Looking good Melville! :) I hope the cold weather will hold off long enough for you.:cheer: I'm usually safe here until late October.:) I just put up the Colombian Gold journal. Hope to see you there. :):bong:
And I thought I had a lot of journals on the grow? 🤣🤣🤣

Leona- day 110
As stated above I've found two more black spots on Leona. So far the best suggestion is that it's a form of blight.
Looking it up there are two main causes, one fungal, and the other bacterial.
The suggestions for treatment are an antifungal spray made from potassium bicarbonate, or removal of infected plants.
I'm planning to try the spray first, and if that doesn't work I'll probably have to cull Leona.

Fay Wray- day 59
So far she doesn't have any sign of blight, and she's ripening fast.

After a hectic couple of hours grow related getting up to date here and finishing with your garden, Melville, I have a sense of great peace. Thanks!

Thanks Nick!
I'm glad it has that effect for you!
Looking good Melville! :) I hope the cold weather will hold off long enough for you.:cheer: I'm usually safe here until late October.:) I just put up the Colombian Gold journal. Hope to see you there. :):bong:
Thanks gwhunran!
Usually we're good here until mid-October if the rain holds off, although by that time it's getting chilly and growth and ripening slow down to a crawl. Hopefully this season ends well for all of us!
And I thought I had a lot of journals on the grow? 🤣🤣🤣
We're you here for @Krissi Carbone and her multi-journal heyday?
Excellent inspection skills to find that needle in the haystack!
Thanks Shed!
Unfortunately I've found some more.
Man what a fkn lunatic I was back then...3 active grow journals + I had just started up the droughting thread and the reviews + the 3.5 yr old and TKs nonsense. I know full well I was smoking that Indica too but I think someone has really been giving me some sativa roofies somehow since I got here. I have had so many WTFlyingF moments here, it is ridiculous. Got to a point I could barely keep up on any journals other than my own.....that sucked.
Glad to have slowed down and now I can actually take in all this growing beauty that so many members have, like you of course, Mel.

BTW, hope the black spots do not evolve and again, this is just turning out to be another phenomenal outdoor Mel Hobbes grow, as was anticipated by all. Be back later!
Man what a fkn lunatic I was back then...3 active grow journals + I had just started up the droughting thread and the reviews + the 3.5 yr old and TKs nonsense. I know full well I was smoking that Indica too but I think someone has really been giving me some sativa roofies somehow since I got here. I have had so many WTFlyingF moments here, it is ridiculous. Got to a point I could barely keep up on any journals other than my own.....that sucked.
Glad to have slowed down and now I can actually take in all this growing beauty that so many members have, like you of course, Mel.

BTW, hope the black spots do not evolve and again, this is just turning out to be another phenomenal outdoor Mel Hobbes grow, as was anticipated by all. Be back later!
Thanks Krissi!
Beautiful plants Mel.. 👍👍👍💚💚💚
Thanks sjb!
@Lerugged recommended that for PM as well so I'm curious to see how it does on the darkening bits.

:eek: That would be a cryin' shame.
A buddy of mine uses it as a preventive and treatment for botrytis. It's known to be useful for anti- fungal purposes. That's why I got it myself. However it is also effective as a foliar feeding of potassium.
Yeah it's used in foods to prevent mould and stop it spreading. I've had pretty good luck.
And it's used in winemaking to lower acidity, so it's been tested and is safe for human consumption. Not sure about smoking though.

And speaking of botrytis...
Fay had some. Just one bud so far.

What a day.
Thanks Krissi!

Thanks sjb!

A buddy of mine uses it as a preventive and treatment for botrytis. It's known to be useful for anti- fungal purposes. That's why I got it myself. However it is also effective as a foliar feeding of potassium.

And it's used in winemaking to lower acidity, so it's been tested and is safe for human consumption. Not sure about smoking though.

And speaking of botrytis...
Fay had some. Just one bud so far.

What a day.
Fingers crossed that you don’t find anymore n you now have a new preventative treatment. CL🍀. :thumb: :cheer:
Gosh Mel, nothing like getting this far into a an almost perfect grow and developing these kinds of issues. I hope this is all of it and there won't be more. I hope the treatment works. Can you not cut those pieces out instead of culling, if needs be?
I just want to clear up that I used potassium sorbate not potassium bicarbonate. I have a big bag of the sorbate for some special edibles I make. I couldn't get bicarbonate as easily in South Africa. I believe bicarbonate is better but the sorbate stopped any mould that was trying to get up in my business.
Cheers and hoping it helps.
It should work for most moulds.
I just want to clear up that I used potassium sorbate not potassium bicarbonate. I have a big bag of the sorbate for some special edibles I make. I couldn't get bicarbonate as easily in South Africa. I believe bicarbonate is better but the sorbate stopped any mould that was trying to get up in my business.
Cheers and hoping it helps.
It should work for most moulds.
Any chance that you could give us the recipe for making it? CL🍀. :thanks:
Sure. I was not super accurate. Call it a chefs measure. Haha.
I used a tsp. Of the potassium sorbate granules with 1 lt water.
Shook it up and sprayed every 2 days or so, until nothing grew anymore. (Mould)
I've just hit a bud of SSH now and it's delicious and smooth and I'm alive.
It's food grade stuff.
Hope that helps
Fingers crossed that you don’t find anymore n you now have a new preventative treatment. CL🍀. :thumb: :cheer:
Thanks Cap!
If Fay gets any more botrytis I'll mix up a batch for her as well.
Gosh Mel, nothing like getting this far into a an almost perfect grow and developing these kinds of issues. I hope this is all of it and there won't be more. I hope the treatment works. Can you not cut those pieces out instead of culling, if needs be?
Thanks Carmen!
I'm not sure. The fungal one spreads by spore, but I think the bacterial one is spread in other ways. If it's bacterial I'm betting it's systemic.
It's appeared on 3 branches, on 2 sides of the plant so far, about a day apart. That's pretty fast. She looks like she has close to two months of flowering left I'm pretty sure if I don't get rid of it with the spray it'll spread through the whole plant before she can finish.
Hey @Bill284 it’s Mel’s thread and Lerugged that has the preventative. CL🍀
I just want to clear up that I used potassium sorbate not potassium bicarbonate. I have a big bag of the sorbate for some special edibles I make. I couldn't get bicarbonate as easily in South Africa. I believe bicarbonate is better but the sorbate stopped any mould that was trying to get up in my business.
Cheers and hoping it helps.
It should work for most moulds.
I'm surprised it's not available there given the wine industry in SA. Is there any sort of vintner's supply company that might have it?
Any chance that you could give us the recipe for making it? CL🍀. :thanks:
Sure. I was not super accurate. Call it a chefs measure. Haha.
I used a tsp. Of the potassium sorbate granules with 1 lt water.
Shook it up and sprayed every 2 days or so, until nothing grew anymore. (Mould)
I've just hit a bud of SSH now and it's delicious and smooth and I'm alive.
It's food grade stuff.
Hope that helps
Thanks Lerugged!
Always good to have another weapon against moulds and fungi!
Did you notice any effects to your stigmas from the spray?

By the way, the commercial product that uses potassium bicarbonate as the main ingredient is called GreenCure.
Hmm. Maybe a few turned brown but in general it was a little brown or lose it all to mould.
To be honest I probably could have found it at a local wine makers vibe but, I had the sorbate already and I know how it works etc. I just used what I have.

Leona- day 111
Yesterday afternoon I sprayed Leona with a full strength pb mix. I haven't found any new patches, but there are a couple of leaves that look like they might have been burned. It's not something my buddy has seen with his spraying, so we're not really sure what to make of it.
Leona was in the shade from a bit before I sprayed until this morning so the sun isn't part of it.
Some stigmas turned orange and others brown, as expected.
Some of her lower leaves are yellowing and falling off. They're in spots where I removed budsites earlier, so this is mostly expected.

Fay Wray- day 60
I haven't found any more rot, so I won't be spraying her at this point.

Hmm. Maybe a few turned brown but in general it was a little brown or lose it all to mould.
That's how I'm approaching it.
I had the sorbate already and I know how it works etc. I just used what I have.
Makes sense.
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