5 White Widow Feminized Seeds

Hey oldsmokey. I too use Pro-mix HP. Just finished my first round with it. Was ph ing around 5.8 - 6.0 through veg and into flower, then developed cal/mag lockout after about 4 weeks flower. Upped the ph to around 6.5 for a while and all better. Next grow will be at 6.2-6.3. Still did well for noobiness and harvested about 10 ounces dry from 4 plants. Flowered for 12 weeks. Very slow to amber up but worth the wait.
Hey oldsmokey. I too use Pro-mix HP. Just finished my first round with it. Was ph ing around 5.8 - 6.0 through veg and into flower, then developed cal/mag lockout after about 4 weeks flower. Upped the ph to around 6.5 for a while and all better. Next grow will be at 6.2-6.3. Still did well for noobiness and harvested about 10 ounces dry from 4 plants. Flowered for 12 weeks. Very slow to amber up but worth the wait.
That's a really good first grow @DaveL, congrats. I'm hoping to do that well. What strain did you grow? Do you have a journal on here?
3 (21 days) Week Update:

Since I planted, it's been 3 weeks and I've have been monitoring these babies like crazy. I even set removed my front entrance wifi security cam and put it in the room where my plants are. Crazy? You might say so. I have to go away for work here and there so I always want to make sure the humidity is right. My wife is pretty good at filling the humidifier hah. My last watering was on day 19. So I have watered

#1 the runt is slowly getting better and better although its nowhere it should be at 21 days. I'm just going to let it chug along. It's about 2-3 inches tall. Here's a photo of it today:


I have been doing some reading about topping my plants since I am planning the SCROG LST technique once I transplant and finally get these babies in my tent. Most of what I read online said that people do not top their plants when they have anything under 2 nodes. Mine have 3 nodes and I can see the little leave at the joints so I decided to top them yesterday (except the runt) . I kind of regret doing all of them at once, because I should have experimented a little bit. Here's a photo of them today:



If anyone has any input on when I should transplant, I'm all ears!!!

Peace out!
That's a really good first grow @DaveL, congrats. I'm hoping to do that well. What strain did you grow? Do you have a journal on here?
Hi CRIPPS. Actually my 3rd grow. 1st with PRO-MIX. Previous grows were not stellar but still produced some good bud. White Widow from Crop King Seeds. Unfortunately no journal. Maybe next grow.

Today is Feb 28th (28 days since i planted the germinated seeds). Today is the day, I transplanted into 5 gal containers and finally put them into my tent. The "Runt"(#1) I did not transplant but I still put it in the tent. Some of the leaves were turning a little yellow on the second set of true leaves on #3 so I thought it was time. It was about 3 days ago, I noticed that the first and second set of true leaves on #3 were starting to yellow which led me to believe that it was time to transplant.

I prepared the pots and since they were stretching a little bit, I wanted to make sure that I buried the stems just under the cotyledons. I also fed them with 1/2 of the recommended nutes from General Organics. I mixed the nutes, adjusted to 6.2-6.4 and then moistened all of the promix HP soil. I realize I am going to have to veg a little longer because I might have stressed them out topping and transplanting, along with my other rookie mistakes. They are a little smaller than I hoped, but I already know what I would do differently next time. Here's a photo of them in the tent after all of this:

The tent is in my basement and it is pretty dry down there so I am having a hell of a time controlling the humidity Currently I have 2 humidifiers (One normal size and one small) and the RH was still only 35% with the ventilation running at full speed. I realized that the hurricane inlet fan did not have a speed setting so I had to do something about it.

Feb 1st (Friday) I went out and bought a fan speed controller and this seemed to help quite a bit. Now, with the fan on low speed, the RH is steady at 55% and the temp is 75 degrees during the day when my light is on. Pretty ideal from what I have been reading.

Now my problem is, at night, when the light is off, the temp drops considerably. Like to 58 degrees WAY TOO COLD from what I have read.

I decided to buy a space heater and landed on this one: 250 Watt Electric Wall Heaters - Amaze Heaters The reason I picked this one is because it has radiant heat and it takes up so little space if you can hang it. I used the extra set of pulleys that I bought and hung it in the tent. I have an extension power bar (which is timed) so i pulled that into the tent and plugged the AMAZE Thermostat into that. It's set it to come on right before the lights go off (at 11 pm). I set it higher than the actual temp I want because I know the actual temp will be a little bit lower. 65 degrees F would be ideal because what would allow for a 10-degree drop at night.

Here is a photo of the tent with the AMAZE heater:


Finally, I think I will be able to control the humidity / temp / and air flow during the DAY and NIGHT in my dry cold basement.

Update to come...
Hoping to get some advice here.

Since my last post, I have topped the plants twice which has gone pretty well. I have managed to keep the plants short with LST training and they are pretty bushy.

Today they are at 10 weeks (I know a little longer than they should be in veg), and I noticed that they are starting to yellow a bit and the leaves are curling downward. Here's a photo, you can see the back left one is the worst:


Following the advice of my good friend, I checked the roots of the one that was yellowing and curling the most and they are definately root bound. Take a look:

I think this is because of the longer veg time? I planned on lollipopping and flipping tonight along with a feed. But now I think I may have to re-pot which I know is not ideal.

Has anyone been in this situation before and were you able to resolve this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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3 (21 days) Week Update:

Since I planted, it's been 3 weeks and I've have been monitoring these babies like crazy. I even set removed my front entrance wifi security cam and put it in the room where my plants are. Crazy? You might say so. I have to go away for work here and there so I always want to make sure the humidity is right. My wife is pretty good at filling the humidifier hah. My last watering was on day 19. So I have watered

#1 the runt is slowly getting better and better although its nowhere it should be at 21 days. I'm just going to let it chug along. It's about 2-3 inches tall. Here's a photo of it today:


I have been doing some reading about topping my plants since I am planning the SCROG LST technique once I transplant and finally get these babies in my tent. Most of what I read online said that people do not top their plants when they have anything under 2 nodes. Mine have 3 nodes and I can see the little leave at the joints so I decided to top them yesterday (except the runt) . I kind of regret doing all of them at once, because I should have experimented a little bit. Here's a photo of them today:



If anyone has any input on when I should transplant, I'm all ears!!!

Peace out!
Generally when I see Taproot in bottom of cup sticking out the hole. Sry just created journal n didn't see this till now. I'm sure ur good on the 28 day transplant though.
Generally when I see Taproot in bottom of cup sticking out the hole. Sry just created journal n didn't see this till now. I'm sure ur good on the 28 day transplant though.
Oh, n be patient is very good key. I gotta white widow now about 3-4 weeks. Check it out. Later bub

Today is Feb 28th (28 days since i planted the germinated seeds). Today is the day, I transplanted into 5 gal containers and finally put them into my tent. The "Runt"(#1) I did not transplant but I still put it in the tent. Some of the leaves were turning a little yellow on the second set of true leaves on #3 so I thought it was time. It was about 3 days ago, I noticed that the first and second set of true leaves on #3 were starting to yellow which led me to believe that it was time to transplant.

I prepared the pots and since they were stretching a little bit, I wanted to make sure that I buried the stems just under the cotyledons. I also fed them with 1/2 of the recommended nutes from General Organics. I mixed the nutes, adjusted to 6.2-6.4 and then moistened all of the promix HP soil. I realize I am going to have to veg a little longer because I might have stressed them out topping and transplanting, along with my other rookie mistakes. They are a little smaller than I hoped, but I already know what I would do differently next time. Here's a photo of them in the tent after all of this:

The tent is in my basement and it is pretty dry down there so I am having a hell of a time controlling the humidity Currently I have 2 humidifiers (One normal size and one small) and the RH was still only 35% with the ventilation running at full speed. I realized that the hurricane inlet fan did not have a speed setting so I had to do something about it.

Feb 1st (Friday) I went out and bought a fan speed controller and this seemed to help quite a bit. Now, with the fan on low speed, the RH is steady at 55% and the temp is 75 degrees during the day when my light is on. Pretty ideal from what I have been reading.

Now my problem is, at night, when the light is off, the temp drops considerably. Like to 58 degrees WAY TOO COLD from what I have read.

I decided to buy a space heater and landed on this one: 250 Watt Electric Wall Heaters - Amaze Heaters The reason I picked this one is because it has radiant heat and it takes up so little space if you can hang it. I used the extra set of pulleys that I bought and hung it in the tent. I have an extension power bar (which is timed) so i pulled that into the tent and plugged the AMAZE Thermostat into that. It's set it to come on right before the lights go off (at 11 pm). I set it higher than the actual temp I want because I know the actual temp will be a little bit lower. 65 degrees F would be ideal because what would allow for a 10-degree drop at night.

Here is a photo of the tent with the AMAZE heater:


Finally, I think I will be able to control the humidity / temp / and air flow during the DAY and NIGHT in my dry cold basement.

Update to come
Looks like same tent I got. I got rid of my carbon filter. Got better exhaust airflow without it. Id imagine over time the dust will clog filter and cause resistance to motor n wear motor bearing down. Far as ur humidity goes ur growing room is sorta affected by the environment it's surrounded in but your humidity shouldn't be that low. However if it's not below 45%-50% I wouldn't worry
Just make sure the pot is totally dry by lifting it and feeling the weight not by sticking your finger in the top and you should be fine.
I usually do both methods here but lifting is better. The finger trick is ok but thing is top layer could dry quicker due to environment factors. Just because it's dry n inch down don't mean the plant is drinking fast enough. Lift the pot.
Just FYI :Namaste:
This is a 5 year old thread and you may not get a response.
Top left corner has the date.
Have a great day. :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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