Bad news guys. Looking over Desdemona this morning I found bugs under a couple of leaves.
There's the DDA I remember: aphid magnet!
No big deal, I thought. I'd just mix up some insecticidal soap and spray her until she's ready for harvest.
But, looking closer, I found this.
Oof! Good catch and I hope you stopped the rot dead in its tracks.
Leona- day 102 I'm still a bit worried about her finishing time, but the tent is clean and ready for her if she needs it.
I'm thinking that tent is going to come in handy if you don't get an extended summer. Single schlep for the win!
If I’m not mistaken it’s the same thing only that they added Pyrethrum. CL🍀
Pyrethrins are a banned pesticide on commercial cannabis in some/many legal states. Just an FYI.
There's the DDA I remember: aphid magnet!

Oof! Good catch and I hope you stopped the rot dead in its tracks.

I'm thinking that tent is going to come in handy if you don't get an extended summer. Single schlep for the win!

Pyrethrins are a banned pesticide on commercial cannabis in some/many legal states. Just an FYI.
I thought that because it came from flowers that it would be ok. It says that you can use it up to harvest and it’s organic. Do you know the reason it’s banned? CL🍀
Good morning do Beardo :)

Growing really is such an adventure, and the adventure is not always good. Really sorry to see your girl was hit with the trifecta of for fuck sakes. She really was a uniquely beautiful plant.

Thanks for documenting your grows so beautifully. I look forward to your next adventure!
I bought a pack of 4 a couple of weeks back, for their pretty, sold locally from an actual shop! 2 are going elsewhere and I’ll maybe try one outdoors and one in. My initial dabble with an auto (Barneys - Strawberry Cheesecake) hasn’t particularly enthused me with autos either.
I bought a pack of 4 a couple of weeks back, for their pretty, sold locally from an actual shop! 2 are going elsewhere and I’ll maybe try one outdoors and one in. My initial dabble with an auto (Barneys - Strawberry Cheesecake) hasn’t particularly enthused me with autos either.
Hey Nick, I find autos incredibly frustrating and a huge learning curve. However, what the star auto growers achieve is inspiring. What I like about them is their turn around time and their flexibility with light.
It's pretty gloomy here today, 91% humidity too.

Leona- day 105

Fay Wray- day 54

It looks so tranquil.
It is, but the damp isn't good for the buds.
Damn! Keep eyes peeled and hope it dries up soon!
Oh I will!
If it gets bad enough I can move her into a tent.
Having only flowered indoors seeing buds out there hanging in a bit of light rain or whatever freaks me out 😅
Yeah, it can freak you out a bit, especially after your first encounter with budrot.
It's another example of outdoor plants being tougher than indoor, in my opinion.
Hope the sun breaks through soon! Is that dew on Leona's pistils?
Lol, after I read that the sun did pop through for a few seconds!
It's rain and fog. We've had both today, though they've mostly cleared up.
It's pretty gloomy here today, 91% humidity too.

Leona- day 105

Fay Wray- day 54

It is, but the damp isn't good for the buds.
Do you own a leaf blower? I've known a few old schoolers who would hit all their plants with a gentle breeze several times a day to help keep em fresh.
Do you own a leaf blower? I've known a few old schoolers who would hit all their plants with a gentle breeze several times a day to help keep em fresh.
No, I don't have a leafblower. With my luck I'd manage to knock them flat if I tried, lol.
I go even older school and shake them a bit after it rains if the humidity is higher.
Guy I knew called it "the real Hippie shake".
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