4inch PVC Aero/NFT 4x5 SCROG - 1200 Watts

Re: 4inch PVC Aero/NFT 4x5 SCROG (1200 Watts)

I'm pretty sure I know of the grow that you are referencing.

The guys name is Heath Robinson and he's a beast. He netted 46 oz off of that grow with a single 600Watt bulb.

He puts clones straight to 12/12 in that system. Results can't be argued with.

yeah, thats the one. and yeah he's a beast. but prob a pain in the ass to tackle that rope of roots when he;s done don't you think.

yours looked like it would have been a pain to pull out if you didnt have the ability to just slide it out of the end.

anyways your outdoor's are looking great. man i wish i owned some land. can't wait to see how big the buds get under the HPH. (high pressure hydrogen)

Re: 4inch PVC Aero/NFT 4x5 SCROG (1200 Watts)

yeah, thats the one. and yeah he's a beast. but prob a pain in the ass to tackle that rope of roots when he;s done don't you think.

yours looked like it would have been a pain to pull out if you didnt have the ability to just slide it out of the end.

anyways your outdoor's are looking great. man i wish i owned some land. can't wait to see how big the buds get under the HPH. (high pressure hydrogen)


I think the fact that he went straight to 12/12 with the clones kept his roots smaller(hence manageable). But yeah, I think if someone vegged for any signifigant amount of time at all that he'd have a mess and would have to dismantle something like that to clean the roots out.

Thanks, I hope the outdoor babies avoid mold, rippers, etc and provide me with a nice bonus.
Re: 4inch PVC Aero/NFT 4x5 SCROG (1200 Watts)

Love those outdoor ladies. you may not think you have the green thumb but plants both indoor and out seem to respond well to your care.
Re: 4inch PVC Aero/NFT 4x5 SCROG (1200 Watts)

Thanks guys. Some of them are getting to the point that I'm able to jar them. Here's the fruit of this morning's clip session. I hope they smoke as good as they look. :)

Re: 4inch PVC Aero/NFT 4x5 SCROG (1200 Watts)

The outdoor plants are looking so good. Nice to see some buds. It's amazing that they are so green and bushy considering you aren't watering that much. I'm doing about a gallon a day per plant.

We are almost on the exact same schedule. I couldn't resist and smoked a little flower yesterday. It was great
Re: 4inch PVC Aero/NFT 4x5 SCROG (1200 Watts)

The outdoor plants are looking so good. Nice to see some buds. It's amazing that they are so green and bushy considering you aren't watering that much. I'm doing about a gallon a day per plant.

We are almost on the exact same schedule. I couldn't resist and smoked a little flower yesterday. It was great

Planted both of them on 6/7 and I have carried exactly 24 gallons of water to them over the course of this summer(12 gallons/plant). Mother nature and her rain have taken care of the rest.

I'd love to be able to pump a gallon a day per plant! However, my location is so remote that I can only get there every 10 days or so. Everything I've read leads me to believe that deep watering is one of the keys to growing huge plants. Best of luck and thank you.
Re: 4inch PVC Aero/NFT 4x5 SCROG (1200 Watts)

Everything I've read leads me to believe that deep watering is one of the keys to growing huge plants. Best of luck and thank you.

That would make sense especially with an outdoor grow directly planted into the earth. The plant's tap root has really drilled down by now and must have many branches going out so that deep watering will get used and the surrounding earth will store the excess. I wish I had a forest I could plant in!
Re: 4inch PVC Aero/NFT 4x5 SCROG (1200 Watts)


very nice setup. me likes. the shade from the tree is unfortunate.

one thing - you keep calling it nft, which it isn't. its an aeroponic setup. nft doesnt spray the roots with misters, its just flowing water in a tube.

i hope you asked fied before you jacked his journal. but nice tribute.
Re: 4inch PVC Aero/NFT 4x5 SCROG (1200 Watts)

Very nice hotrod!

I have a few questions though:

1. Will there be lights over this unit or will it be used outdoors?

2. Do you have a res feeding the 55 gallon drum res?

3. How big is that pump that runs the spray heads?

4. How far from the pots are your spray heads? Looks like about 2 inches to me. I think you'll find that the spray does not reach the pots from that far away. I had to move mine to within an inch of the 2" pot.

5. Have you filled it with water and tested it?

I love the design and creativity. Make a journal for your grow so we can all watch. Excellent work!
Re: 4inch PVC Aero/NFT 4x5 SCROG (1200 Watts)

Very nice hotrod!

I have a few questions though:

1. Will there be lights over this unit or will it be used outdoors?

2. Do you have a res feeding the 55 gallon drum res?

3. How big is that pump that runs the spray heads?

4. How far from the pots are your spray heads? Looks like about 2 inches to me. I think you'll find that the spray does not reach the pots from that far away. I had to move mine to within an inch of the 2" pot.

5. Have you filled it with water and tested it?

I love the design and creativity. Make a journal for your grow so we can all watch. Excellent work!


The beast will be under two 600 hps lights.

Yes there is a 30 gallon res.

Pump is 1380 gph.

Correct the sprayer heads are 2" but with the sprayers we are using we don't seem to have a problem. Spray is hitting the baskets.

We have tested it.....fixed all the kinks (cross our fingers) and were hoping to be up and running within a few days.

Room is all set up aside from the air conditioner. Lights raised our room temp to almost 100. Ouch!!!

Have you come up with a weight on all of your girls yet? :ganjamon:
Re: 4inch PVC Aero/NFT 4x5 SCROG (1200 Watts)

"fied"....a quick question for you. How did you control/contain that wicked root growth?

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