420 Magazine's Photo of the Month: August 2019

My GDP grown inside a botanium. Also my current grow.

You did autumn last month right?

Anyway, what is the strain on the far right?
Sorry for the late,reply mate.
Far right is Gelat OG , OO seeds through Seedsman.
I once had a group of seedlings that just wasnt working out. There was one in particular that just couldnt get it together at all. I wasn't bummed I was pissed! So I pulled the little one and pinned it to the wall, then i told the rest that this would happen to them if they didnt straighten up!
What happened? Did they straighten up? LOL
EXACTLY! You got about 20 minutes, before the glow of trimming your new big ass buds is gone and you find trimming is the absolute worst part of growing.
I've done so much vegetable gardening, canning, freezing and drying the results, that trimming to me is fun. Trust me - I've prepared green beans for canning and put up more than 100 quarts. And then more than 200 pints of homemade salsa. So trimming my little grows is a pleasure. I always get high while I trim, and that makes the time go faster.
There's far better photographers on here than I, but this is one of the better pics I've taken recently, so....

Peyote Critical beginning flower

I've done so much vegetable gardening, canning, freezing and drying the results, that trimming to me is fun. Trust me - I've prepared green beans for canning and put up more than 100 quarts. And then more than 200 pints of homemade salsa. So trimming my little grows is a pleasure. I always get high while I trim, and that makes the time go faster.
That's cool. I cook too, and love it... trim 3 pound and see if it's still fun. Lol
That's cool. I cook too, and love it... trim 3 pound and see if it's still fun. Lol
Well, if I got three pounds in one grow I'd be dancing in the streets! LOL
Well, if I got three pounds in one grow I'd be dancing in the streets! LOL
To be fair I've never grown 3 pounds either, but have helped friends who grow outside. So I'd like to offer that trimming 3 pounds REALLY sucks when it's someone elses!
To be fair I've never grown 3 pounds either, but have helped friends who grow outside. So I'd like to offer that trimming 3 pounds REALLY sucks when it's someone elses!
Well, Yeah! I would hate that. LOL
That's cool. I cook too, and love it... trim 3 pound and see if it's still fun. Lol
I moved off the farm in 2013. I was widowed two years before that, and in 2013 I met the most wonderful man in the world (to me). We both sold our farms and I moved to town. And now I have two pressure canners, one boiling bath canner, and a large drying unit with several shelves that I've used to dry herbs (not THAT herb), meat, etc. And all that sits idle! Kind of sad. We don't have a vegetable garden in town, partially because my DH isn't into it, and also because of the raccoons who populate the wooded part of town. These critters eat my apples, my peaches and my crabapples every year before I even get to see them, much less taste them. I see them green, then go back and see them gone. The critters even spit out the seeds and leave them lying around the yard.
I moved off the farm in 2013. I was widowed two years before that, and in 2013 I met the most wonderful man in the world (to me). We both sold our farms and I moved to town. And now I have two pressure canners, one boiling bath canner, and a large drying unit with several shelves that I've used to dry herbs (not THAT herb), meat, etc. And all that sits idle! Kind of sad. We don't have a vegetable garden in town, partially because my DH isn't into it, and also because of the raccoons who populate the wooded part of town. These critters eat my apples, my peaches and my crabapples every year before I even get to see them, much less taste them. I see them green, then go back and see them gone. The critters even spit out the seeds and leave them lying around the yard.

I go out to the farms and buy fresh fruit and veggies, since I can't maintain the garden anymore. I come home with a large haul, and freeze or can it. At least once a year I come back with 50lb of tomatoes. Some go straight into the freezer, some is used for pasta sauces, and the rest gets made into soup and canned. The boiling bath canner is great as a large 20qt soup pot!
I moved off the farm in 2013. I was widowed two years before that, and in 2013 I met the most wonderful man in the world (to me). We both sold our farms and I moved to town. And now I have two pressure canners, one boiling bath canner, and a large drying unit with several shelves that I've used to dry herbs (not THAT herb), meat, etc. And all that sits idle! Kind of sad. We don't have a vegetable garden in town, partially because my DH isn't into it, and also because of the raccoons who populate the wooded part of town. These critters eat my apples, my peaches and my crabapples every year before I even get to see them, much less taste them. I see them green, then go back and see them gone. The critters even spit out the seeds and leave them lying around the yard.
Cool. I've never canned anything. I'm grandmother made killer preserves, and the best persimmon cookies, amongst other things
My cooking is usually out of necessity. My wife and kid dont normally have dinner, so it doesnt happen as often as I'd like.
I go out to the farms and buy fresh fruit and veggies, since I can't maintain the garden anymore. I come home with a large haul, and freeze or can it. At least once a year I come back with 50lb of tomatoes. Some go straight into the freezer, some is used for pasta sauces, and the rest gets made into soup and canned. The boiling bath canner is great as a large 20qt soup pot!
Man I'd love to learn more about preserving food, making jerky, canning tomatoes, etc. That's a lost art in Southern California. I have an Uncle in Port Townsend Wa. He and his girlfriend are devout hippies and know all about this sort of thing.
Cool. I've never canned anything. I'm grandmother made killer preserves, and the best persimmon cookies, amongst other things
My cooking is usually out of necessity. My wife and kid dont normally have dinner, so it doesnt happen as often as I'd like.

Man I'd love to learn more about preserving food, making jerky, canning tomatoes, etc. That's a lost art in Southern California. I have an Uncle in Port Townsend Wa. He and his girlfriend are devout hippies and know all about this sort of thing.

It comes from gardening since I was four years old. When living in the city, half the backyard was converted into a garden. When we moved to the farm, our garden was a full acre. We grew all our own vegetables, and quite a bit of our fruit. By the end of July I was sick of strawberries. We had five rows of them 150 feet long, and three feet wide. Every year one row would be removed, and another planted. Potatoes were a real pain. We had to plant, hill, and dig them by hand. Our potato harvest was about 1000 - 1200 lb per year.
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