8 Strains Auto - All Input Welcomed


Seems normal to me. One of my amnesia haze's were showing orange pistils at like day 30 lol. It's just something that happens, all in the genetics I'm sure. This isn't the best indicator as to when to harvest anyway but lets you know they are starting to ripen some, the buds should start fattening now. Use a microscope or jewelers loupe to take a look at the trichomes :)
I ordered a pocket scope, should be here in a few days. I was thinking the red came at the latter part of the grow. Learning every day.
So here at week 8 I think I am closing in on the end of this grow. My plants are small for the most part, and most don't look like they will produce much, but in the next 2 weeks is it possible they will bulk up much?
Hey man, sorry to hear about these issues you're having. Those don't look like issues or deficiencies that I am experienced enough in helping you out with, maybe you could hit up the FAQ section of the forum and post the pictures there for quicker answers.

The buds should bulk up in the last couple weeks yes. I am just noticing this now with mine. As well sometimes you may have to grow the plants past the flowering time specified by the breeder. Some of them may not bulk up like you would like though depending on what sort of deficiency issues you are having there.

Best of luck
thanks for the input. I guess my many issues cost me on this grow. I was pondering if the investment was wise, and maybe more experience wont be too costly. Dropping new seeds that should be ready to pot when these get the ax, and I will actually make a calendar log for them so I can plan, track, and really understand whats going on with them.
black cream is the largest so far
I finally felt like it was time to use the pocket scope, and most of the trichs(?) looked mostly clear and some had a few darker ones. A week maybe?
You will want to wait until the resin glands (round heads on the trichs) start to cloud up. When they are clear like that they won't have any thc or other cannabinoids stored inside them yet. You would want to wait until you have mostly cloudy at least before you harvest. there are a few different stages you can harvest at for different types of effects. I am just stopping in before work so don't have a lot of time to explain right now but you can find what I am looking for by simply searching for "trichome ripeness chart" or something similar and you will get the answers I am talking about here.
After reading up and getting a few opinions it was time to start chopping a few plants. I cut down pineapple express, WW, lsd, and 1 branch of black cream. Maybe mid week the other autos will be done as well. Not much bud on most, but looks like good times ahead. I will get pics of the bounty once all have been chopped and the horrible journal will come to an end. One side note, certain strains I grew will have to be really good smoke or I will not grow any more when my seeds run out due to trimming time.
2 more to go!!!!! Critical is like a brain punch............just mellow out and float in the recliner. Budda 1 (random seed) also seems to be Velcro for your @$$.
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

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