No changes.

Leona- day 112

Fay Wray- day 61

C'mon Leona, pull a u-turn! 👀
Thanks GDB, I hope she's listening!
:goodluck: and thanks for the aftermath pics. Good to know what's normal after spraying and what's something else.
Thanks Shed!

Leona- day 113
The original spots might have stopped spreading. They've slowed way down anyway.
There may be one or two new ones starting, but it's a bit too early to tell.

Fay Wray- day 62
No new spots of rot.

I'm so glad all 3 girls are doing so well and you got past the issues, hopefully! Always such a pleasure being in your garden, Mel.

Leona- day 114
No real change.
Her buds are continuing to build, so she doesn't seem to be bothered by the brown stigmas.

Fay Wray- day 63
Thirsty today.
Getting closer to where I want her.

I'm so glad all 3 girls are doing so well and you got past the issues, hopefully! Always such a pleasure being in your garden, Mel.
Thanks Krissi!
That's great news! 🤞

More great news!

All 2 are back to doing their thing. ;)
Thanks Shed!
I noticed one bit of Fay was getting some powdery mildew on both the stem and leaves. I thought the buds looked pretty good, so I snipped it as a tester and trimmed off the mildew.

As always Mel your garden is perfectly beautiful. There are a lot of really nice gardens on 420 and you are up there with the best of them. :thumb: :circle-of-love:🍋
Thanks Keith!
Go Leona, Go! :cheer:
She hasn't given up yet, so neither will I!
Outdoor looks fascinating and terrifying at the same time.
Ain't it the truth, Slap! The outdoor thing gives big rewards at the expense of a bit of sanity! At least that's the way I see it. So many what-ifs. :)
Ain't it the truth, Slap! The outdoor thing gives big rewards at the expense of a bit of sanity! At least that's the way I see it. So many what-ifs. :)
I have never grown indoors but what I see is a lot more what if. So many things you have to control in an indoors grow, one of the biggest is the lights. The % you are going to have them on how high from the plant the heat generated by the light, fan's filters and on and on. Someday I will try an indoor grow but before that happens, I will need a lot of equipment. I have a light that may work for my first plant.
I have never grown indoors but what I see is a lot more what if. So many things you have to control in an indoors grow, one of the biggest is the lights. The % you are going to have them on how high from the plant the heat generated by the light, fan's filters and on and on. Someday I will try an indoor grow but before that happens, I will need a lot of equipment. I have a light that may work for my first plant.
Yeah, Keith, there's a lot to control in an indoor grow but the grower does have the means to control them. Nothing outdoor guys can do about storms, super-high humidity, high winds, excess heat or cold. And, you guys face a far higher risk from critters, both bugs and four-legged ones.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to try an outside grow. I just think it would be a lot more stressful for me than an indoor grow! And in the end, I'm nearly certain someone would rip me off for my plant. :straightface:
I have never grown indoors but what I see is a lot more what if. So many things you have to control in an indoors grow, one of the biggest is the lights. The % you are going to have them on how high from the plant the heat generated by the light, fan's filters and on and on. Someday I will try an indoor grow but before that happens, I will need a lot of equipment. I have a light that may work for my first plant.
Indoor grows can be as simple or complex as you can afford. Both methods can produce top shelf herb.
Yeah, Keith, there's a lot to control in an indoor grow but the grower does have the means to control them. Nothing outdoor guys can do about storms, super-high humidity, high winds, excess heat or cold. And, you guys face a far higher risk from critters, both bugs and four-legged ones.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to try an outside grow. I just think it would be a lot more stressful for me than an indoor grow! And in the end, I'm nearly certain someone would rip me off for my plant. :straightface:
I keep hearing about people getting or fear of getting ripped off. That sucks and it could happen to me, so I hope I never have to go through that. I have really cool neighbors and I have lived in the neighborhood for over 40 years. My son was born and raised here so I know all the kids and now their kids. If I ever do get ripped off, they better know how to keep their mouths shut. Now I just took a couple hits off my vape pen. No more negative shit.
I keep hearing about people getting or fear of getting ripped off. That sucks and it could happen to me, so I hope I never have to go through that. I have really cool neighbors and I have lived in the neighborhood for over 40 years. My son was born and raised here so I know all the kids and now their kids. If I ever do get ripped off, they better know how to keep their mouths shut. Now I just took a couple hits off my vape pen. No more negative shit.
Sorry Keith. I didn't mean to raise negative vibes in your journal. I was just describing my reality.

Have an extra hit on me, free of charge! :Rasta:
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