4 Strains Under TopLED LG-G04B96

Hi Pan,

I've read in multiple threads over the last year that some PH meters do not read RO water correctly. You have to add some type of nutes or something prior to reading the PH. I wish i could find that info now but I'm drawing a blank. RO water should alwayus have a PH of 7.0 so there is no need to test RO water. Also, you should store the probe in an acidic solution of 4.0 or solution made specifically for PH probe storage. The probes are filled with an acidic solution and seems to last MUCH longer when stored in a proper PH solution.

Try adding a small amount of some type of additive and then see if your meter will read correctly.

I also use a 5 gallon bucket with a large air-stone for all my feedings/waterings. I add nutes, let it go for 24-36 hours, PH correct my water, and then I feed. Seems to be much better than just using water with no aeration. <--- My 2 cents

Hi Pan,

I've read in multiple threads over the last year that some PH meters do not read RO water correctly. You have to add some type of nutes or something prior to reading the PH. I wish i could find that info now but I'm drawing a blank. RO water should alwayus have a PH of 7.0 so there is no need to test RO water. Also, you should store the probe in an acidic solution of 4.0 or solution made specifically for PH probe storage. The probes are filled with an acidic solution and seems to last MUCH longer when stored in a proper PH solution.

Try adding a small amount of some type of additive and then see if your meter will read correctly.

I also use a 5 gallon bucket with a large air-stone for all my feedings/waterings. I add nutes, let it go for 24-36 hours, PH correct my water, and then I feed. Seems to be much better than just using water with no aeration. <--- My 2 cents


Also Good R/O water should have very low ppm or 0 ppm as well
Good point CO,

Definitely need to trust your RO source for any type of consistent results. Also, my buddy uses the drops and he has been growing for years. Personal preferences are what make this so much fun.

That may be true but ive read a lot about peoples ro water having screwy ph. id test it regardless. it also seems a lot of people have trouble with their ph meters. i just use the drops that you put in your water and its working well for me. plus its cheap, i dont have to worry bout maintenance and it lasts for awhile.

Most pH problems with R/O is people not changing filters when needed. Other then that for over eight years my 5 stage R/O has been 7.0 pH and 0 ppms. Now with any tap water no different for R/O it should be check for the reason the Chemicals, contaminants will always change in water as they are sent from Water Purification Centers to you. Better be safe then sorry.
Haha! Sara has been here for a while. I got my lights from her. :thumb:

Here's a quick pic after I did a complete readjustment of the canopy with a light defol to get everybody ready for flowering. I can post more detailed pics later if anyone's interested. It looked like the Red Dragon would not be trainable at all, but with some strategic pruning it all fell into place I think. :)

Apr 22 Before

Apr24 After
Hey Panta, how have you found the RD apart from being hard to train? I followed you and have one on the go for my current run! :) Gonna flux the crap out of her lol. Any thoughts?
Oh and nice job indeed on the level canopies! :)

There are a few things about the Red Dragon I noticed. It is super super bushy. The branches are really slow to develop and they don't seem to try to stretch at all to keep even. Except way on top there were two branches pointing straight near the base of the two lead stems. Normally, I don't try and twist the stem to keep all the branches coming off side by side because I don't veg that long. I just let one come off the bottom, one off the top and guide them and they eventually even out. But the topside ones were so dominant on the RD that I just chopped the bottom ones. I'll post some of the individual plant pics later today which show it.

To me it looks like the RD throws everything at the auxin-dominant sites first and everything else grows kinda slow. To me that sounds like it will make for a challenging flux and I would guess a longer than average veg?
:high-five: happy growing!
Haha! Sara has been here for a while. I got my lights from her. :thumb:

Here's a quick pic after I did a complete readjustment of the canopy with a light defol to get everybody ready for flowering. I can post more detailed pics later if anyone's interested. It looked like the Red Dragon would not be trainable at all, but with some strategic pruning it all fell into place I think. :)

Apr 22 Before

Apr24 After
Hey Pantagruel!! I hope you don't mind if I join the party and watch the show! Excellent job on your training of the girls, almost looks like some midevil torture chamber replica :) haha J/k! Very precise work! Hope you don't mind me tagging alone :)
Thanks for joining in the fun Ice! Dr, Cal, glad you are liking the training. After 2 grows I'm starting to feel like I know a bit what I'm doing and even developing one or two tricks of my own! :)
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