You went to the doctor!

You ok?

It’s a standard here when a bloke goes to the quack. “You preggers?”
Ahh. Gotcha, no I'm not pregnant, lol!

I had to chop down a big thornbush, and two days later my finger was all swollen and wouldn't bend. I got a prescription for antibiotics, and they've started working.
I barely made it to the on call doctor's office before they closed.
Otherwise I would have spent 8 hours waiting in urgent care.
Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze is looking better today. She's also working on her first true leaves.
The other two are looking much the same as yesterday, only bigger.

CBD Lemon auto-day 15

Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze-day 4

SLHx-day 4

Thanks bud and fair play, I wasn't questioning your knowledge or your approach just thought I'd ask. I love watching the results when people tweek the environments slightly...


Be safe ✌🏻 👌🏻
Question away my friend!
I don't find questions offensive, and I know I have a lot to learn about growing!
Ahh. Gotcha, no I'm not pregnant, lol!

I had to chop down a big thornbush, and two days later my finger was all swollen and wouldn't bend. I got a prescription for antibiotics, and they've started working.
I barely made it to the on call doctor's office before they closed.
Otherwise I would have spent 8 hours waiting in urgent care.
It's good to hear you are OK.
Day 9

I meant to get this up before I went to dinner, but there was a little bit of a time crunch, lol.
Not much has changed. She's still rolling along solo.

CBD Lemon auto - day 9

Mine doesn't have probes, but it came with a fan, so it's not exactly top of the line, lol.
I'm switching back to my older method of using the cable box. It works better than the heat mats.
Another case of "don't fuck with what works".
I learned that lesson with an expensive Colombian Gold seed. I didn’t use the paper towel method like I usually do and nada 👎. CL🍀
Ahh. Gotcha, no I'm not pregnant, lol!

I had to chop down a big thornbush, and two days later my finger was all swollen and wouldn't bend. I got a prescription for antibiotics, and they've started working.
I barely made it to the on call doctor's office before they closed.
Oh good stuff.

Bit of fluclox? That’s usually a skin infection go to.
Otherwise I would have spent 8 hours waiting in urgent care.
As you should lol. As the name suggests, it’s for urgent care. A sore finger can always wait a day.

The conversation’s behind the scenes when patients turn up to emergency with sore toes and sore fingers are hilarious. My advice not that you asked, the only way you turn up to emergency with finger issues is if the finger has been traumatically torn from your hand and is in a plastic container on ice lol!
Make them define "urgent"!
After hours urgent means prioritising patient needs, most urgent vs least urgent. Least urgent goes last. Like Chest pain supersedes a sore finger, car accident victims supersedes a sore finger, traumatic injuries supersedes a sore finger.

Imagine it, you are in AF requiring urgent treatment, but you need to wait coz Mel needs the to doctor to look at a thorn in his finger.
I'm now waiting on the Dark Devil auto to sprout. In a couple of days we should be past any risk of frost, and warmer days will be here.
They're ready to start getting some real sunlight!

CBD Lemon auto-day 16

Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze-day 5

SLHx-day 5

It's good to hear you are OK.
Thanks Keith!
I learned that lesson with an expensive Colombian Gold seed. I didn’t use the paper towel method like I usually do and nada 👎. CL🍀
Always sucks to loose a seed you paid for!
They are coming up :thumb: Mel
Glad to have some plants started, even if they aren't all the ones I had planned on!
Thanks GG!
Make them define "urgent"!
They're underfunded, but still do a good job!
This is ideal. :thumb:
Makes me happy to see!
Oh good stuff.

Bit of fluclox? That’s usually a skin infection go to.
Something called cephalexin. 500mg, 4 times a day.
As you should lol. As the name suggests, it’s for urgent care. A sore finger can always wait a day.

The conversation’s behind the scenes when patients turn up to emergency with sore toes and sore fingers are hilarious. My advice not that you asked, the only way you turn up to emergency with finger issues is if the finger has been traumatically torn from your hand and is in a plastic container on ice lol!
The system is a little different here.
Unless it's an actual emergency like you describe you're supposed to call a toll free number to talk to a nurse practitioner who serves as the first level of triage.
Every doctor has an on call doctor who takes weekend cases. The NP can put you in touch with them if that's the appropriate level of care. If it's a little more serious, or the on call doctor is closed (at 4pm in this case) you are told to go to urgent care. It's for stuff that isn't serious enough to go to the emergency room, but needs to be seen and dealt with in a reasonable time frame.
In my case to get treatment before the infection became blood poisoning.
That would be reason to go to the ER.
After hours urgent means prioritising patient needs, most urgent vs least urgent. Least urgent goes last. Like Chest pain supersedes a sore finger, car accident victims supersedes a sore finger, traumatic injuries supersedes a sore finger.

Imagine it, you are in AF requiring urgent treatment, but you need to wait coz Mel needs the to doctor to look at a thorn in his finger.
Yep, that's why it's set up the way I described.
Just for the record, my finger was bright red and swollen like a hotdog by the time the doctor saw me.
Unfortunately urgent care is clogged with people who don't really need to see anyone, and people who think their indigestion is a heart attack. They always make a lot of noise, and seem like they're on the edge of death until they belch an suddenly feel better.
How is the finger
Swelling is down, and it's not red anymore. Looks like I get to keep it :)
Something called cephalexin. 500mg, 4 times a day.
Yup know it well. Not a huge dose either which suggests a simple infection. For it to work best take it exactly every six hours.
Unfortunately urgent care is clogged with people who don't really need to see anyone, and people who think their indigestion is a heart attack. They always make a lot of noise, and seem like they're on the edge of death until they belch an suddenly feel better.
I know what you mean but I just want to touch on this just in case readers take this as health advice. A cardiac arrest can present with symptoms identical to indigestion. Chest pain is always an emergency. Always. The sooner you get to hospital the better. A simple blood test can tell you if you are having cardiac issues. But the treatment window is small. It’s better to be embarrassed by a burp than to do irreversible damage to your heart by waiting.
Swelling is down, and it's not red anymore. Looks like I get to keep it :)
I’m glad. A man needs his fingers!

Yup know it well. Not a huge dose either which suggests a simple infection. For it to work best take it exactly every six hours.
I've been going with 7am when I get up, noon, 5pm, then 10.
I know what you mean but I just want to touch on this just in case readers take this as health advice. A cardiac arrest can present with symptoms identical to indigestion. Chest pain is always an emergency. Always. The sooner you get to hospital the better. A simple blood test can tell you if you are having cardiac issues. But the treatment window is small. It’s better to be embarrassed by a burp than to do irreversible damage to your heart by waiting.
No joke.
I’m glad. A man needs his fingers!

Not touching that!
I don't think I'm going to get very much from the CBD Lemon auto given where she is on day 17.
I'm going to do some reading on it, see how long it went before flowering for other growers. Hopefully it has a long veg for an auto.

CBD Lemon auto-day 17

Lemon OG x Fire Alien Haze-day 6

SLHx-day 6

Evening Mel 👍🏻

I'd be a bit concerned too about the amount of growth, for the lemon especially. It really is a mind bender that one, dude.

Just to give you some contrast. I grew a few autos last time out. Mine flew up compared to how yours are going, and I had a couple of different strains in there.

The difference between these two pics in 36 days. I've checked when they were taken on the details of the pictures. The two seedlings are the two larger plants at the back (in the tent) but 36 days later on.....


Evening Mel 👍🏻

I'd be a bit concerned too about the amount of growth, for the lemon especially. It really is a mind bender that one, dude.

Just to give you some contrast. I grew a few autos last time out. Mine flew up compared to how yours are going, and I had a couple of different strains in there.

The difference between these two pics in 36 days. I've checked when they were taken on the details of the pictures. The two seedlings are the two larger plants at the back (in the tent) but 36 days later on.....


Yeah. I think next time I grow one I'll try standard transplanting to larger containers rather than going straight to the final pot.
The reading I've done so far is that it usually shifts to flower after 3 weeks, and that the strain is known for low yield and a high rate of mutations.
It was a freebie though, and I'm not worried about yield too much. The two photoperiod strains should take care of that.
I could be wrong but I don’t think Auto’s do well outdoors. At least mine didn’t n I don’t think I’ll ever grow another. CL🍀
It depends. I've seen both good and bad outdoor auto grows.
I've also seen a huge range of results on indoor auto grows.
Some people seem to have a knack for them.
Evidence so far is that I'm not one of them, lol!
Yeah. I think next time I grow one I'll try standard transplanting to larger containers rather than going straight to the final pot.
The reading I've done so far is that it usually shifts to flower after 3 weeks, and that the strain is known for low yield and a high rate of mutations.
It was a freebie though, and I'm not worried about yield too much. The two photoperiod strains should take care of that.

It depends. I've seen both good and bad outdoor auto grows.
I've also seen a huge range of results on indoor auto grows.
Some people seem to have a knack for them.
Evidence so far is that I'm not one of them, lol!
Don’t feel bad I’m not either but either is a lot of members I won’t name. lol CL🍀
Plants are coming right along Mel. Looking forward! :Rasta:

Glad you got through the issue with your digit. And this had me LMAO:
Unfortunately urgent care is clogged with people who don't really need to see anyone, and people who think their indigestion is a heart attack. They always make a lot of noise, and seem like they're on the edge of death until they belch an suddenly feel better.
Plants are coming right along Mel. Looking forward! :Rasta:

Glad you got through the issue with your digit. And this had me LMAO:
You might think that’s funny but I had it happen to me once. It hurts like a MFr. And the relief you feel after you burp is almost as good as sex. Not quite but it’s a relief 😮‍💨. CL🍀
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