Aberration Goes Ker Bloom! - Perpetual

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Ab, ur an intelligent guy. U should get the cloning down in a matter of minutes, its that easy. What I did want to add is if u have a plant or 2 that are taller than the rest u may want to consider supercroping them now, b4 flowers start to show. Being that u journeyed with me thru my journal, do u remember the one drawback I observed from supercroping? Its the reason y I prefer to get it out of the way in veg. Anyhow, like I said, its something to consider. Keep it up bro.
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Just started reading this journal. Pretty interesting. Think I will pull up a chair. I will go back and read the whole journal soon.
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009


Thanks. I'm actually a tad rusty, but it's coming back.

Will be interesting to see these beasts. hope you've got a lot of string ;)

No kidding. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Ab, ur an intelligent guy. U should get the cloning down in a matter of minutes, its that easy. What I did want to add is if u have a plant or 2 that are taller than the rest u may want to consider supercroping them now, b4 flowers start to show. Being that u journeyed with me thru my journal, do u remember the one drawback I observed from supercroping? Its the reason y I prefer to get it out of the way in veg. Anyhow, like I said, its something to consider. Keep it up bro.

They are all really close together in size. I think they may be fine just staked. Nothing stressful, just spreading the canopy a bit.

Just started reading this journal. Pretty interesting. Think I will pull up a chair. I will go back and read the whole journal soon.

Welcome. Enjoy and feel free to ask questions.

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Again I forgot the morning ration. However, they seem to be fine. So I am going to shift them to my standard bloom feeding regime, with no morning water:
--> MTO1, KK1, MTO3, OC6, OC7, MTN3:
1. Pre-flush: 1/2 gal. 
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH adjusted to 6.31 @ 21.3 C

2. Feed: 1 gal. for MTO1, 3/4 gal. for the rest
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
	 2  t  Soil Nute (alt. 2  T  Budswel)
	 2  t  PGE
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  T  Notrazyme
         1  T  Calcium Syrup
   Dilute to 900 ppm
   pH adjusted to  6.31 @ 20.8 C
	1/2 t  Companion
	 2  t  Bt-i
--> ORTW, CryLo, SchB, PS:
1. Fed to saturation
   Per gal:
	 1  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1 oz. Yucca
   Diluted to 500 ppm
   pH adjusted to  6.22 @ 21.3 C
	1/2 t  Companion
	 2  t  Bt-i

--> BD, TBD:
1. Fed to saturation
   Per gal:
	 1  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1 oz. Yucca
   Diluted to 275 ppm
   pH adjusted to  6.23 @ 20.4 C
	1/2 t  Companion
	 2  t  Bt-i
That bloom recipe is too strong and has to be diluted too much. Before dilution it was 1600 ppm. :yikes: I'm dialing that back as of tomorrow.

Also, watching bloom room runoff, I see that MTO2 needs even more. So she will move up to 1-1/4 gal (plus the 1/2 gal pre-flush).

Lastly, we mixed up 50 gallons of soil-less medium today. I expect to have details for the curious tomorrow.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Yes, I'm curious about your mixture. I use a "hybrid mostly soilless medium" as well.
I'm going to provide details, but I'm still hunting some down. A few of these components are named with just numbers and are completely unlabeled otherwise. I know what they are in general, but I was going for more detail than that.
--> MTO1, KK1, MTO3, OC6, OC7, MTN3:
1. Pre-flush: 1/2 gal. 
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH adjusted to 6.30 @ 19.7 C

2. Feed: 1-1/4 gal. for MTO1, 3/4 gal. for the rest
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 1  t  Soil Nute
	 1  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  oz yucca
	1/2 oz Amino Blast
	 1  T  Notrazyme
   TDS adjusted to 970 ppm
   pH adjusted to  6.31 @ 19.8 C
	1/2 t  Companion
This recipe was natural at about 1080 ppm, so it will do well until I get a bit above that.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

How are u fogging? U just mix and dump the mix in a machine and leave? How many plants u notice mites on?

To stop and prevent spider mites (and a host of other critters) I saturate my plants with a mixture of 4 teaspoons Azatrol and 1 liquid ounce yucca gel per gallon of water. It would probably be a good idea to add some seaweed extract as well, but I always forget. I use body temperature water. Actually, I start with it quite hot, but it usually cools a bit before I actually start spraying. It shouldn't be too hot to put your hand into - I just want it good and warm when it hits the leaves

To apply it I use a "Turbo Atomiser/Nebulizer Room and Foliar Fogger ". It is electric (120VAC) and uses air to produce a very fine mist at high volume. It has a short hose with a nozzle on the end. I don't own one yet because they are $250 each, but my mentor owns two, so I borrow one when I need it. Here is a picture of one:


That hose unhooks from the handle on top. You can adjust the air volume and the fluid rate. I adjust it so that it produces a miniature gale of mist/fog. Then I fill it with the mixture above and saturate the plants. First I blow up from underneath, then I hit them from above. This does a great job of saturating even the densest plants without them getting so wet that they drip all over. I did all 12 plants (veg and bloom) in about 10 minutes last night with about a gallon of mix. Much faster than using a pump-style sprayer.

Of course, the Azatrol mixture gets on absolutely everything in the room. I should make some kind of temporary cover for my lights to prevent the mixture from getting on the glass. At the moment, I just clean them with Windex before I turn them back on.

So when I want to fog, I turn on a floro way up on the ceiling and turn off the HIDs for about 15 minutes beforehand. Right before spraying, I turn off the carbon filter fan in the room to avoid getting it wet inside, and I turn off the oscillating fans too. Afterward, I turn the fans back on and the plants dry enough to turn on the HIDs in 20-30 minutes. It gets super humid in there for a bit, but the dehumidifier knocks it back down pretty fast. Once the plants are no longer damp, I turn the lights and filtration back on.

As long as I hold the nozzle 8+ inches away, it blows the plants around quite a bit, but very few leaves come off, and those that do are just the dying ones. In fact, while I'm fogging, it does an awesome job of blowing all the dead and dying leaves right out of the plant and onto the floor. I'm sure the plants are thinking it's hurricane season.

I have been trying to stick to hitting them every 3-5 days, because Azatrol doesn't work as well on eggs as it does on the spider mites themselves. I saw spider mite damage on leaves on all the plants at first and even found some live adults easily enough to be confident they were everywhere.

My goal is to continue this until 2 weeks into bloom. I want to be sure there are no mites left alive. After that I will use it with just the veg plants. At this point, I have been unable to find any mites at all for a few weeks, but I want to be sure on this, because they are a lot harder to get rid of later in bloom.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

--> MTO2, KK1, MTO3, OC6, OC7, MTN3:
1. Pre-flush: 3/4 gal. for MTO2, 1/2 gal. for the rest
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH adjusted to 6.29 @ 21.3 C

2. Feed: 1-1/4 gal. for MTO2, 3/4 gal. for the rest
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 1  t  Soil Nute
	 1  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  oz yucca
	1/2 oz Amino Blast
	 1  T  Notrazyme
   Diluted to 970 ppm
   pH adjusted to  6.29 @ 21.4 C
	1/2 t  Companion
--> ORTW, CryLo, SchB, PS:
1. Fed to saturation
   Per gal:
	 1  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1 oz. Yucca
   Natural @ 550 ppm
   pH adjusted to  6.23 @ 21.2 C
	1/2 t  Companion

--> BD, TBD:
1. Fed to saturation
   Per gal:
	 1  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1 oz. Yucca
   Diluted to 300 ppm
   pH adjusted to  6.22 @ 20.9 C
	1/2 t  Companion

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

This grow is just unreal.

I feel like I have browsed through almost all the best grows on all of the top sites, and I just love coming back to this one. It is my favorite style of growing and I just LOVE your setup.

I will now stop jerking you off, as you are probably tired of it. :grinjoint:


Regardless, keep up the amazing work, and I am sure I speak for a lot of other people when I say your dedication to the documentation and overall thoroughness of this perpetual grow has helped more growers than you could ever imagine.

Ok, now I will stop! I swear!!! :smokin:
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

awesome sprayer and great info on the pest control
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

This grow is just unreal.

Thanks. It's even more unreal from here. :)

awesome sprayer and great info on the pest control

Thanks. It seems to work. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

--> MTO2, KK1, MTO3, OC6, OC7, MTN3:
1. Pre-flush: 1/2 gal.
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH adjusted to 6.27 @ 20.4 C

2. Feed: 1-1/4 gal. for MTO2, 3/4 gal. for the rest
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         2  t  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 1  t  Soil Nute
	 1  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  oz yucca
	1/2 oz Amino Blast
	 1  T  Notrazyme
   Diluted to 1045 ppm
   pH adjusted to  6.29 @ 20.5 C
	1/2 t  Companion

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

OK, so here's my soil mixture ATM:

* All 'bags' are 30 lb unless noted otherwise.

1/2 bag  soil mix
 2  bags coco
1/2 bag  Alaskan Magic
 1  bag  worm castings (35 lbs)
 2  ft^3 pearlite (that's 1/2 of a large 4-cubic-foot bag)
 1  lb   ground oyster shells
1/2 bag  One-Shot (slow realease organic fertilizer)
 50 oz   granular bone meal

I tarp it:

  1. Lay out a 10x10 tarp (clean, no holes) or 6 mil plastic sheet.
  2. Pile ingredients in the middle.
  3. Pick up one edge. Do not roll it and pull on the roll or you will rip plasic. Grab a wad at the top in each hand like you have a bat held vertically in each hand. Much safer.
  4. Lift with both hands and push with a knee. This will roll the mix away from you, mixing it a little.
  5. When it gets to the opposite side of the tarp, switch to that side and bring it back.
  6. After a few trips back and forth, stop the pile in the middle and then start moving it back and forth perpendicular to the way you were going.
  7. Keep changing directions until it appears to be completely mixed
  8. Scoop (don't snag the plastic) it into a 50 gal container. It will fill it.
  9. Patch the holes in the plastic for next time. Use duct tape. :)

A few notes:

  • First, let me say I'm looking forward to buying an electric cement mixer. This is work.
  • You will notice it use a mixture of soil and soil-less components. Then I enrich that. And yet I generally only feed with water only once or twice. I think I'm somewhat aggressive with the nutes.
  • Feel free to up the pearlite volume. It can't hurt.
  • The bone meal is such an odd number because it is at a rate of 1 oz per gallon soil. 50 gal = 50 oz.
  • I don't think it helps much to mix with your hands. Its too much like those sand sculptures in a jar. When you poke the stick down the side to make the design you really don't move all that much sand. Just keep rolling it around until the white pearlite and the darker ingredients visually appear evenly mixed. The keep going a couple times each way and watch that it seems to cascade evenly mixed as well. You will see what I mean. Then you are done.
  • I use a great big 50 gallon Rubbermaid tub, it's the biggest I can find locally and the mix just fits.
  • I then store that tub under the veg room floot table. It's handy there because transplanting happens right in front of it, and it's out of the way the rest of the time.
  • After a week or two it usually gets warm and really active. If I transplant into it then the plants really go nuts. It works almost as well though either before or after, so don't worry too much about getting the timing right.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Nice!! I always learn something from u Ab. This is what I came up with for Alaska Magic (never heard of it b4 today)>Sweet Greens LLC :: Growing Mediums :: Alaskan Magic Humus. Sounds like a good amendment other than the fact that it takes so long to decompose I'm sure its safe to say that this is a non renewable resource;meaning there's only so much available within the Earth. I tried to find the one shot and no luck with google. What exactly is it? And what's its use in ur regimen? Yea that mixing seems like a lot of work. U don't use hoes or rakes or anything to incorporate it all in between tarp tumbling's? Saw others do it this way and was wondering. I also wanted to comment on ur aggressive feeding. I like that approach. I've done it b4 to where i hardly watered and fed a strong dose of nute the entire cycle. I had some pleasing results. If it works for u, go for it. I did it thru deficiencies and fungus (rust) and still had a dope crop. I like ur style and I ain't just some1 on ur nuts cuz u have nice pics posted. I read most of ur posts. Good work bro, U just don't stop making good impressions do u? Lemme cut this short so I can give u time to get a response together b4 u log off. One more thing.I also wondered how/where U mix to where U don't worry about contaminating ur mixed medium. Are u doing this outdoors or indoors?:peace:
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

OK, so here's my soil mixture ATM:

* All 'bags' are 30 lb unless noted otherwise.

1/2 bag  soil mix
 2  bags coco
1/2 bag  Alaskan Magic
 1  bag  worm castings (35 lbs)
 2  ft^3 pearlite (that's 1/2 of a large 4-cubic-foot bag)
 1  lb   ground oyster shells
1/2 bag  One-Shot (slow realease organic fertilizer)
 50 oz   granular bone meal

I tarp it:

  1. Lay out a 10x10 tarp (clean, no holes) or 6 mil plastic sheet.
  2. Pile ingredients in the middle.
  3. Pick up one edge. Do not roll it and pull on the roll or you will rip plasic. Grab a wad at the top in each hand like you have a bat held vertically in each hand. Much safer.
  4. Lift with both hands and push with a knee. This will roll the mix away from you, mixing it a little.
  5. When it gets to the opposite side of the tarp, switch to that side and bring it back.
  6. After a few trips back and forth, stop the pile in the middle and then start moving it back and forth perpendicular to the way you were going.
  7. Keep changing directions until it appears to be completely mixed
  8. Scoop (don't snag the plastic) it into a 50 gal container. It will fill it.
  9. Patch the holes in the plastic for next time. Use duct tape. :)

A few notes:

  • First, let me say I'm looking forward to buying an electric cement mixer. This is work.
  • You will notice it use a mixture of soil and soil-less components. Then I enrich that. And yet I generally only feed with water only once or twice. I think I'm somewhat aggressive with the nutes.
  • Feel free to up the pearlite volume. It can't hurt.
  • The bone meal is such an odd number because it is at a rate of 1 oz per gallon soil. 50 gal = 50 oz.
  • I don't think it helps much to mix with your hands. Its too much like those sand sculptures in a jar. When you poke the stick down the side to make the design you really don't move all that much sand. Just keep rolling it around until the white pearlite and the darker ingredients visually appear evenly mixed. The keep going a couple times each way and watch that it seems to cascade evenly mixed as well. You will see what I mean. Then you are done.
  • I use a great big 50 gallon Rubbermaid tub, it's the biggest I can find locally and the mix just fits.
  • I then store that tub under the veg room floot table. It's handy there because transplanting happens right in front of it, and it's out of the way the rest of the time.
  • After a week or two it usually gets warm and really active. If I transplant into it then the plants really go nuts. It works almost as well though either before or after, so don't worry too much about getting the timing right.


Intereting mixture. I've been thinking of getting some sort of cement mixer as well...or building something. I make my own mix as well and it is a fair amount of work. I was thinking of trying to rig up a plastic barrel on it's side supported on a frame with some sort of crank handle to turn it. I haven't put much thought into it yet though. I think I saw something like that on a website for composting. Crank the handle and the whole barrel turns like a cement mixer.
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