8 Strains Auto - All Input Welcomed

12 days and finally some good growth. Topped most of them

Hey man, things seem to be going good over here! Keep up the good work. I would most definitely try to get that temperature lowered though if at all possible. Got some fans running maybe? Or a way for the hot air to escape?
Adding more fans and exhaust. All but 1 have been growing good, the GSC is way behind so I moved her to a cooler place and have a 140w (300w listed) led on her. Maybe she will perk up
day 19

Black Caramel Cream

White Widow

Pineapple Express and Budda mix seed 2

Budda 1

Critical xl

G S C .....slowly coming along
Hey man, things are looking great! They are sure moving right along aren't they. Looks like you got some fast growers in the bunch.
I noticed on the Budda 1 and Critical xl you may have some nutrient burn happening? Or was this due to the high heat you had before?

Nice lst job to by the way, keep up the good work over there!
Thanks, I have not worked out what is getting them 2. I will just give them water for a few days. The growth is very uneven between strains, is that the norm? I have noticed that the faster growing ones are in the soil I mixed other than the caramel. GSC had a hard time cracking and shaking the hull. My veggies sure love the new soil mix as well, so next time I will measure and write down the amounts of each material for future auto grows.
Now the real question, will these plants grow bigger/better outdoors? Maybe im lazy, but I don't want an outdoor produce garden, and in a few weeks I will be out of room inside.
Thanks, I have not worked out what is getting them 2. I will just give them water for a few days. The growth is very uneven between strains, is that the norm? I have noticed that the faster growing ones are in the soil I mixed other than the caramel. GSC had a hard time cracking and shaking the hull. My veggies sure love the new soil mix as well, so next time I will measure and write down the amounts of each material for future auto grows.
Now the real question, will these plants grow bigger/better outdoors? Maybe im lazy, but I don't want an outdoor produce garden, and in a few weeks I will be out of room inside.

Yes it's normal for them all to be different. Every strain is unique in it's own way and will grow differently as well. Some grow better indoors, some better outdoors. You would have to research each strain to get the info. Not all the info you find will be exact all the time either, but will be a guide none the less. I personally like the indoor growing. It's a controlled environment and less bugs.
Hey, these plants are moving right along for you now. Good stuff on the lst as well. IMO I would leave the bulbs as you have them for now and once you switch over to 12/12 light cycle or whichever you may choose, then throw 2 more bloom bulbs in there in place of 2 of the veg bulbs. Multi-spectrum lighting :)
Hey man, still looking good over there. It's kind of nice to look at a bunch of different strains in one room like this, maybe some day I will have a good seed collection to do this. The GSC is looking amazing, maybe my favorite out of your bunch along with the black caramel. So what's up with your dark devil? Have you diagnosed the problem or would you like some help doing so? Post up some pictures here and if I can't help you I'm sure someone can :)
Thank you! I bought all the seeds in one order, I wanted a few that ranked good in helping me with my anxiety and insomnia, a few that just looked cool to me, and one for a special person. It is neat seeing these growing with their traits showing, some faster, some bushy, and some freaks. The GSC had issues at the beginning and I put her under a 145w led 24hrs and she loved it, and in 10 days she was up several inches .
The dark devil got nute/light burn, or both. Since the trouble started I raised the light up 12'' more. Tonight I decided to move her under an led as well. I will see if I have a pic, and thank you for willing to help.
Critical and budda2 seem to not like the same nutes ?? Every time I feed all of them, those girls get yellowing on the lower leaf. It starts out on the tips and moves up about 2/3 pretty fast. Is it common for some to favor certain foods?
white widow is in the lead on buds per branch. The one in the back is an lsd I started about 2 weeks after the 8
Yes, certain strains will take in more or less nutrients at a time. Without pictures of an issue it's kind of hard to give you an idea of what it could be. But with lower leaves yellowing fairly quickly I would say those 2 plants need more nitrogen, so they would their own feedings made up with a little higher dose of whichever nutrient you have is rich in nitrogen. Throw up some pics :) if anything it will give you reference for your next grow
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