You might think that’s funny but I had it happen to me once. It hurts like a MFr. And the relief you feel after you burp is almost as good as sex. Not quite but it’s a relief 😮‍💨. CL🍀
I've been there, but my burp came out the other end.
You might think that’s funny but I had it happen to me once. It hurts like a MFr. And the relief you feel after you burp is almost as good as sex. Not quite but it’s a relief 😮‍💨. CL🍀
I've been there, but my burp came out the other end.

I had my girl get up at 2 am and go get tums by the time she got back I had already farted and felt so much better but until then I thought I was having a Legit heart attack. 😂
I had my girl get up at 2 am and go get tums by the time she got back I had already farted and felt so much better but until then I thought I was having a Legit heart attack. 😂
It hurts like a S.O.B. to doesn’t it? It scared the 💩 out of me. CL🍀
Hey Mel. Are you feeding your Lemon auto yet? Don't forget that at Day 15, she would be on .53g/L if you were using MC for example.

My Lemon Auto is on Day 18 and she's 3 inches tall.

Lemon Auto-Day 18-d.jpeg
Don’t feel bad I’m not either but either is a lot of members I won’t name. lol CL🍀
Oh I don't, lol!
This is just the second auto I've grown, so hopefully it's just a learning experience. I'm also thinking I should check out freebies a little more before choosing them. If I had checked out the strain first I would have found the issues and picked something else.
Plants are coming right along Mel. Looking forward! :Rasta:

Glad you got through the issue with your digit. And this had me LMAO:
Thanks GDB!
Why did autocorrect call you Greg?
Last time I was there the nurses were dealing with a woman who had been tossed out of the ER. She was convinced they had misdiagnosed her heart attack as indigestion, until she let out the biggest belch I've ever heard. Silence fell and every head in the waiting room turned to look.
Then she said "oh".
You might think that’s funny but I had it happen to me once. It hurts like a MFr. And the relief you feel after you burp is almost as good as sex. Not quite but it’s a relief 😮‍💨. CL🍀
It's definitely a huge relief!
I've been there, but my burp came out the other end.
I had my girl get up at 2 am and go get tums by the time she got back I had already farted and felt so much better but until then I thought I was having a Legit heart attack. 😂
It hurts like a S.O.B. to doesn’t it? It scared the 💩 out of me. CL🍀
Hey Mel. Are you feeding your Lemon auto yet? Don't forget that at Day 15, she would be on .53g/L if you were using MC for example.

My Lemon Auto is on Day 18 and she's 3 inches tall.

Lemon Auto-Day 18-d.jpeg
Back on track!
Yes, she's up to .25g/litre, or 1g/gallon right now.
She got fed last night, so maybe she's had a growth spurt overnight.
I'll be going down to take pics in a moment.
Is that a CBD Lemon auto?
And here they are. I'm going to keep the CBD Lemon and let her finish out. I likely won't be sending in a sample for testing though. I might sneak another auto seed into soil around the beginning of July though. The Strawberry Cheesecake is from a breeder which is so far 5 for 5 this year, so probably that one.

CBD Lemon auto-day 18

Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze-day 7

SLHx-day 7

Things are still moving slowly along, and after the next couple of cool days I should be able to shift the plants outdoors.
After the rain tomorrow anyway.

CBD Lemon auto-day 19

Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze-day 8

SLHx-day 8

Here's a couple of pics of some of the plants I started for my neighbour.
The Amnesia is...special.
did I read right, outside in the next couple days weather dependant? Show is about to begin :cool:
Yup. A bit later than in recent years, but we're just getting to the traditional start of outdoor transplant season on Monday. The Dark Devil should pop up soon, to go in the not-quite-a-SIP I made.
Really looking forward to getting these girls out into the sun.
Yup. A bit later than in recent years, but we're just getting to the traditional start of outdoor transplant season on Monday. The Dark Devil should pop up soon, to go in the not-quite-a-SIP I made.
Really looking forward to getting these girls out into the sun.
The weather is warming up and soon the nights will be warm enough to put our plants outside to live.
On the upside the next set of leaves on CBD Lemon auto are coming in looking fairly normal. On the downside she's probably going to shift into flower any day now, and Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze is growing very slowly.
Bit of a mixed bag really.

CBD Lemon auto-day 20

Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze-day 9

SLHx-day 9

The weather is warming up and soon the nights will be warm enough to put our plants outside to live.
Yeah, hopefully the sun will help shift them into gear.
On the downside she's probably going to shift into flower any day now
I've had a couple of autos wait till apx. day 30 to start might get lucky...👍
I've had a couple of autos wait till apx. day 30 to start might get lucky...👍
That's what I'm hoping! I've seen a couple grows where an auto went up to 45 days, but I haven't seen any mention of this strain going past 3 weeks or so.
It'd sure be nice if the seed companies came up with dependable 40+ day autos-
I think they'd sell a few...
Looks like I might have 5 plants this year😂
That's Dark Devil auto seed one, and seed two has also popped!
After my recent seed starting trouble I decided to try two just to make sure.
We'll see how long it takes them to sprout.
It kind of gives me an opportunity though. I still have a bag of the Fafard soil I used in the SIPish planter. It's enough to fill a 20 litre pot with a little left over, especially after I add perlite.
So that means I'll have one SIPish Dark Devil, and one in my usual style.
That may be interesting.

It'd sure be nice if the seed companies came up with dependable 40+ day autos-
I think they'd sell a few...
Looks like I might have 5 plants this year😂
That's Dark Devil auto seed one, and seed two has also popped!
After my recent seed starting trouble I decided to try two just to make sure.
We'll see how long it takes them to sprout.
It kind of gives me an opportunity though. I still have a bag of the Fafard soil I used in the SIPish planter. It's enough to fill a 20 litre pot with a little left over, especially after I add perlite.
So that means I'll have one SIPish Dark Devil, and one in my usual style.
That may be interesting.

Hey Mel you could always do a @DYNOMYCO Solo Challenge grow. Supposed to be a lot of prizes. Just a thought. Happy growing. CL🍀
Hey Mel you could always do a @DYNOMYCO Solo Challenge grow. Supposed to be a lot of prizes. Just a thought. Happy growing. CL🍀
I just took a look, and it looks interesting, but it's not really my kind of contest.
Right now I'm getting back into enjoying the grow, as this past winter kind of stressed me out.
Back on track!
Yes, she's up to .25g/litre, or 1g/gallon right now.
She got fed last night, so maybe she's had a growth spurt overnight.
I'll be going down to take pics in a moment.
Is that a CBD Lemon auto?

No, not CBD. But, I did grow the other seed in 2021 and got 144 grams from her so I'm hoping for a decent yield again. Although, that said, Felonious will be growing her, Cindy, Gloria and Stella outside and I've told him, he's in charge. I'll take photos of them but I won't be reporting on them.
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