5 White Widow Feminized Seeds


420 Member
Hello all!

My first post to this awesome forum for this newbie and I'm hoping for some insight on my seedlings as to how they are progressing and any further recommendations. From my extensive reading through these forums, everyone seems so helpful and I get a real sense of community.

Here is some information on my current set up, plants, equipment, medium and nutrients:

-5 White Widow Feminized seed (Dynafem)
  • Nutes - General Organics Simple program
  • Promix HP medium
  • T5 light for seedling stage (used humidity dome to keep humidity around 70-80%)
  • 600W MH for the veg stage and 600W HPS for the flowering stage.
  • Cooling hood (exhausted out of tent)
  • Vivosun 4x4 tent
  • Carbon filter
  • Hurricane inlet fan
  • Tower oscillating fan
  • Clip on oscillating fan (if needed)
  • Air purifier

4 out of the 5 seeds popped in germination (moist paper towel method in a non-sealed ziplock bag). So, after I germinated the White widow seeds, I moved them into Solo cups (with holes cut around and in the bottom) with the Promix medium and T5 light above the dome lid. I dampened the soil before I planted them (tail down). I think I might have overwatered a little bit because today is the 14th day since I planted, and have only watered once a little bit cause the soil still felt moist and cup had some weight to it (and a mean a little bit). Even though one of the seeds did not germinate, I still planted with the rest with the hopes that it would crack (which it ended up doing!). Here is a pic after planting-I know the RH is low because I did not set up the humidifier or lid.

After 2 days I saw the first signs of life, and some of them started poking through the soil. This was really exciting for me as I thought I overwatered and might have screwed them up good.


Since I had the humidity dome on for most of the time, I found that the seedlings were too far away from the light and that the classic case of stretching. The tallest seedling got to 4 inches and this was only about 4/5 days after planting. (See below photo) I was trying to think of a way to bring the light closer to the plants but the dome lid would be in the way. DUH -> move the plants closer to the light. This is just what I did.

Once I moved the plants closer to the light, the vertical growth slowed and they seem to put more energy in growing their leaves. At this point, I still haven't watered them since planting as the medium is still moist. Maybe the humidity dome allows more time in btw waterings? I'm wasn't that worried because they still look healthy (to me). Oh ya, the one seed that did not germinate, came through the soil. I don't know how it's going to do but I figured I would just leave it to see!

Since the plants were taller than I would like them, once the true leaves started to come in, one of the plants fell over which prompted me to use twist ties and a skewer to hold them up. I figured this way, I could easily adjust the height of the support as the plant grows through the seedling stage.

One problem I had was the fact that I couldn't keep the RH up to the desired levels in my current room! If the humidifier ran out of water, the humidity would drop to around 30%. Sometimes even with the humidifier on, the max it would get to is 55% although most of the seedling life was in about 70-80%RH. Aside from not having to water often and trouble monitoring the RH, this seems to be the only real troubles I have run into so far.

After another week or monitoring the environment, this brings us to day 14 (today - February 14th, 2019). I still have yet to water my plants and they still seem to be growing nicely. I also haven't given any nutes yet (I figure Id wait till I water next). I am planning on using the General Organics line and somewhat following their schedule.


So as of Day 14 (after planting) here are my plants today (Feb 14th) (tallest still at around 4.5 -5 inches tall - taller than I would like them:


I guess I am hoping to get some insight on my progress so far with my first grow - any help would be appreciated. As you can see, I've done my research but as you know, there are SO many different methods/opinions so was just curious what worked best for you if you have a similar set up to what I have!:

Is it a concern that I haven't really watered yet?
Is there any visible evidence that I overwatered?
Should I have started nutes yet?
When should I give them nutes?
Are they smaller than normal at this age or average?
Do the stems look thin to you?
Should I change anything around?
When should I transplant? (plan on going in 5 gal pots).
Should I go straight to my tent under the 600W MH?
Should I plant deeper to cover some of the stem to make it stronger?

Oh ya, here is the photo of my tent set up:

Thanks everyone and happy growing!

5th seed worked!.jpeg

After planting.jpeg

4 out of 5 came through.jpeg
They look good. When you up-pot just bury those tall stalks and she'll be fine. Click on "report" and ask them to move this to Grow Journal. You can also change the title...

You get snaps for best first post I've ever seen!
Good call blue.... moving this, great idea:headbanger::goof:
Looks healthy so far. I wouldn't stress because it looks like everything is ok. Those Sunblaster T5's are great. I have reflectors on mine and do all my veg cycle under them. You can lower the light a bit if they are still stretching. T5's are great because they are so cool you can come right down within a couple inches above the leaves without causing harm.
Looks healthy so far. I wouldn't stress because it looks like everything is ok. Those Sunblaster T5's are great. I have reflectors on mine and do all my veg cycle under them. You can lower the light a bit if they are still stretching. T5's are great because they are so cool you can come right down within a couple inches above the leaves without causing harm.
Thanks! and good idea with the reflectors, did you buy them or jimmy rig something?
They look good. When you up-pot just bury those tall stalks and she'll be fine. Click on "report" and ask them to move this to Grow Journal. You can also change the title...

You get snaps for best first post I've ever seen!
Haha thanks man! I requested to move to a Journal. Ill post some progress pics soon. Thanks for your input!
Thanks! and good idea with the reflectors, did you buy them or jimmy rig something?

I bought them. They are called "Nanotech T5 Reflectors". They are actually made by Sunblaster. You can buy Sunblaster lights that come with them included as a full kit or you can buy Sunblasters without the reflectors. It's cheaper to buy them as the kit all at the same time. It makes a huge difference IMO and uses no more power so the decision was easy.


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Hello all!

My first post to this awesome forum for this newbie and I'm hoping for some insight on my seedlings as to how they are progressing and any further recommendations. From my extensive reading through these forums, everyone seems so helpful and I get a real sense of community.

Here is some information on my current set up, plants, equipment, medium and nutrients:

-5 White Widow Feminized seed (Dynafem)
  • Nutes - General Organics Simple program
  • Promix HP medium
  • T5 light for seedling stage (used humidity dome to keep humidity around 70-80%)
  • 600W MH for the veg stage and 600W HPS for the flowering stage.
  • Cooling hood (exhausted out of tent)
  • Vivosun 4x4 tent
  • Carbon filter
  • Hurricane inlet fan
  • Tower oscillating fan
  • Clip on oscillating fan (if needed)
  • Air purifier
4 out of the 5 seeds popped in germination (moist paper towel method in a non-sealed ziplock bag). So, after I germinated the White widow seeds, I moved them into Solo cups (with holes cut around and in the bottom) with the Promix medium and T5 light above the dome lid. I dampened the soil before I planted them (tail down). I think I might have overwatered a little bit because today is the 14th day since I planted, and have only watered once a little bit cause the soil still felt moist and cup had some weight to it (and a mean a little bit). Even though one of the seeds did not germinate, I still planted with the rest with the hopes that it would crack (which it ended up doing!). Here is a pic after planting-I know the RH is low because I did not set up the humidifier or lid.
After planting.jpeg

After 2 days I saw the first signs of life, and some of them started poking through the soil. This was really exciting for me as I thought I overwatered and might have screwed them up good.

First signs of life.jpeg

Since I had the humidity dome on for most of the time, I found that the seedlings were too far away from the light and that the classic case of stretching. The tallest seedling got to 4 inches and this was only about 4/5 days after planting. (See below photo) I was trying to think of a way to bring the light closer to the plants but the dome lid would be in the way. DUH -> move the plants closer to the light. This is just what I did.

Once I moved the plants closer to the light, the vertical growth slowed and they seem to put more energy in growing their leaves. At this point, I still haven't watered them since planting as the medium is still moist. Maybe the humidity dome allows more time in btw waterings? I'm wasn't that worried because they still look healthy (to me). Oh ya, the one seed that did not germinate, came through the soil. I don't know how it's going to do but I figured I would just leave it to see!

Since the plants were taller than I would like them, once the true leaves started to come in, one of the plants fell over which prompted me to use twist ties and a skewer to hold them up. I figured this way, I could easily adjust the height of the support as the plant grows through the seedling stage.

One problem I had was the fact that I couldn't keep the RH up to the desired levels in my current room! If the humidifier ran out of water, the humidity would drop to around 30%. Sometimes even with the humidifier on, the max it would get to is 55% although most of the seedling life was in about 70-80%RH. Aside from not having to water often and trouble monitoring the RH, this seems to be the only real troubles I have run into so far.

After another week or monitoring the environment, this brings us to day 14 (today - February 14th, 2019). I still have yet to water my plants and they still seem to be growing nicely. I also haven't given any nutes yet (I figure Id wait till I water next). I am planning on using the General Organics line and somewhat following their schedule.

GO Chart.JPG

So as of Day 14 (after planting) here are my plants today (Feb 14th) (tallest still at around 4.5 -5 inches tall - taller than I would like them:
Day 14 (from planting).jpeg

Day 14 (#4).jpeg

I guess I am hoping to get some insight on my progress so far with my first grow - any help would be appreciated. As you can see, I've done my research but as you know, there are SO many different methods/opinions so was just curious what worked best for you if you have a similar set up to what I have!:

Is it a concern that I haven't really watered yet?
Is there any visible evidence that I overwatered?
Should I have started nutes yet?
When should I give them nutes?
Are they smaller than normal at this age or average?
Do the stems look thin to you?
Should I change anything around?
When should I transplant? (plan on going in 5 gal pots).
Should I go straight to my tent under the 600W MH?
Should I plant deeper to cover some of the stem to make it stronger?

Oh ya, here is the photo of my tent set up:

Thanks everyone and happy growing!
Hi, I'm a new grower as well and I really enjoyed your grow report ! Thanks for sharing
Looks like you're off to a good start! I have some White widow going right now myself so I'll be watching to see how you make out. Your first grow in 30 years wow that beats me this is my first grow in 10 years.
Thanks! I think White Widow is a good safe start to growing. But no, it's actually my first grow ever. @Chris Scorpio is in his first grow in 30 years. All the best in your grow!
Morning everyone,

So today was my first attempt at feeding with the General Organics suite of nutes. I only fed the plants 1/4 of the recommended dose because I thought I would start small and increase the next feeding. I cut even more holes in the bottom of the beer cups (in case it was the draining that was causing the soil to stay moist). When I watered, I didn't want to douse them, so I watered them just a little bit. I didn't even let the water pool then seep like I see in many of the watering tutorials online. I pH'd the water and nutes before feeding and took me a couple trys (with the pH up and down) to get it at a good level. I ended up with a pH of 6.5-6.7.


I don't know if it was because the little amount of water I put in, but there was no run off again so I wasn't able to test the pH of the runoff. Maybe my soil is too packed? May

I also draped some aluminum foil over my t5 light to act as a reflector for now. Crossing my fingers the feeding and the reflector helps!

Update soon :ciao:
I always water until runoff and then don't water again until the pot is totally dry. I am also using pro mix HP I've been playing around with different pH levels and I find around 6.2 6.3 seems to work best for me it allows for a good pH drift range.. I know some people say to test your runoff pH but it's a waste of time and will give you misleading information.
I always water until runoff and then don't water again until the pot is totally dry. I am also using pro mix HP I've been playing around with different pH levels and I find around 6.2 6.3 seems to work best for me it allows for a good pH drift range.. I know some people say to test your runoff pH but it's a waste of time and will give you misleading information.
Thanks @oldsmokey great advice. My next feeding I will do so. I am just so cautious of overwatering after everything I've read on new growers.
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