8 Strains Auto - All Input Welcomed

any way to tell sex yet?
4/20 time............................ All 8 girls have been seeded and now put in their home for a few weeks! I did a random selection of which plants in which soil and containers, kinda lol. the dark devil and black cream got put into black pots. I think I will not show strains on the rest to see if your keen eyes can name them.
I hope with this grow I can get a better grasp of shaping them to my will, and get a feeding schedule worked out.
Since im in soil, what should I feed them? I have to buy nutes, so what's the best bang for the buck and will be manageable for a noob?
Looking like a good crop! The Dinafem White Widow XL is a strain I'd like to try soon. Will hang out and watch if you don't mind.
thanks wolf. I got the WWxl seeds as freebies with the others, and critical as well. Hang out, and chime in when I do something wrong lol.
Good deal, I was wanting to keep it close to keep them from stretching(?) like they did right from sprout. I planted them close to the top when I moved them out of the solo cups. The t5 run cooler than I expected, and the 1000w hps might rival the surface of the sun.
I hope with this grow I can get a better grasp of shaping them to my will, and get a feeding schedule worked out.
Since im in soil, what should I feed them? I have to buy nutes, so what's the best bang for the buck and will be manageable for a noob?

I am using the GH flora series line of nutrients micro, gro, bloom.. These are very cost effective and easy to use, they seem to be working well with my auto's since I found a more cannabis friendly schedule for them. Otherwise from what I have heard, advanced nutrients has a good line up as well and is made more for cannabis. They have a few different line ups to choose from, just be sure if you go with these to get the hobbyist pack. Something like the ph perfect line maybe? I personally haven't used it but have heard good things.
:thumb: I have some GH left from my misadventure in hydro, I will start using it in small amounts to find the right dosage. Also after reading up on miracle grow soil I picked up jungle grow from Lowe's. I also mixed some soil today to try, but starting with peppers and such......cheaper and less heartbreaking. Thank you for the input and any more will be greatly welcomed.
The girls are still alive and growing, and I started working on more intake and exhaust fans for them. Hot as a mofo in the grow room and it's not even summer yet. Thinking of putting a few outdoors to compare. I can't find many places to put them for direct sun all day, so should I go for more morning or afternoon direct light?
If they are somewhat shaded for part of the day it wont be a problem. The natural sunlight is so bright that even in a semi-shaded area they will still get lots of light. As long as it's not shade all day long.
Here is the GH schedule I am using that I found here on 420 Mag.

Week 1 (rooted clones or 3 leaf-sets on seedlings) : 2.5 ml EACH Grow, Micro & Bloom
Week 2: 5ml Grow + 2.5ml Micro + 2.5ml Bloom
Week 3: 10ml Grow + 5ml Micro + 3ml Bloom
Week 4 until 12/12 : 12ml Grow + 6ml Micro + 3ml Bloom
Week 1 of 12/12 : 6ml Grow + 6mil Micro+10ml Bloom
Week 2 of 12/12: 3ml Grow + 7ml Miccro + 12ml Bloom
Week 3: 3ml Grow + 8ml Micro + 14ml Bloom
Week 4: 3ml Grow + 8ml Micro + 16ml Bloom
Week 5: 2..5 Grow + 7ml Micro + 18ml Bloom
Week 6: NO GROW + 6ml Micro + 20ml Bloom USE UNTIL FLUSH!
Flush 10-14 days before harvesting

Only thing that I found in using this with my auto's is that I didn't get up to the week 4 of veg. It's just to much for my girls. I stopped at week 3 until I switch to flowering nutes. During the week 3 schedule I actually had to cut back to 3.75ml micro and 7.5ml gro due to to much nitrogen. This will also vary with different strains. Hope that helps ya out. This schedule is more designed for cannabis than veggies and such.
Honza, my thoughts exactly on isolating them. I will also try to compare some of the small, cheap lights I have. Now that I think about it, I think I may have an addiction. I have crap everywhere, and feel that I still need this-n-that.
Honza, my thoughts exactly on isolating them. I will also try to compare some of the small, cheap lights I have. Now that I think about it, I think I may have an addiction. I have crap everywhere, and feel that I still need this-n-that.

LOL! Don't we all? I have lots of stuff sitting around not being used most days. But it never seems to be what I'm looking for or what I need haha
day 3
Just a bit of water for now
Temps vary from 75-90. Working on that.
humidity 60. The room has a concrete floor so I have been wetting it twice a day and getting the humidity up a little.
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