Aberration Goes Ker Bloom! - Perpetual

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Now that's the grow-fever mindset we like to see.

I don't need it, but I'm buying it anyway ;)


Thanks bro ;).

Some of my stockpiling has to do with some of these products not being available for sale in California. The Doktor Doom pyrethrin spray is 0.2%, but the strongest you can get here is 0.02%. Azatrol is also not for sale in California.

So I can't run down to the local nursery or even hydro shop and get effective pest control products.

If I had an infestation and order some online, by the time they arrive my grow could be decimated, so I think it's a good investment to have some effective products on hand.

But all that aside..........................

yeah, I'm definitely into growing :Rasta:
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

I was wondering if you could direct me to a thread to teaches how to tie down plants, or if you could tell me? what about cropping the tops?

We call it LST (low stress training) when it's just bondage and discipline

A Brief Guide to LST

LST How to do

There are several HST (high stress training) methods, the ones you are asking about are called supercropping or FIM

What is the FIM technique?

What is Supercropping?

Smokinrav's supercropping technique

How can I train my plants for a lower profile?

Show me how to do early vegetative pruning and FIM?
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

HEY ABB your grow look great hope i do that good anyways I have figured out how to take pics with our shitty olimpdix cameras when you want to take a pics of the bud under HPS first focus about half the normal time directly on the light bulb from at least a foot turn away when the desired bightness is there and WAAA LAA play with it untill yo get good its kinda cool it works
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

If I had an infestation and order some online, by the time they arrive my grow could be decimated, so I think it's a good investment to have some effective products on hand.

Very smart. :Rasta:

Great journal! I appreciate your inclusion of mixtures and formulas.

While I will admit that there does seem to be some art in growing pot, it appears that a good bit of the puzzle of growing can be overcome with accuracy, consistency, and attention to detail. I'm already recording this stuff. I just copy most of the details like that verbatim from my off-line grow log. I hope it helps someone else get a feel for daily procedure or something.

It's still evolving, actually. Here is this evening's report:
--> (A) MTO2, KK1, MTO3
--> (B) OC6, OC7, MTN3
1. Fed: 1 gal
   Per gal:
	 1  T  Liquid bone meal
	 1 oz. yucca
   Set A: Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.30 @ 20.9 C
   Set B: Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.27 @ 20.0 C
I have some other 'syntactical' changes to the standard method I use to record what I do, but I'm still thinking over the details of that. If anyone has suggestions, let me know. I intend to formalize it to a human-readable text-based format for a data file.

When other people get high they watch TV. When I get stoned, I think about garbage like that. Sometimes I implement it. This time it's all coalescing nicely into a computer-based grow control system.

We call it LST...

Thanks for dropping in with that Soniq420! That was exactly what I could not do. All I did was ramble. I appreciate it.

HEY ABB your grow look great hope i do that good anyways I have figured out how to take pics with our shitty olimpdix cameras when you want to take a pics ...

Thanks - I'll try that with my Olympus next time I'm forced to use it. Actually, if I have my way, I'll be getting a Nikon D90 body to go with a good lens I already have, and the Samsung will become the backup. The poor Oly is almost dead these days anyway.


Wow, what a busy evening. I've been "putting out fires".

I noticed water coming down the wall from the dehumidifier (on an overhead shelf). Cripes! I think I know what is wrong though. A relative that knows his business recently gave me a tip: put a few drops of bleach down each drain tube coming from dehumidifiers and AC units or they will clog with living goo.

It turns out the tubes from mine were not flowing well causing a backup and pan overflow. The AC was getting close to the same. Timely advice, that was. For now I blew them out, but I need to start with the bleach. That small amount will not matter in the runoff since I should only need it once every 4 weeks and it gets greatly diluted. It all goes on the lawn. I've done far worse to the grass and it loves everything I pump out there. ;)

Second, I noticed that MTO2 still looks droopy, as do pretty much all the rest. It could be shock from the lights, but I would expect MTO2 to have adjusted by now. It could be a lockout, so I took soil samples for pH testing. They will be dry enough to properly test tomorrow night.


In the meantime, I noticed that despite feedings 2 days in a row, the soil was fairly dry, even 3-4 inches down. So I hit them with bone meal water, as stated above. They don't look under-fed, just under-watered.

So they will get a daily feed from now on. They are stepping on up to the plate I think. :cheer:

All except KK1, which may come back to the veg room. First, I want to top her a bit, and it will take her longer to recover than the others will from the cloning they are going to get. Second, everyone had a little puddle of water in their saucer except MTO2 and KK1. MTO2 barely peed at all, and KK1 would have overflowed her saucer (16", 2" deep) twice if I hadn't been there with the shop vac.

So KK1 will get a reduced volume daily, and MTO2 will have hers boosted a bit. I'm going to have to feel them all out and see where they pee.

Should I just mix up larger batches and feed everyone just until they pee?


The new layout seems to work really well. I feel I have much better access. I don't feel quite as cramped for space in there. :)


Today I actually fidgeted with some of those USB devices I was talking about. I set up a relay that toggled two test lights on every click of the spacebar on my netbook. I need to get fired up about coding again.

The code I have has become over-complex and doesn't give me an elegant way to create a second event queue. I'll strip off a bunch of the extra garbage and pare the timer system back down. Then I should be able to build it properly. I need to have the timer queue feed a second, rules-based queue that can apply logic to events as they occur and do the stuff that happens every cycle, like record keeping.

Without that, it becomes difficult to do things like assert an adjustable length re-start delay on relays controlling HID lights for instance.

I'm pretty amateur in that I really have a tendency to architect on the fly, which is pretty poor form and leads to a lot of wasted effort. But since I'm doing it myself, I'll just expect to do some backtracking and get on with it. It's not that big a project actually. I just needs the effort.

Which brings me full circle to the need to get excited about it again. I always have to work myself up to a re-write like this.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

--> MTO2, KK1, MTO3, OC6, OC7, MTN3:
1. Fed: 1 gal for MTO2, 3/4 gal for rest (now daily)
   Per gal:
	 2  t  Soil nute (3-7-3)
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
   Brought up with Bioactive to 915 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.24 @ 21.5 C
	 1  t  Companion

--> ORTW, CryLo, SchB:
1. Fed to saturation
   Per gal:
	1.5 T  Bioactive (1-5-1)
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
   Diluted to 450 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.35 @ 21.0 C
	 1  t  Companion

I did the pH test of the soil samples I took yesterday. Well, mostly anyway. I made 'procedural errors' that invalidated 3 & 1/2 samples, so I will generalize from 2 & 1/2 samples. Don't ask. :oops:

In any case, here are the results that survived:
Plant    pH  @  C
OC7	6.46 @ 20.9
MTO3	6.29 @ 21.0
MTO2	5.75 @ 21.9

OK. Right off I see why MTO2 is so droopy. She's completely off the rails pH-wise. She needs to be drowned at 6.2 tomorrow night. I just got a tub today that should be perfect for that. I'm going to say the other two are pretty close and I just need to stay hard at 6.2. Maybe I could run a couple 6.0 feedings.

Opinions? How would you fix soil pH?

In any case they aren't dying, just drooping and folding a small bit. I recognize this I think. I think mostly it's under-watering. The new daily schedule should help with that.

I might be back later. 🤷

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

--> MTO2
1. Fed: 3 gal
   Per gal:
	 2  t  Soil nute (3-7-3)
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
   Brought up with Bioactive to 915 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.41 @ 21.6 C
	 1  t  Companion

--> KK1, MTO3, OC6, OC7, MTN3:
1. Fed: 3/4 gal ea.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  Soil nute (3-7-3)
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
   Brought up with Bioactive to 910 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.20 @ 21.4 C
	 1  t  Companion

MTO2 looks better tonight. I ran 3 gallons through her at pH 6.4. Hopefully that helps too.

Look what turned up on the floor:


Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Yeah, but i don't have any and I'm dead broke at the moment, so I'll have to come up with another plan. Until something better comes along, I'll have to feed MTO2 at a higher pH than normal (but still OK). This should at least keep us going.
--> MTO2:
1. Fed: 1 gal
   Per gal:
	 2  t  Soil nute (3-7-3)
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
   Brought up with Bioactive to 910 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.44 @ 21.0 C
	 1  t  Companion

--> KK1, MTO3, OC6, OC7, MTN3:
1. Fed: 1 gal ea.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  Soil nute (3-7-3)
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
   Brought up with Bioactive to 940 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.19 @ 21.6 C
	 1  t  Companion
--> ORTW, CryLo, SchB:
1. Fed to saturation
   Per gal:
	 1  t  Soil nute (3-7-3)
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
   Diluted to 500 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.26 @ 21.1 C
	 1  t  Companion
	 1  t  Bt-i

--> All:
1. Fog for spider mites; in hot water:
   Per gal:
	 4  t  Azatrol
	 1 oz. yucca
pH 6.26 @ 37.9 C
OK, I ran a gallon through each. They all had too much except MTO2, who only leaked a a dribble. So starting tomorrow, she gets daily 1-1/4 gal and everyone else goes to daily 3/4 gal.

I like it if there's like 1/2" of drainage in the saucer, because they will soak it up as the dry pockets slowly saturate. Use less, and it seems like the soil would be dry in spots. Dry roots are dead roots. Use more, and they won't usually soak it up for hours, and I want the drying to start sooner.

After all, my goal is to push them as hard as I can with pure organics. I want to try to rev them to twice this water/nutrient volume before bloom completes. I want to feed 2x per day. First, to see if I can. Second, to observe the effects on plant and finished bud. Third, because it sounds like a lofty goal.

Is it? I dunno.

I need to get my cloning setup going this weekend and take clones so I can flip them to 12/12 a week or two later.

No rest for the wicked. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009


The three little mommas on the veg table. Left to right it's CryLo, SchB, and ORTW:


Here's a closeup of CryLo. She seems pretty sad from a distance, but I've seen a new node develop now. I think she will make it:


Here's a closeup of SchB. She is dense:


Here's a closeup of ORTW. She is growing in all directions at once. Insane. With lots of tips like this everywhere:


In order around the room, here are the big six:

First, OC6:


Then MTN3:


Here's MTO2. She doesn't look too big in the first pic, but the top you see is the far side corner of what you see in the second pic. Every bit of foliage in the second pic is MTO2. :grinjoint:

From the side:


From the top:






Here's KK1, or as I affectionately think of her, 'Sister It'. She's 32" tall already:


And then after I took those pictures was when I blasted them with Azatrol fog. So then they looked forlorn and bedraggled:


No fear - they are pretty near dry already I think. The HIDs are delayed for another hour so the fans and dehumidifiers can dry them enough to prevent burn.

They are all looking better than yesterday.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

--> MTO2:
1. Fed: 1-1/4 gal
   Per gal:
	 2  t  Soil nute (3-7-3)
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1 oz. Yucca
   Brought up with Bioactive to 905 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.45 @ 19.7 C
	 1  t  Companion

--> KK1, MTO3, OC6, OC7, MTN3:
1. Fed: 3/4 gal ea.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  Soil nute (3-7-3)
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1 oz. Yucca
   Brought up with Bioactive to 905 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.22 @ 19.5 C
	 1  t  Companion

The dehumidifier stopped again! It was 70% humidity in there. OK since they are in veg still, but grrr! So I think I got it working right again.

I need a backup. Right after I pick up $750 in nutes and soil-less mix components. They are going to have to wait for a while. I'll get by.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Thanks! I put a lot of work into it.

--> MTO2:
1. Fed: 1-1/4 gal
   Per gal:
	 2  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1 oz. Yucca
   Brought up with Bioactive to 920 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.37 @ 20.2 C
	1/2 t  Companion

--> KK1, MTO3, OC6, OC7, MTN3:
1. Fed: 3/4 gal ea.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1 oz. Yucca
   Brought up with Bioactive to 920 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.23 @ 20.0 C
	1/2 t  Companion

--> ORTW, CryLo, SchB:
1. Fed to saturation
   Per gal:
	 1  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1 oz. Yucca
   Diluted to 490 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.20 @ 20.0 C
	1/2 t  Companion

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Woot! I finally have the cloning light in place. I won't waste your time with a picture until there are clones in there. Maybe tomorrow night. I hope so anyway.

In any case, It's a 2' 20W daylight florescent. I put on the underside of the veg table. Its should work great.

It's an industrial version, and it came with no cord or instructions. I figured out what they expected me to do wiring-wise, and because the little clips that hold the cover plate on were missing, I had to improvise with zip-ties. I ended up using 14 AWG Romex for a cord, which is considered a no-no because it doesn't wear well, but the cord is out of the way and will get neither wear nor motion. I think it will be fine.

As soon as the big six recover from cloning, they go into bloom. I'm getting antsy.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

--> MTO2:
1. Fed: 1-1/4 gal
   Per gal:
	 2  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1 oz. Yucca
   Brought up with Bioactive to 900 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.40 @ 21.4 C
	1/2 t  Companion

--> KK1, MTO3, OC6, OC7, MTN3:
1. Fed: 3/4 gal ea.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1 oz. Yucca
   Brought up with Bioactive to 900 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.22 @ 21.1 C
	1/2 t  Companion

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Looking good bro. Its beginning to look like ur running a perpetual harvest. Am I correct in this assessment? AB, just got to home depot and spend $15-20 and get a new floro tube fixture. U've been thorough with everything thing thus far. U made thehair stand uip on my neck when I read about ur wiring woes. Dude, look at the end of my last grow a look at the fire I flirted with. Other than that, lookin good bro. I know I haven't been here on regularly (lately) but u got my vote again for MOM. :peace: bro. and keep up the good work.
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Hey!!!:DDD i see you grow also active cacti if i'm write!!?:DD
or there is just a single cactus?
Oh and most of your plants are so so so bushy i like this grow-style when plants are so bushy you even cant see light thru them!
nice man as always!
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Looking good bro. Its beginning to look like ur running a perpetual harvest. Am I correct in this assessment? AB, just got to home depot and spend $15-20 and get a new floro tube fixture. U've been thorough with everything thing thus far. U made thehair stand uip on my neck when I read about ur wiring woes. Dude, look at the end of my last grow a look at the fire I flirted with. Other than that, lookin good bro. I know I haven't been here on regularly (lately) but u got my vote again for MOM. :peace: bro. and keep up the good work.

Thanks. Not really perpetual. I just have some veg and some bloom. The bloomers are mostly going in all at once. I did see that in your thread (in fact I was the last to comment). Thanks for your vote. I try. :)

Hey!!!:DDD i see you grow also active cacti if i'm write!!?:DD
or there is just a single cactus?
Oh and most of your plants are so so so bushy i like this grow-style when plants are so bushy you even cant see light thru them!
nice man as always!

It's just the one cactus. It's like a mascot around here. Thanks - I like the bushy up top. I'm working on clearing the bottom branches so it will concentrate on top, but I'm not exactly quick about it. Thanks for the comments. :bongrip:


--> MTO2:
1. Fed: 1-1/4 gal
   Per gal:
	 2  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1 oz. Yucca
   Brought up with Bioactive to 920 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.39 @ 21.3 C
	1/2 t  Companion

--> KK1, MTO3, OC6, OC7, MTN3:
1. Fed: 3/4 gal ea.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1 oz. Yucca
   Brought up with Bioactive to 920 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.23 @ 20.9 C
	1/2 t  Companion

--> ORTW, CryLo, SchB:
1. Fed to saturation
   Per gal:
	 1  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1 oz. Yucca
   Diluted to 500 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.22 @ 21.2 C
	1/2 t  Companion

I'm taking more clones tonight.

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