6-Day Sensitization Protocol: Resetting The Tolerance Levels

I'm having a rough time guys. I'm being slammed by emotional distress and now my stomach is cramping and I'm getting nauseous. I started crying in the middle of a conversation with my daughter and haven't been able to stop the tears.

I'll be honest. I don't know if I can make it through this time. I'm gonna go to bed and see how I feel tomorrow. My daughter's been advising me to stop this process and take a hit already. She can understand my intent but this is more than I was prepared to take.

I wasn't expecting the blues to hit so hard. It's evident that cannabis has been managing my SAD in ways I wasn't aware of.

I don't want to stop yet, which is why I'm going to bed. I'll see what the morning brings.

GT, I'm glad you decided to try it. Up front, this isn't for the faint of heart.

I did realize that I haven't been drinking enough water today, so I've increased consumption. I was doing really well until an hour ago.

Hang in there I am too sue you can do this .

I just got mad for now reason like a switch being flipped on. Think I want to sleep and hide is how I feel?

Your not alone sue . .
Hang in there I am too sue you can do this .

I just got mad for now reason like a switch being flipped on. Think I want to sleep and hide is how I feel?

Your not alone sue . .

Thank you Joe. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I know I can do is. I've done it before. I can do this.

It shakes you up, you know? I've spent the past year creating inner peace and filling my days with joy. Intellectually we know that the flip side of joy is sorrow, but it's disconcerting to have it rear up like this. It's sobering to realize how frail my emotions can be without cannabis. Evidently I have a need for the levels of cannabis I consume. :laughtwo:
I have to share that a couple minutes ago I was curled up on the floor in fetal position, crying uncontrollably. This is not who I am anymore.

Dearest Sue,

I truly believe that anyone can be this person at a given moment in time. Sorrow and grief let us know that we are vulnerable, to each other and to our experiences. This kind of vulnerability is part of what makes us such extraordinary beings. That we can experience and express such depths of pain and still be able to not only survive but thrive is a wonder of humanity to me.

Hang in there sweet woman. 'You got this!'. One thing I know Cannabis masks for me is emotional exhaustion. We're all different in that regard but it's possible something similar has been helping you manage the incredible few years you've had. Maybe the curtain just got raised a little. You'll be better for it I'm sure. The only way out is through.


I have to share that a couple minutes ago I was curled up on the floor in fetal position, crying uncontrollably. This is not who I am anymore.

Oh hell no! I'm not going through that! I'm taking a hit now! LOL!!!

Seriously, you got this Sue! You are the reason I'm willing to try this torture method so I need you here. I woke up at 0300 this morning (that's 3:00 a.m. for normal people) sweating. I didn't take my capsules before bed because I wanted to start this TORTURE. LOL! It's already reached into my gut and twisted. And, so it begins!

I say, "Bring it!" You got this! I got this! WE got this!

We'll see how I am this afternoon. :cheertwo:
Dearest Sue,

I truly believe that anyone can be this person at a given moment in time. Sorrow and grief let us know that we are vulnerable, to each other and to our experiences. This kind of vulnerability is part of what makes us such extraordinary beings. That we can experience and express such depths of pain and still be able to not only survive but thrive is a wonder of humanity to me.

Hang in there sweet woman. 'You got this!'. One thing I know Cannabis masks for me is emotional exhaustion. We're all different in that regard but it's possible something similar has been helping you manage the incredible few years you've had. Maybe the curtain just got raised a little. You'll be better for it I'm sure. The only way out is through.



Amy....that was beautifully eloquent. :hugs:


Oh hell no! I'm not going through that! I'm taking a hit now! LOL!!!

Seriously, you got this Sue! You are the reason I'm willing to try this torture method so I need you here. I woke up at 0300 this morning (that's 3:00 a.m. for normal people) sweating. I didn't take my capsules before bed because I wanted to start this TORTURE. LOL! It's already reached into my gut and twisted. And, so it begins!

I say, "Bring it!" You got this! I got this! WE got this!

We'll see how I am this afternoon. :cheertwo:

My daughter sat with me for two hours last night. It just bad timing for me. I picked up a stomach virus, and now we know the value of cannabis to hold off illness. I remember being out on the trail earlier in th day, feeling "odd." I pushed past it and kept going, thinking it was just something rising up from the cannabis deprivation.

I went to bed, anticipating sleep and the hope for a smoother morning. I've been through this protocol, and I began to suspect it was something beyond my emotions when the stomach cramping led to uncontrollable shaking. My daughter came to my aid and started dosing me in between runs to the toilet to retch. No food in there to eject. That's a special kind of misery. :straightface:

This was a resistant bug. We started with her Jamaican, to settle the cramping, and progressed to Chem Dawg to knock me out. In he end I also had to take an anti-nausea wafer. When she saw me falling asleep in the chair she gently walked me back to bed and tucked me in for the night. When I woke briefly at 3 the discomfort was gone. Now I'm just exhausted from shaking so badly for three hours straight.

The thread will stay up and running. When I'm healthier I may give it another go. Once the days get longer may be the best time for me. We all know, as uncomfortable as the first 48 hours can be, it's worth it to get the system working more efficiently, so I s something we'll revisit from time to time.

I felt so bad falling out in the very beginning, but I'm so relived I don't have to turn to conventional medicine to treat this.
Thank you Teddy, for editing the title. :hugs:
I'll be here for you guys the whole way through. I've been where you're going, and I'll be there again. It's gotta be easier to get through as a team.

We can use this thread to help other members get through the process.
Thinking this over as I shower I believe this may be a mild touch of food poisoning. It can take up to two weeks to express, and in the past two weeks I've done more eating out than usual, in places I don't usually eat.

No way to really know. I'm going to begin scaling back my doses to see where my tipping point is and do my best to maintain it until I'm strong enough to attempt another reset. I may discover I don't need a reset at all.
Day one no meds start of day two today

Last night I was in bed shakey , maybe got three hrs of sleep .

Tried at 3 am a hot bath to relax me helped a bit .

Took two Advil liquid gels about 49 mins later went up stairs .

Finally passed out hr later .

Feel okay this morning but wish I had that Morning hit. Thank god I have a e juice vaporizer. Only think making me survive right now how I feel anyway .
Stay strong everyone .
I'm having a rough time guys. I'm being slammed by emotional distress and now my stomach is cramping and I'm getting nauseous. I started crying in the middle of a conversation with my daughter and haven't been able to stop the tears.

I'll be honest. I don't know if I can make it through this time. I'm gonna go to bed and see how I feel tomorrow. My daughter's been advising me to stop this process and take a hit already. She can understand my intent but this is more than I was prepared to take.

I wasn't expecting the blues to hit so hard. It's evident that cannabis has been managing my SAD in ways I wasn't aware of.

I don't want to stop yet, which is why I'm going to bed. I'll see what the morning brings.

GT, I'm glad you decided to try it. Up front, this isn't for the faint of heart.

I did realize that I haven't been drinking enough water today, so I've increased consumption. I was doing really well until an hour ago.

We are all right here with you Sue.
WTF? Okay Sue! You walked me into this insane torture chamber and then get sick and leave me here! That’s a NO-GO! LOL. Just kidding. Get well first. It’s even worse when you’re sick. Be safe!

I am normally high by this time. My mind is foggy, but not high. I’m feeling extremely anxious and nervous. So far, so good though. I already changed two DWC buckets and this afternoon I’ll drain my RDWC to start a flush. I noticed already that as soon as I was finished changing the buckets I wanted a hit. I normally take a vape hit after working in the grow. My mind and body were ready for it. As I walked back to the house I felt depressed and really wanted to go grab my vape. The really bad part is I’m normally high on my capsules when I hit the vape so I’m feeling doubly smacked. Oh well, it’s got to be done.

Edit: I also workout in the mornings and I’m usually high while doing it. This morning was hard. I had to force myself through that. Although, for about 30 minutes after working out I felt a real euphoria. I was sweating profusely (which is normal for me) and feeling good. The thought of “missing out” crept back in though.

I will offer this up; exercise is key. You don’t have to sweat, but it helps to move.
WTF? Okay Sue! You walked me into this insane torture chamber and then get sick and leave me here! That’s a NO-GO! LOL. Just kidding. Get well first. It’s even worse when you’re sick. Be safe!

I am normally high by this time. My mind is foggy, but not high. I’m feeling extremely anxious and nervous. So far, so good though. I already changed two DWC buckets and this afternoon I’ll drain my RDWC to start a flush. I noticed already that as soon as I was finished changing the buckets I wanted a hit. I normally take a vape hit after working in the grow. My mind and body were ready for it. As I walked back to the house I felt depressed and really wanted to go grab my vape. The really bad part is I’m normally high on my capsules when I hit the vape so I’m feeling doubly smacked. Oh well, it’s got to be done.

I hear you GT. A big part of what we deal with in the beginning is habitual dosing. We're so conditioned to the routine, the same way I fall into the routine of smoking constantly when I'm posting, with no real thought to whether I'm high enough or not. Read and toke. Thing is, when I'm reading, studying, or posting I don't feel the effects the same way I do when I get up and move around.

Think "short term." This part'll be over quickly, and you'll be surprised at how sensitive the system really can be.
To the underinformed what we deal with when we abstain appears to suggest cannabis is addictive, but that's a misperception by people that've never watched someone withdrawal from a drug that is addictive.

You can become dependant on cannabis. This is an entirely different scenario from addiction. Abstaining can be extremely uncomfortable, but it's not in the same universe as herion withdrawal.
Grandpa Tokin said:
My mind is foggy, but not high.

I just caught this. Your mind is foggy when you're high? Just curious. This is probably an indica thing and I smoke primarily sativas, so my euphoria is always accompanied by clear and focused thought. I couldn't do what I do here without them.
To the underinformed what we deal with when we abstain appears to suggest cannabis is addictive, but that's a misperception by people that've never watched someone withdrawal from a drug that is addictive.

You can become dependant on cannabis. This is an entirely different scenario from addiction. Abstaining can be extremely uncomfortable, but it's not in the same universe as herion withdrawal.

Excellent point! I’ve been addicted to opiates and there is absolutely nothing similar with weed dependency.
I just caught this. Your mind is foggy when you're high? Just curious. This is probably an indica thing and I smoke primarily sativas, so my euphoria is always accompanied by clear and focused thought. I couldn't do what I do here without them.

No. My mind is foggy now. Not when I’m high. It’s like I’m just not thinking clearly.
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