5 Unknown Strains - 2012 Grow

but...... what if got to be like ATTACK OF THE FIFTY FOOT WOMAN?
Wouldn't nuts off a mutant be more likely to give you another mutant? I say give it the ax!
i started my 1st feed...1/4ml/gal for sprouts,,,1/2ml/gal for month old and above..i got a repeat..this WS is developing just like my last Mutant..its stem is getting flat..pics up in a couple days..i'm positive it will grow nuts..what do you think..keep or kill ??..i'm going to increase feed dosage by 1/4/gal every feed...thats twice a week...until i get to the recommended dose..i don't want to over nute...

The crazy side of me is saying keep it and lets make some crazy genetic mutant plants :)

Hey Wiz....glad your CS experiment worked to your liking. Great job! I am going to purchase some landrace genetics myself for my own breeding purposes. I am interested in preserving the older genetics and picking phenos etc myself. Breeding seems to be a very involved system cant wait to dive in.


Yea im breeding to keep the original genetics and to start making and crossing new genetics. Things been running very smooth so far. Im happy that I didnt have to use alot of CS before the sex change. Seemed alot easier rather than misting your plants every day.


Dropping by and just got caught up for the most part. :)
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