... 2 400w closets, 1 closet feeding to complete saturation and then complete dryness, and the other, daily waterings.

Well, by the time they get to bloom, I've got them pretty revved up. If I go three days they start to droop on me. They have expectations I have to meet. The upside is that, as you said, they grow quite well. That said, I have backed off from truly daily feedings, and I am considering doing a feed/water alternation.

They grow fast and big when you feed them all they will take, but there are drawbacks. I spend a small fortune on nutes. Here is what I would want to have on hand to be comfortable doing a full cycle, not counting incidental and mostly optional stuff:
    Liquid Bone Meal (1 gal)       $20.00
    Calcium syrup (1/2 gal)         22.50
    Biggest Bloom Tea (1 gal)       30.00
    Soil Nutrient (1 gal)           35.00
    PGE (1/2 gal)                   25.00
    Calcium and Magnesium (1/2 gal) 27.50
    Feather Tea (1/2 gal)           18.00
    Carbon Sweet (1 quart)          20.00
    Amino Blast (2 gal)             52.00
    Yucca extract gel (2 gal)       50.00
    Notrozyme (1/2 gal)             32.00
    Bioactive (1 gal)               30.00
    PBP Grow 3-2-4 (1/4 gal)         8.00

Non-food additives:
    Companion (1/2 gal)             25.00
    Bt-i (1 lb dry)                 60.00
    Myco (1 lb dry)                 45.00
    Azatrol (8 oz)                  33.00
It's kind of mind-boggling to be honest. All that was totally silting up the top half of the soil to the point where it sometimes takes 20 minutes for water to even start soaking in and as much as an hour before it comes out the bottom. That's killing me. I could add more perlite to the soil mix, but I think they get more than they need being fed every day. Sure they need water every other day, but not food.

I think. I'm still feeling my way out from underneath a system that I don't fully understand, but that I know works. I think I can lighten the overall nute load without the plants missing it, and maybe save myself time and money in the process. I've said it many times before, but this grow is like a second job. I would rather it were more relaxed. Part of that can come from automation and organization, but the rest will need to be from simplification. 🤷

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

haha. you're just a clone machine.
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Looking good ,, You do very nice work and have great pictures ,, Thanks for all your time

:thanks: Feel free to hang around, comment and ask questions. :cheesygrinsmiley:

haha. you're just a clone machine.

Yeah. I'm done with new cuttings for a while though. After this last tray-full I should have plenty.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

no doubt. keep up the great work man.
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009


I had a minor emergency last night when the AC in the bloom room wouldn't shut down!

A bit of background: My bloom room is lit from 7pm to 7am. This helps cut the heat in the summer. It also means the lights turn on right after I get home from work, and are still on when I leave in the morning, which gives me maximum opportunity to be in there.

The AC in the bloom room is a 25,000 btu monster, and it runs on 240VAC. My thermostat only handles 120VAC so I can't switch the AC on and off directly. So I bought a cheap (was on clearance) Green Aire HAR-1 High Amperage Relay. It uses a relay to switch the power on and off to the 240VAC. When the 120VAC input is on, it turns on the 240VAC. The relay plugs into a 30A 240VAC outlet (nothing else is on the circuit) and thee 120VAC control line plugs into my thermostat. I works great. I figured there wasn't much to fail (yeah, right).

Or I did until last night. I went into the bloom room right after lights-on, and the temps were in the high 60s F. My thermostat is set for 76 F. So I checked the thermostat and it was still set properly. I manually turned the thermostat off and the AC was still running. Then I completely unplugged the 120VAC from the thermostat but the AC kept running. :thedoubletake:

It's a good thing it turned off when I unplugged the 240VAC - I was already starting to question my sanity by this time. As an emergency measure, I decided to leave the door between veg and bloom open all night. The lights would be on in both and they could share the 5,000 btu AC in the veg room. I also turned off the veg room dehumidifier and the two 600W HPS lights in the back of the bloom room to save heat. The plants could limp along without them for the night. I also ran a heavy duty extension cord from the bloom room thermostat to the veg room AC to control the AC based on the bloom room temp, so that the bloomers would be more likely to get the correct temp. Finally, I had a couple fans moving air through the door - one up high blowing one way and the other down low blowing the other way.

This morning at lights-out, I re-aimed the fans, plugged the veg room AC back into the veg room thermostat, and closed the door. I knew I would be home before the lights came on, and the only other source of heat left was the dehumidifier, and a small heater on a heat thermostat. I figured the dehum. couldn't outrun the cold days we've been having and the heater would do all the work keeping the temps right.

And... it worked. The high for the last 24 hrs was 77 F and the low was 72 F! :cheesygrinsmiley: Woot!

I opened the HAR-1, and it's dead simple inside. Mostly just the relay component itself. The relay was stuck on. When I touched it, it suddenly turned off. Even though I had unplugged the unit and carried it all the way to the other end of the house, that relay switching like that made me jump out of my skin. I've been shocked by 240VAC before, and let me tell you - it is the suck. I guess I'm still jumpy about it. Probably a good thing. ;) In any case, when I looked closely, the contacts that were carrying the 240VAC were black and pitted. I think it arc-welded itself on.

Today at lunch I bough a couple relays (just bare relays, as opposed to the product Green Aire sold to me). They are the same type and size and are a perfect replacement, as well as a good general use relay. DPDT 600VAC @ 30A, all screw-style terminals. For those who aren't an electrician (I'm only an amateur) DP means Double Pole - it can switch two wires on or off simultaneously. DT stands for Double Throw which means it can run one circuit when it's turned 'on' and a second circuit when it's off. This is the kind of relay you use to set up a flip-flop light system.

When I got home I managed to rewire the HAR-1 with a new relay. I'll keep the other as a spare. In any case, it works great again, so I'm back on track with no damage done as far as I can tell. I wanted to take pictures, but there wasn't really anything to take pictures of that showed what was going on, except the burned contacts on the old relay. So here is a pic of that. In the inset I pushed the relay down to the 'on' position so that you can see how nice the upper (unused) contacts look for comparison:


We will now return you to your regular programming, in progress...

Next on Aberration Goes ker Bloom!... the Feed Report.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

First, the feed report:

--> Strong clonelings (24):

1. Feed to saturation
   Per gal:	
	 1  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Adjusted with water to 500 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.22 @ 20.9 C 
	1/2 t  Companion

--> Weaker/younger clonelings (12):

1. Feed to saturation
   Per gal:	
	 1  t  PGE
	 5  t  Bioactive
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Natural @ 390 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.26 @ 20.7 C 
	1/2 t  Companion

--> G13xGB, KK2 (veg):

1. Feed to saturation
   Per gal:	
	 1  T  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Adjusted with water to 830 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.24 @ 20.8 C 
	1/2 t  Companion

--> MTO2, MTO3, OC6:

1. Flush: 1 gallon water each
         no additives
   pH adjusted to 6.21 @ 20.8 C 

--> TBD1, PS, BD (bloom):

1. Pre-flush: 1/2 gal. each
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH adjusted to 6.43 @ 20.7 C

2. Feed TBD1: 1 gal.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         1  T  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 1  t  Carbon sweet
	 3  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozime
      Adjust with water to 1300 ppm (from ~1400 ppm)
      pH adjusted to  6.21 @ 21.2 C
	1/2 t  Companion

3. Feed PS, BD: 1 gal.
   Per gal:
	 1  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 1  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozime
      Adjust with water to 950 ppm (from ~1140 ppm)
      pH adjusted to  6.27 @ 20.7 C
	1/2 t  Companion

The pictures:

And awaaaaaay we gooooooo...

First, I did a population survey. here is most of veg. I re-sorted the weaker 24 and 12 of them graduated to "big clone":


Here are the rooting cuttings:


Here are the 2 really big girls in veg. They are so ready:


And because I had them already arrayed, I took a pic of my nutes. I use the quart bottles with 3rd party flip-up squirt caps, but I refill from the gallon bottles you see below them. It's more convenient this way:


Moving to bloom, BD takes up the center of this picture, with PS in the foreground left. BD is 51" tall. PS is 48". Both are doing great at day 20 of bloom and are budding up nicely. I'll try to get bud shots tomorrow night:


Here's TBD1. She's 37" tall and on day 49. I added the 'trellis' to give me a stable place to tie branches up to. There are a few tied up now. For reference, the uprights are 5 feet tall measured from the bottom of the pot, and the cross pieces are 2 feet long. I think this may work to prevent the 'mess of branches' issue nicely. The whole mess is on a barrel dolly so it rolls around, trellis and all:


Going back to veg, here is flat 1, side 1:


Flat 1, side 2. All four G13xGB on the left are 8" tall:


Flat 2, side 1:


BD.1G is really taking off here:


Flat 2, side 2:


I have no idea what BD.1D is doing:


Flat 3, side 1:


SchB.1B is a popular clone:


CryLo.1A is doing good right next door:


Flat 3, side 2:


I fear SchB.1A is toast: :(


Just look at these two:


Especially little 1/2"-tall BD.1J. Wow:



Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Great pics as usual. Great all round.

And thanks for the info on the relay. I was wiring the one for the Co2 so that when it loses power it automatically shuts off, but I hadn't considered it welding itself shut. Gonna have to rethink the CO2 with some kind of double relay setup. As usual I gotta thank you for further insight.


Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Great pics as usual. Great all round.

And thanks for the info on the relay. I was wiring the one for the Co2 so that when it loses power it automatically shuts off, but I hadn't considered it welding itself shut. Gonna have to rethink the CO2 with some kind of double relay setup. As usual I gotta thank you for further insight.



I don't think you are going to have the same problem with a CO2 solenoid. I believe my problem was due to the high current passing through the relay.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

--> Strong clonelings (24):

1. Feed to saturation
   Per gal:	
	 1  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Adjusted with water to 500 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.23 @ 21.3 C 
	1/2 t  Companion

--> Weaker/younger clonelings (12):

1. Feed to saturation
   Per gal:	
	 1  t  PGE
	 5  t  Bioactive
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Natural @ 380 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.23 @ 21.1 C 
	1/2 t  Companion

--> G13xGB, KK2 (veg):

1. Feed to saturation
   Per gal:	
	 1  T  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Adjusted with water to 900 ppm (from ~980 ppm)
   pH adjusted to 6.29 @ 20.9 C 
	1/2 t  Companion

--> MTO2, MTO3, OC6:

1. Flush: 1 gallon water each
         no additives
   pH adjusted to 6.28 @ 21.5 C 

--> TBD1, PS, BD (bloom):

1. Pre-flush: 1/2 gal. each
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH adjusted to 6.40 @ 21.1 C

2. Feed TBD1: 1 gal.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
        1/2 T  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 1  t  Carbon sweet
	 3  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozime
      Adjust with Bioactive to 1300 ppm (from ~1175 ppm)
      pH adjusted to  6.25 @ 20.9 C
	1/2 t  Companion

3. Feed PS, BD: 1 gal.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 1  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozime
      Adjust with water to 1030 ppm (from ~1120 ppm)
      pH adjusted to  6.27 @ 21.0 C
	1/2 t  Companion

This was TBD1's last meal. This is day 51 for her, so 12 more days is about right. Therefore, flush starts Sunday for her.

PS and BD are both on day 22. I fore cast them on the calendar and marked in their milestones. They are different length plants, so PS should come down around March 11th, and BD a week later on the 18th.



First Purple Sage (PS):




Then Blue Dream (BD):



Finally, TBD1:




I found a poor bit of roadkill on the floor:


Oh! I almost forgot - TBD1 is almost surely White Rhino. That may not be good, as it has a poor reputation.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Wow Aber!!! The stake method is ingenius great idea.
Of course I will never have the setup and the science you have I can use some of your great tips to make my humble grow better. I am having troubles with branches turning over and falling down. I have used thresd to tie them to the hooks in my plastic drain pans works ok but I am going to go with your idea. Great clones too everything looks so healthy and green. Hats off, bud in bowl and light in hand. Bravo! Aber is my mentor!!!
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

:welcome: Feel free to comment or question. :ganjamon:

Wow Aber!!! The stake method is ingenius great idea.
Of course I will never have the setup and the science you have I can use some of your great tips to make my humble grow better. I am having troubles with branches turning over and falling down. I have used thresd to tie them to the hooks in my plastic drain pans works ok but I am going to go with your idea. Great clones too everything looks so healthy and green. Hats off, bud in bowl and light in hand. Bravo! Aber is my mentor!!!

That same thing - branches twisting and bending toward the floor - is why I did this. I wanted a rack to tie them up to but I didn't want to have the plants stuck in one position relative to the lights, so the rack needed to move with the pot. This is what I came up with. Be sure to set your outer vertical poles so they can't hit your lights. 5' worked for me, but shorter or taller may be appropriate for your grow. :bong:

I donated some clones to a worthy cause today. Even better, there is a good chance of getting something nice and new in return down the road. So I gave away four G13xGB (.1C, .1E, .1J, .1P) three PS (.1B, .1C, .1F) and one BD (.1G). That leaves me with 28 rooted clonelings. I will probably thin a few more due to imminent vegetative failure soon.

I also need to transplant 6-8 of them to a larger container soon. The roots should be circling some by now on the big ones.

I have the final dried and jarred weight for MTO2: 7 oz, 20 g. :cheer: Not bad considering I cherry-picked the plant. None of the nugs are particularly big, but they are all just fine. Nice density, great stone. I love the Matty. This is definitely a good haul. And there is a crapload of popcorn bud on it still that's not included in that total.

Speaking of the popcorn bud, I spoke with the person who will be hashing up all my fluff and popcorn today. They said that I could just dismember the stems and cut off the obvious extra, then freeze what remains. Apparently their process will separate chunks of stem out easily. This is good news, because that means I could take these three plants worth of leftovers down in one good evening. I wasn't getting anywhere when I was pulling every little bud off the stems by hand. :rollit:

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

That roadkill cracks me up man! Poor little guy...

It's nice to finally take a look at the arsenal. I think the third party cap system is ingenious. I've seen them around the stores but never thought to use them on top of nute bottles... Thanks for the idea.

The buds are mighty fine. TBD1 is lookin really tasty. I like the colors on her. :popcorn:
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

That roadkill cracks me up man! Poor little guy...

It's nice to finally take a look at the arsenal. I think the third party cap system is ingenious. I've seen them around the stores but never thought to use them on top of nute bottles... Thanks for the idea.

The buds are mighty fine. TBD1 is lookin really tasty. I like the colors on her. :popcorn:

Yeah, the nozzles make it so much easier to control the flow when measuring it out. Especially for the stuff you need less of. TBD1 looks good to me too. Thanks.

--> Strong clonelings (16):

1. Feed to saturation
   Per gal:	
	 1  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Natural @ 525 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.27 @ 19.4 C 
	1/2 t  Companion
	 1  t  Bt-i

--> Weaker/younger clonelings (12):

1. Feed to saturation
   Per gal:	
	 1  t  PGE
	 5  t  Bioactive
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Natural @ 370 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.23 @ 19.4 C 
	1/2 t  Companion
	 1  t  Bt-i

--> G13xGB, KK2 (veg):

1. Feed to saturation
   Per gal:	
	 1  T  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Natural @ 900 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.25 @ 19.5 C 
	1/2 t  Companion
	 1  t  Bt-i

--> MTO2, MTO3, OC6:

1. Flush: 1 gallon water each
         no additives
   pH adjusted to 6.29 @ 19.8 C 

--> TBD1:

1. Flush: 2 gallons water
   Per gal:	
	 2  T Clearex
   pH adjusted to 6.31 @ 19.2 C 

--> PS, BD (bloom):

1. Pre-flush: 1/2 gal. each
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH adjusted to 6.40 @ 19.2 C

2. Feed PS, BD: 1 gal.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 1  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozime
      Natural @ 1030 ppm
      pH adjusted to  6.20 @ 19.6 C
	1/2 t  Companion
	 1  t  Bt-i

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Three rooted clones acquired, all Matanuskan Thunderfuck:
--> MT1, MT2, MT3:

1. Transplanted to 3.5" pots with myco.

2. Fed to saturation
   Per gal:
	 2  T  Bioactive
	 1  t  Big Foot
	 2  t  PGE
         1 oz. Yucca
   Adjusted to 420 ppm
   pH adjusted to  6.24 @ 20.8 C
	1/2 t  Companion
	 1  t  Bt-i
I got three lovely Lavender cuttings from growing tips, which when prepped provided 5 clones. With any luck at least three will root and survive. I ejected 5 clones from the end of the cloning dome and put them in a second dome I just bought. Then I dropped the 5 Lavenders into the empty slots in the prime clone dome. The 5 moved were all KK2. I'm convinced that 5 clones in a dome with 45 others will fair better than 5 clones in a dome alone. Am I right or wrong?

Woot for Matty and double-woot for Lavender!!!

I'm getting close to moving to a new thread. It'll be a perpetual style, as that's what I've been doing recently anyway. Perpetual as in continuous thread. And perpetual in terms of constant bloom. Soon...

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

--> Strong clonelings (16):

1. Feed to saturation
   Per gal:	
	 1  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Natural @ 560 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.23 @ 20.3 C 
	1/2 t  Companion

--> Weaker/younger clonelings (12):

1. Feed to saturation
   Per gal:	
	 1  t  PGE
	 5  t  Bioactive
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Natural @ 410 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.24 @ 21.3 C 
	1/2 t  Companion

--> G13xGB, KK2 (veg):

1. Feed: 1-1/2 gal each
   Per gal:	
	 1  T  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz Yucca
   Natural @ 900 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.26 @ 20.2 C 
	1/2 t  Companion

--> MTO2, MTO3, OC6:

1. Flush: 1 gallon water each
         no additives
   pH adjusted to 6.24 @ 20.3 C 

--> TBD1:

1. Flush: 2 gallons water
   Per gal:	
	 2  T Clearex
   pH adjusted to 6.38 @ 20.4 C 

--> PS, BD (bloom):

1. Pre-flush: 1/2 gal. each
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH adjusted to 6.46 @ 20.5 C

2. Feed PS, BD: 1 gal. each
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 1  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrozime
      Natural @ 1050 ppm
      pH adjusted to  6.27 @ 20.0 C
	1/2 t  Companion

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Thanks Aberration for the details opn the feeding and what for. If you dont mind me asking what is the g13xgb and kk2 also mto and oc? call me a noob greenhorn etc. I wanna graduate from dont know jack to knowing mary.
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Thanks Aberration for the details opn the feeding and what for. If you dont mind me asking what is the g13xgb and kk2 also mto and oc? call me a noob greenhorn etc. I wanna graduate from dont know jack to knowing mary.

No problem - asking questions is how you get there.

G13xGB = G13 x Godbud
KK = Kaia Kush
MTO = Matanuskan Thunderfuck (except that MTO3 is actually OC)
OC = Orange Cream
TBD = To Be Determined (although we're pretty sure it is White Rhino now)
BD = Blue Dream
PS = Purple Sage

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