420 Magazine's Photo of the Month: August 2019

Whoh!!! Eye see what you did there. Yikes thats neat.
I wish that I could have gotten it a bit sharper. It had to be really dark in the room for it to work.
Now that's a winner- so original and thought provoking...plus...
how in the hell did you do that?
Beautiful pic! you got this, @Virgin ground
I did it with a mirror. Lol.
I just felt left out this month and I wanted to play too.
I don't expect to win its pretty grainy.
Grainy makes it even better...
I meant to say this in my last post- Good Eye,VG! (groan)

Awesome VG! It reminds me of the Blade Runner scene where they zoom in to find the snake scales... finding the goods in a few pixels :thumb:
Oh yeah! I'm familiar with that scene. Thanks Amy.

Awesome VG! It reminds me of the Blade Runner scene where they zoom in to find the snake scales... finding the goods in a few pixels :thumb:
The Replicants had the best bud, but kept it all to themselves. Harrison Ford was just looking for a dime. Damn Replicants, so selfish.
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