Indoor Auto Flower Grow: GG#4, Girl Scout Cookies x2 & 1 Northern Lights

Looks good, far. Is that your Northern? We had a nice big cola on the one we grew.
So when i watered the girls this morning i noticed like a bazillion little white micrscopic bugs all in my soil on all 4 plants. is this the organic microbes or something else I should be concerned with?
Need of advice. Are these good microbes, nothing on my plants or leaves or anything else. this is what it looks like when I water the soil on all 4 plants. Nothing being eaten on any leaves or plant.

Nematodes, Springtails?

All depends on whether you are committed to living organic soil. After H2O2 there are no microbes left in the soil.

I often use it straight out of the bottle and use it to runoff, but 50/50 might work. I've never had bugs, just fungus and possible root rot.
I watered 1/2 cup 3% peroxide to gallon and watered all 4 till runoff. Will give them nutrients as soon as they dry out (soil)
I did confirm they are spring tails, them suckers were jumping everywhere with the peroxide solution, LMAO :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Since the solution (peroxide) most likely killed any chance of a micro herd in my soil I had to remove all top dressing from all 4 pots (3") and dress with OLS and some worm casings and hopefully this will take care of the micro herd and start feeding again without having to use water soluble nutrients. Fingers crossed~
I'll be curious if that dilution kills the bugs. Keep us posted!
It did not kill them all. They are spring tails and wont hurt the cannabis plants. I kind of over reacted and should have done a little more research before I used peroxide, live and learn.
I didn't think half a cup in a gallon was going to do them harm :thumb:
Me neither but they all took a deep dive overnight and looked horrible this morning? I added 2" of OLS to the top pf the three and it has helped except for the gorilla glue. Gorilla Glue has been looking bad from the very start when she hit that 8000ppm soil and she has never recovered from it. I think everything should be fine as we do not have much longer on them, no more than 2 weeks for them all
So your just going to leave them? Seeing them every watering would drive me crazy.
LOL, they are spring tails and they will not harm your cannabis plant :thumb:
A few Trichome shots from the microscope i picked up off Amazon.



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